Android 13 For Raspberry Pi 4 Is GOOD! And Even Better with Play Store!

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Installing Android 13 On raspberry pi 4 / 400 along with getting play store

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○○○ TIMECODE ○○○
0:00 intro
0:56 install android
3:15 download gapps
3:40 resize disk
4:44 first boot
7:26 install gapps
9:14 android certified device
11:34 accessing play store
13:12 testing games
14:29 testing youtube
15:15 conclusion
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Don Hui
PO BOX 765
Farmingville, NY 11738

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From Epidemic Sounds

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.
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The HDMI-CEC is a game-changer for me, so it can be controlled by a native tv-remote, and be used as a media-center. Just saw you scrolled pretty fast over that part :-) love your videos btw.


I don't why but I tested all the images in the official site but my rpi4 doesn't boot correctly, stucks on an infinite loob and it never loads.


For those that don't have Gparted, you can get a live iso version and run it on an extra usb, or if you know how to you can probably use a virtual machine to do it


use Balena Etcher to flash the SD card if you are having trouble


This video save me on my current venture, I was doing everything to try to figure out how to get files to the same os, and 6:31 you gave me gold.


Thanks for the guide! Helped me get set-up. Sadly the game I was setting it up for, Octopath Traveler, doesn't seem to work but I'm sure I'll figure out some other fun things to do with it.


Brilliant and easy to follow tutorial, Don! Only thing I had trouble with, my own fault, was I had unzipped the gapps file and stuck *that* on my USB rather than leaving it zipped, but that was quickly discovered and fixed.

I might try using magix as there's an app that says it won't work which is the same error I get on a hacked Amazon tablet I have and if I can get it to work on the Pi4 I'm guessing that same trick will work on my tablet.

Thanks so much for this, I was wondering what to do with my unused Pi4 (8GB) after migrating my Plex server to a small Win10 computer. This will make for some fun tinkering.


I didnt get the GSF for registering the ID, it did not display for me


I would be interested in seeing how well the Pi 4 performs with the Android TV version running.


You are by far the best teacher for soft soft . It's very complicated at first - overwhelming, actually - but, you make it doable for


Every works, thank you.
Can you suggest any remote (not phone remote) to control the android?


Great video tutorial. Unfortunately the HDMI sound is not working all the time, if I start YT it works for the first clip, the next one isn’t working. Wifi is for some reasons also not connecting (which isn’t a major problem for me as I can connect via Ethernet as well). Any ideas?
Fyi, I’m using a RPi4/8GB with all Firmware updates, also the wifi chip is updated….


Hi, thanks for the content. Did any of you add Netflix to your favorites? Because it is unsupported in the Google store. It's always annoying to start the app below


Yeah, Android desktop is a little limited. No, it won't be my daily driver. Still it's impressive for a product Google doesn't really focus on.


you're a great teacher, love the simplicity, with details! subbed!


This is really good material. Thank you for your work. Would you be so kind and could you demonstrate, whether webcam microphone works under Google Meet (Lineage OS 20 Android 13)? If a person calls someone from Google Meet on Android 13 / Lineage OS (Raspberry Pi 4), it is not possible to hear that person. I tried different Lineage releases, various webcams, various communication tools (Google Meet, Google Duo, Zoom, WhatsApp, ...). Always getting the same problem. Interesting is, that it is possible to record audio messages using webcam microphone on this setup. It looks like many people have problem like this, so It would help many. Thanks.


Hola, primero que nada gracias por el video y toda la explicacion, me fuunciona todo y tengo 2 preguntas.

1. Tengo Mac, con que otro soft puedo hacer el resize disk?
2. Como puedo sacar la depuracion de USB, hay aplicaciones que no arranan porque tengo que deshabilitarla y no la encuentro.



Device ID app from link not showing Google Service Framework. Got around it by installing Aurora Store first, then install Device ID from there.


I'm so glad it comes without Google apps by default. I will never put the play store on my android pi.


Great tutorial. Would it be the same steps for the Argon 1 M.2 case?
