World Famous Scientists Names and Their Inventions .

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World Famous Scientists Names and Their Inventions .
World Famous Scientists Names and Their Inventions, world famous scientists and their inventions, scientists names and their inventions, 30 scientists names and their inventions, inventions and discoveries, famous scientists and their inventions, inventors and inventions in English, top 10 scientists and their inventions ,List of inventors, List of Famous Scientists in History,

1. Albert Einstein: Theory of relativity, E=mc².
2. Isaac Newton: Laws of motion and universal gravitation.
3. Marie Curie: Discovery of radioactivity, isolation of radium and polonium.
4. Charles Darwin: Theory of evolution through natural selection.
5. Nikola Tesla: Alternating current (AC) power systems, Tesla coil.
6. Galileo Galilei: Telescope improvements, laws of motion, support for heliocentrism.
7. Stephen Hawking: Hawking radiation, contributions to black hole and cosmology research.
8 Alan Turing: Turing machine, concept of algorithms, foundations of computer science.
9.Jane Goodall: Extensive research on chimpanzees, advancement of primatology.
10. Rosalind Franklin: X-ray diffraction and contributions to the discovery of DNA structure.
11. Alexander Fleming: Discovery of penicillin and its antibiotic properties.
12. Carl Sagan: Research on extra terrestrial life, popularization of science.
13. Neil deGrasse Tyson: Popularization of astrophysics, science communication.
14. Richard Feynman: Feynman diagrams, quantum electrodynamics.
15. James Watson and Francis Crick: Discovery of the double helix structure of DNA.
16. Max Planck: Quantum theory, Planck's constant.
17. Louis Pasteur: Pasteurization, development of vaccines, germ theory of disease.
18. Rachel Carson: Environmental conservation, Silent Spring (book).
19. Thomas Edison: Electric light bulb, phonograph, motion picture camera.
20. Edwin Hubble: Discovery of the expansion of the universe, Hubble Space Telescope.

*** Please note
These scientists and their inventions/discoveries have had a significant impact on their respective fields and have shaped our understanding of the world around us. It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list, and many other scientists have made noteworthy contributions throughout history.

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