AITA for refusing to split rent with my boyfriend?

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That’s not really a girlfriend move, more like a roommate move tbh


Call me old fashioned, but I thought being in a relationship was team work.


It doesn't matter if your dad charges you or not, you both live there, help your bf


your dad gave you both a discount, so now you both can pay significantly less. doesn’t $200 a month sound nice?


When somebody reaches into your partners pocket, you help your partner. If it’s your dad, you definitely don’t slide up to daddy and fist bump him while asking your partner why they don’t think dating you is worth an $800 privilege fee.


Honestly if I was the boyfriend I wouldn't even ask for any money. I'm getting to live in a $2100 property for $400 a month when I was used to paying $600 a month. If the only reason I'm getting a fat discount is because of my partners connection I wouldn't complain. Because at the end of the day, living alone somewhere would cost $1200 easy. You really can't live anywhere for $400 unless you have at least 1 or 2 roommates. So I get to live with my partner in a great place for $1700 cheaper than what it's supposed to be? Yeah man up and pay the $400 and ask her to buy the groceries and pay the water bill and split everything else (or something like that) and shut up.


NTA, he'd be paying a hell of a lot more than $400 a month without you, he wants to ignore the fact that you got him that discount, tell him you'll pay the $200 if he pays the $1900. He wants half of what he pays now, you want your dad's discount back.


If it were a regular apartment sure but think of it as her dad subsidizing her rent, or honestly it's more akin to living with her parents. Ofc she's not gonna pay, duh.


funnily enough reddit voted NTA and youtube comments voted YTA


Honestly, this is the type of situation that would drive people apart. You and your friend been playing the game fair so far and then suddenly you use a cheat code, finished the game and your friend is now playing all by himself. Some people would be cool with it, some won't and that's life. You now know that the person you are living with isn't cool about that and that can possibly lead to driving you two apart from each other. Now the only thing you gotta ask yourself is if you are cool with your friend leaving you or do you want to play the game together with your friend again instead. There is no wrong answer for this sort of thing. It really depends on how much you value each other.


The only reason he has this nice apartment for the low price he currently pays is because of the girlfriend. That's her share. If they broke up, do you think the dad would let him keep renting the apartment for such a low price?

BF needs a reality check.


Dad so the dad discount the apartment AND "pay" for his daughter part so the boyfriend only has 20% of the total rent to pay. It’s equivalent to the dad giving her money to pay her half of the rent and the boyfriend asking her to help him pay his half since she’s helped by her dad. I think, at that point, it depends on how serious and lengthy the relationship is. He would be paying 1k for his part of the rent in this apartment. He’s getting a 60% discount because of his girlfriend and her dad gives her a 100% discount.


The agreement is that the dad is only charging the BF, because the dad is gonna pay for the daughter's share. If the boyfriend wants to split it evenly, then he should pay 1050 since the apartment's originally 2100 if it wasn't for his GF's dad. Y'all are crazy for thinking she's the entitled one here, when the BF basically wants her and her father to basically cover 90% of the rent.


Am I the only one who doesn’t think she’s in the wrong? Like she’s not paying rent because her family owns the apartment that makes sense. He’s living in a very nice apartment for an INSANE discount and he’s upset that he still has to pay rent because she doesn’t. It just seems like he’s too busy comparing what he has to what she has to be happy about a great living situation he has. Like look at it from the dad‘s perspective he’s not gonna charge his daughter for rent but his daughter‘s boyfriend who’s not a part of their family but is still important to the family he’s charging a discounted price that makes sense. Everyone’s talking about how if they were really partners she should be there for him and how it’s not fair to him but their boyfriend and girlfriend they’re not married they don’t share finances. I just feel like it’s super entitled to be pissed that your getting a like massive discount because your girlfriend gets a better deal


Honestly if I was the boyfriend in the situation I wouldn't complain, I'd be grateful as hell to have a great place for only $400/month.

It's downtown In city they live in, it's near their jobs, he's spending $200 less compared to their old place and WAYY better looking than their old place.


You’re an adult, you pay bills, you don’t live for free, that time has passed.


Bro her dad literally cut out almost 1, 500 of the damn bill, it's crazy this comment sections is full of total L's. Her dad is technically paying 1, 700 for them, and I'm sure she does everything around there. If it wasn't for her, he could be paying easily over 1, 500 for what he has now


No need to pay rent. He is only getting a lower price because he is your boyfriend. The discount counts as her part of the rent.


I think what her basic argument is is: "you're getting an $1700 discount by the fact that I live with you and your wanting to split the remainder halfway?" Well, I get what she is saying, but I also think people should get married and, in almost all cases, unify their finances. Since they clearly don't have a shared wallet but live together, there are some things I disagree with already.


I think that you should've brought this up before moving in with him. If you hav a dynamic a change in it must be discusses.
