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About 40 minutes from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is Fallingwater, the most famous home designed by America's foremost architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. Nearby Fallingwater you can find a collection of four additional Wright homes that have been moved from their original locations in Minnesota and Illinois to save them from the wrecking ball.

Our tour took place in July 2020 during the Covid19 crisis so the interiors of Fallingwater weren't open to walk through, but the rest of the properties were open if we wore masks.

All four properties we toured can be visited within a 3-4 hour window and if you'd like to stay overnight in one of the houses you can now do that on their website.
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I have admired Wright's work for most of my life from age of about 18 to 81 (now). He was an amazing talent. But I think you have to like what he did enough to endure some of the inconveniences they imposed on you if you actually lived in one of his houses. He wasn't too friendly with a lot of people who exceeded his height of 5'-7" or who wanted more room to sleep in than he thought was minimally necessary. I would loved to have met him but hever had the chance. I became an architect primarily because of him and his design abilities and in no small way his personality and how he promoted himself ( I never tried to imitate him in either regard, but then I didn't possess his talent and knowledge ). thanks for the video tours. I visited Falling Water years ago and have visited other Wright sites around the country as well. It's amazing how fresh the designs seem even decades after they were originally designed and built.


Hi Honey. I’m home!

It’s hard to imagine coming home to this amazing piece of architecture.


One of the best things I've done in my life was to visit Falling Water before I left Pennsylvania.


Thank you for this incredibly breathtaking, educational, simply sublime experience of viewing these one of a kind works of art through your eyes.
I hope to, one day, be able to visit them myself. WOW, just WOW! 😮❤😮


I had a friend in libertyville IL when I was in elementary school. She lived in a house designed by Frank Loyd Wright. WOW! I loved that house so much. Wrap around screen covered balconies. Right on the Desplain River. So many little hide away rooms and levels. What an architect he was.


There is a house not far from me (I live in Australia) that was built by a family that is heavily influenced by FLW’s work. It was up for sale one day and it was open house, it was stunning to say the least. All the fine details, the colours and built in furniture was used.
The new owners gutted it and restored it with better quality materials and modern heating/electricity etc…

I also went out with an Architect long ago who went to Falling Water for the day and somehow was there at night time as well with the property custodian who pointed out the house is very different at nighttime. She said it very moving and reminded her of going to a beautiful church.

I’ll get there one day…..


MANY THANKS for sharing this video about one of the "Greatest Living Architectural Legacies" of Sir Architect Frank Lloyd Wright...His exemplary works particularly this one truly inspired me to finish my architecture studies way back in 1985...I am now 56 yrs old and engaged in Public Service as a government architect assigned to review and approve plans of various Hospitals and Healthcare facilities in my country...More power and keep it up!:)


Thank you for sharing! Only 7 miles south of Fallingwater is the FLW-designed Kentuck Knob. He designed it for the Hagans of Hagan Ice Cream fame. Hagan's dairy provided the ice cream for Kaufman's restaurant in his Pittsburgh store. You could have seen this stunning home, also.


Also in just a few miles from Fallingwater is Kentuck Knob by Wright which has been open to the public...or was before Covid-19. Worth the visit. Like Fallingwater the house was situated by Wright to work with the terrain.


The interior of Fallingwater was closed due to the Covid 19 virus but all the terraces and property were open. The other collection of homes were open inside.


It’s so funny. I have on the computer generated subtitles and I believe it heard ‘applause’ for the water sound!


Great video. Other videos usually show only the house. But you showed even the entrance and road. That gives a feeling of being there. Thanks for sharing 🙂😍


Thanks for sharing. I only knew about the waterfall house, now I want to see all 4.😃


I have seen so many videos of this property (Fallingwater) and enjoyed none more than this one. To get a tour of 4 of them?? Awesomeness. Thank you so much!


Little known fact about FLW and his under floor heating. He got the idea while visiting Japan for the Imperial Hotel Project in Tokyo.
He was invited to a building to see the CEO of the Hotel, where he experienced under floor heating for the first time.
The building was Not Japanese, but Korean. During japanese Occcupation of Korea, Japanese dismantled Korean King's palace and sold off buildings. The CEO of Imperial Hotel bought the building which was quarter for the Crown Prince, and moved it over to Tokyo.
Every Korean houses have under floor heating system now, and back then. It's not however a Japanese tradition.


Thank you so much for this video, I'm from Brazil and a architect student doing a homework about the fallingwater house, your video help me a lot to better understand this awesome house!


About 4 weeks ago we visited polymath falling Waters and Kentucky knob a fantastic weekend.


🎉 I love this babe!! Grace is Blessed ❤


It’s amazing this was 1930s and 50s… truly a beautiful mind


When I went some years ago, they offered an 'in-depth' tour early in the morning before regular tours started. It was well worth it. I recall you got to take indoor pictures on the in depth tour, which they did not allow on regular tour.
