Kamasi Washington - Truth (Director's Cut)

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Directed by AG Rojas.

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He played this along with his father, a full orchestra and a backing choir at the Albert Hall Proms in London earlier this year - left everyone in total awe, some in tears and a well deserved standing ovation. Gets me every time. Astounding.


I'm a videographer and the shot of the woman dancing in black and white is one of the most beautiful shots i've ever seen.


This sounds like the soundtrack for life.


I missed this video so much. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BRINGING IT BACK.
It's truly the best music video ever made.
It's one of THE most perfect, sensible pieces of art.
This is like touching heaven.


Kamasi you just made a 57 year old man cry. Thank you for reinstilling my hope for music of this caliber returning. Coy Robertson


I am writing this because I do not know a single person who I can share these feelings with, the feelings that this song really make me feel.

To give you some context, this song was played at the end of a very good show called Homeland, as a symbol of the love that the protagonist had for her people. And ultimately, this song is an expression of the absolute love I feel, during brief moments of my life. Love that is exploding and over-reaching. Pulsating, throbbing, and seemingly bursting away with freedom.

I wish I could share the feelings this song makes me feel about the people I love that I could never express myself. When I can, I love them so deeply, so absolutely. All of them is in the light, all their blemishes and imperfections brought to the notice of the eye, and still, they are so strikingly beautiful, and how I wish I could tell them, in nothing more simpler, that I love them.

That's all this song makes me feel. It's a lot. And that's why it will always be a special song. I hope my comment makes sense, for the readers on the comment section of this song are the only ones who I would hope could understand this.


Disrespectful to put ads in the middle of this masterpiece


This song is a meditation on truth, peace and harmony. And this video does it justice. That was 14 minutes of my life that I spent joyfully.


Leave it to Kamasi to make a 14 minute song in just 2 chords and never be boring or predictable- this touches my heart very deeply Thank you thank you


First time I head this song it was my 20th birthday and I was alone at my house. My mother was in a treatment center a few states away and my partner was in another city. I was mad suicidal and just wishing I could end my life. I heard about this song while browsing fb and saw the afropunk article. It gave me something to live for, at least for this 14 mins.


This was meant to be. Posted on my birthday. It's the 13th of Dec 2024, had to listen to this absolute masterpiece today. There aren't enough words to describe this iteration of life brought to music. If humanity is snuffed out forever, I'd hope this piece of music is left, to represent what we 'should' have been to each other.


I discovered Kamasi Washington by chance from Jazz with Eric in The Evening (God rest his soul) on WGBH Radio in Boston. While at one of the lowest points of my life in 2018, I was just out driving to forget my problems for a while, Eric played this song and I just sobbed. It was a brisk late summer evening and for that 15ish minutes my life changed, I was empowered. The music really helped me, and propelled me through all my successes, i'm thriving and the happiest i've been in a long time. I owe so much of it to this music <3


Not ashamed to say that I cried. SO beautiful.


I cannot stress enough, how many times we may have all cried to this but especially me. This song itself IS truth. I can’t stop crying rn thank you for everything Kamasi


Ancestry. Resiliency. Creativity. Community. Continuity.
Thank you for this contribution of pure joy. Love and power to you, Kamasi.


It is a genre of music that is almost 100 years old yet this still sounds fresh and original


Kamasi's sound has an incredibly evocative power. You can feel the warmth of home, wherever that is; relive the strength of your roots, no matter how far you are. Truth is a melody that brings you back to a special place you've never been to. Thank you Kamasi.


God dammit, tears every time... I can't look away and have to watch the entire thing. Such a powerful piece, and having grown up in LA county, the visuals just really hit home for me. It's pretty abstract, but I can't help but take away from it the importance of family, how sometimes we don't always agree, but in the end, we love each other and are a community with so much life and diversity. So glad they brought back this video.


This song is a sanctuary of asylum for my tempest tossed soul, yearning to breath free, washing away my pain on its teaming shores, delivering me enraptured to a blissful inner peace.


I would love to have this played at my funeral....it's so thought provoking and reminds me of my travels over my lifetime
