Scientists unearth megaraptors, feathered dinosaur fossils in Chile's Patagonia

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Scientists in Chile's Patagonia region are unearthing the southernmost dinosaur fossils recorded outside Antarctica, including remains of megaraptors that would have dominated the area's food chain before their mass extinction.

Fossils of megaraptors, a carnivorous dinosaur that inhabited parts of South America during the Cretaceous period some 70 million years ago, were found in sizes up to 10 metres long, according to the Journal of South American Earth Sciences.

Marcelo Leppe, director of the Chilean Antarctic Institute (INACH) told Reuters the findings also help to understand South America’s connection to New Zealand and Australia.

The remains, recovered from Chile's far south Rio de las Chinas Valley in the Magallanes Basin between 2016 and 2020, also include some unusual remains of Unenlagia, velociraptor-like dinosaurs which likely lived covered in feathers.

The specimens, according to University of Chile researcher Jared Amudeo, had some characteristics not present in Argentine or Brazilian counterparts.

The studies also shed more light on the conditions of the asteroid impact on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula that may have triggered the dinosaurs' extinction some 65 million years ago.

#Dinosaurs #Patagonia #Chile #GlobalNews
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Amazing good work to recognize and rush out to preserve fossils and educate us, thank you.


I love how much effort they put lately to depict a new discovery.


Your title says feathered, but the guy in the interview said they found teeth. You can't say "feathered" from teeth, so... wrong clip?


" Scientists unearth a bunch of rocks, they say are megaraptors, feathered dinosaur fossils, in Chile's Patagonia "

fixed it


Evolution vs food.

Food disproves evolution.
Every organism no matter how small either manufacturers or collects food or it would die very quickly.

Every organism identifies, ingests, digests, filters, stores, and excretes food.

It has to identify the difference between food or rock.

It must ingests food through a specialized opening designed to intake only food and nothing else.

The food itself is useless until it is digested, a complex multi-stage process all by itself.

If it cannot store the energy from the digested food at least temporarily it would die.

Then it must filter the waste products or die from internal toxicity.

And then excrete the waste products through an orifice specifically designed to excrete the waist and only the waist, the precious blood or cytoplasm must remain inside the body.

An Evolutionist wants you to believe that a life-form came together in the beginning with all of these features in place with no help and no time for natural selection... this would be the equivalent of a car capable of making another car inside of itself... because if it cannot reproduce it would be forever alone and die old age.

God created life.


Evolution offers humanity a future as dirt.

No one is wondering what God requires from them. He requires us to do what is right.
He placed a conscience in our minds which clearly warns us before we take any wrong actions or make any selfish choices.

He demonstrated his power to all mankind through a gigantic planet full of amazing creatures on which he has placed us.
We live here with the clear knowledge that our stay is temporary.

Surrender while you can.


How do you get to hell?
Very simple: claim that you're innocent.

How do you get to heaven?
Very simple: Admit that you're not Innocent, you're guilty and ask for mercy.

How to know if you're guilty or not?
Simply: Compare your life to the Ten Commandments God gave you in the Bible.
Everyone agrees that if people followed the ten commandments there would be no need for governments or police.

Do not lie.
Do not steal.
Do not commit adultery.
Do not insult God by using his name as a cuss word.
There are six more but let's just leave it at that.

How many lies have you told in your life?

Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you?

Jesus said, if you look at a women lustfully you've already committed adultery in your heart with that woman.
How many times a day do you do that?

Do you use God's name as a cuss word?
Would you do that with your own mother's name?

If you answer these questions honestly you know that you're guilty.

God can justly punish you and send you to hell.

Ask him for mercy.
His name is Jesus.

It's as simple as this, The Ten Commandments are called the moral law. You and I broke God's laws. Jesus paid the fine.
The fine is death.

Ezekiel 18:20 —
"The soul who sins shall die.

That's why Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. This is why God is able to give us Mercy.

Option A.
You die for your own sins.

Option B.
Ask for mercy and accept that Jesus died on the cross for you.

. ..
