Does The Gospel Have A Goal? - Devotional

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Does the Gospel have a Goal? It does. There is a mark it wants to hit and that is you fully alive (John 3:16, 10:10). This is the goal of the gospel. This is longing of the soul. And you can't have the fullness of life without the One who is Life, JESUS (John 14:6).

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#gospel #bible #life #fullyalive #holyspirit #christian #jesus #purpose

Did you know that the gospel has a goal that it's trying to hit? Now, in the gospel of John, if you take the most famous Bible verse, probably that most people, even if they don't know what the words of it are, they know John 3:16, they've seen it like a football game written on somebody's helmet, which by the way, I'm so sports dumb. The fact that I'm using that as a reference lets you know that this is definitely from the Holy Spirit, okay? But here's the thing. When you see that, you automatically recognize it. This Bible verse says that God so loved the world that he sent his son Jesus, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. The goal of the gospel, the mark that is trying to hit is you fully alive. In John 10:10, Jesus literally says, I have come that you might have a life and have it to the full, abundant, overflowing life.

If you hear that and you go, look, if you're trying to get me to give my life to Jesus, it's not going to work. You're not going to trick me. I know who I am. I've lived so much life. I've figured me out. Listen, I'm telling you from somebody who was in addiction for over 11 years, hated Christianity most of my life. I'm telling you right now that you can never know who you really are till you give your life to Jesus. That's the real you. The real you is the you fully alive in Jesus, full of hope, full of peace, full of joy, free from addiction, free from depression, free from suicide. You are meant to be fully alive. There are so many things that are trying to rob us and get us sidetracked from what it is that He's called us to, and I get it.

But I want you to understand something that when you read this thing, it's not just about a list of things that you have to do. It's a list of who you get to be. You get to be alive. You get to be the real you. Stop looking at it as like a list of bummers. He's calling you not from bummer to bummer, but from glory to glory. You're meant to be alive. So I want you to understand that as you read the gospel, Jesus isn't just trying to get you to stop doing things. He's literally trying to bring you to life to become who you're meant to be. There's a reason why he sent his son to die, to pay the price you could never pay to make the way you could never make it wasn't just because it seemed like a good idea. It's because you are made to be alive and you were destined for death without him from separation for eternity. From the one whose very name and the very source of his character, who he is, his life, you can't have it without him. He's the source and he is calling you in to everlasting life. This is why he says he's the bread of life. This is why he says he's living water. You are meant not to be the walking dead, but to meant to be fully alive in Jesus.
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Hallelujah! Praise our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!


Hallelujah brother 🙏❤️💯 Jesus Christ is Lord of lords and King of kings forever and ever Amen!


Amen all of the glory belongs to You Lord. Blessings from South Africa.



Thank You Stephen For Sharing❤️💚🤍😘


Thank you for the encouragement. May The Lord continue blessing you and your family.


Thank you so very much Stephen I realy love you man off God Lord Jesus off all❤❤🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💫💫✍️


Yes Stephen This is so true and whit you off you help me to be better each second off my life this is so beautefull what say all this yes Im alive in Jesus Christ I always love too see all yours songs and all you say Im bless by Jesus for having discoverd you whit thoses plate forme 🥰🥰🙏🏼🙏🏼💫💫


Amen brother, you share the gospel in easy understanding way. Made me think of the tik tok live days where people would accept Christ.


Thank you for this! I am doing street ministry and often struggle how and what to share. Many are people who are just trying to survive, not enough money to get through the month, some are homeless. What you have said has given me ammo, so thank you!


While personal stories of finding faith and overcoming addiction resonate deeply with many, they've become somewhat cliché in modern discourse.

Scholars like Joseph Campbell, an expert in mythology, have argued that Christianity, like other religious traditions, has superimposed itself over earlier mythologies. Campbell, who grew up immersed in Christian teachings, famously asserted that the literal interpretation of religious stories is a misstep: 'God is a metaphor for a mystery that absolutely transcends all human categories of thought, even the categories of being and non-being.' In this view, the power of mythology and faith lies in their ability to help us grapple with the unknown, rather than serving as literal truths.
