How Billy Carsons Misleading MILLIONS On Christianity

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Billy Carson has been gaining in popularity lately. People have been questioning their faith due to his claims about God, Jesus, the Bible, and Christianity. However, most of his claims about Christianity are demonstrably false. Let's talk about why, and what I think is the REAL reason he targets Christianity so much.

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This only scratches the surface. Do not be deceived, Meme Team.


Invite him on your show and have a live debate with him


Everything that billy Carson said is not new I’ve heard about all these things 27 years ago


Bro is literally the embodiment of "trust me bro"


there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest, and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal


People shouldn't be afraid to pick a apart the Bible, ask questions and research. How else will you gain knowledge and wisdom. The only thing I hear from Billy is talk about his experience and the research that he has done and why he believes what he believes. I hear him encouraging people to also do their on research. I don't see a problem with that. Honestly if you researched what he is talking about you fine a whole lot of truth and yes you will start having questions. This isn't about questionimg God it's about questioning What You Were Told and that you may not have never been taught to truly fine out the truth for yourself. Meaning the Bible may not be the only way to fine Truth. Honestly I haven't seen anyone actually talking about how they came to their own truth from just only reading and researching the Bible. Maybe if someone did it would awaken another perspective. From my experience I believe some foundation can come from the Bible but doesn't stop there.

God never created religion. Man did. God probably real pissed off about that part


Never turning my back on Jesus, he literally told me these people would show up and test my faith.


This is why people should have a “Personal” relationship with the most high. When you have that you can most definitely discern everything coming your way.


Ive been a Christian my whole life, but i have questions.

1. If Adam and Eve were first, and they had 3 sons, who did these sons marry? Where did the women come from?

2. I think the Emerald tablets are real. Go look it up!.

3. Why are there no actual graves found of the people in the bible?

4. Enoch was mentioned in the bible. So why was his story taken out?


Romans 1:21-22 NLT "Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship Him as God or even give Him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools."


They didn't include the Book of Barnabas in the Bible, they also didn't include the Chronicles of Narnia, The Fast and the Furious 2: Tokyo Drift or my Godzilla versus Optimus Prime fanfiction. Checkmate Christians.


That is one of the reasons it is so important to know the Bible in depth yourself, so you won't be tricked into these types of things. False religions and cults prey upon those who do not know the Bible that well.


Billy Carson inadvertently brought me back to Jesus, and I now have this crazy amazing relationship with our King. Ty for making this video, it's important to see where the faults in his narrative are. You are right. Him saying he was an expert in old text is what made him intriguing to me and his stories of toth the atlantian are very entertaining. After a whole deep dive into this stuff I figured out what was going on and how the enemy was luring me away from Christ. Luckily, God stepped in and brought back in the most gentle of ways, and I am now where I belong. God bless you brother. 🙏 🙏🙏


A confident liar will sway many fools.


The end times are coming and beware of false prophets


I believe Billy Carson was asked by PBD on his podcast whether he would debate Christians and he said yes so I'd love to see it happen


Billy is just enlightening people about the historical truths


Christians should be reading their Bibles and be discerning to prevent themselves from getting deceived. Imagine if we all had a drive to grow in knowledge and wisdom in the Lord that we all can just prevent false prophets from deceiving so many people!


It doesn't take Billy Carson to realize the shit don't make sense


So how do we know this guy taking right now isn't also swaying everyone to follow him and his belief in Christianity
