The Big lift (War, 1950) Montgomery Clift, Paul Douglas, Cornell Borchers | Movie, Subtitles

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From the Ruins came Hope and Despair!
Experiences of two Air Force sergeants during the 1948 Berlin Airlift.

Original title: The Big Lift (1950) a.k.a. Two Corridors East/ The Quartered City
Director & Writer: George Seaton
Stars: Montgomery Clift, Paul Douglas, Cornell Borchers, Bruni Löbel
Genres: Drama, War

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Was für ein grandioses Zeitdokument in Form eines Spielfilm!


Something that is commonly disregarded, or barely mentioned, is the extreme importance of the --at that time nearly brand new--GCA RADAR (Ground Controlled Approach) also known as PAR (Precision Approach Radar). It was developed near the end of WWII, and the Berlin Airlift was what cemented GCA as indispensible in that operation. I was Navy, 68-74, ETR-2 (Electronics Technician, RADAR) and stationed at then NAS Miramar from 70-74. We had 3 GCA units there--it was a training base. 2X type AN/FPN-36 QUAD RADAR and an AN/FPN-52, which was the PAR only section of the old AN/ CPN-4 and that trailer was on the S side of 24L down about 8 thousand ft or so from touchdown. That site may be still there, but I do not know what equipment is there now. Google maps is always behind times.


This movie really is not Hollywood dreamworld, doesnt glorify or condemn. It depicts a lot of reality in this Age.


_Aww, my dearest Helen! Montgomery Cliff is a good guarantee for a great movie indeed! An old war movie from 73 years ago! I hope you enjoy it with us, here on CCC movie chat at live! God bless you always, my Sweet Helen!_ 🤩🤩🤗🤗❤❤❤❤❤❤


A surprise! One helluva terrific movie! Certainly not a comedy but plenty of light-hearted and humorous moments, combined with heart-breaking scenes of bombed-out devestation. Amazing cast all around IMHO!


I like the fact that they gave credits to the real USAF service members who starred in the picture as themselves.


This is one of my favorite movies. It is a story with Paul Douglas and Montgomery Clift filmed on location in Germany right after the war. But, I really like the story within a story. 😊


I really enjoyed this film . The characters, the troops filmed on location. Also the scenery, planes, songs . A lot put into this movie . Thank you ❤


Brilliant! The dialogue is tight and carries a great story. Thanks for this gem.


Both with Montgomery Clift, I always get The Search and The Big Lift confused. However, both are super classics, and I'm a huge fan of both Clift and Paul Douglas. ✔⬆


Such a good, real and even historical film!


GCA brought aircraft in, talked down by a controller, the last 10 miles to touchdown. The aircraft was vectored into the approach pattern of the GCA, which was a pie wedge shaped azimuth pattern displaying the courseline, and a wedge shaped elevation pattern showing the glidepath. These were very accurate, especially considering when they had been invented. They were used somewhat, I'm told in civilian operations, but mostly military. We at Miramar had better equipment (GCA) and lower minimums than Lindberg field at San Diego. When PSA flights came in, and Lindberg was below minimums, PSA would land at Miramar. We worked "3 section" duty that is 24 hrs on and 48 off. Great times back then.


A Aurora está se especializando em raridades, como este filme americano que nunca passou na televisão brasileira. Mas foi feito por autor importante e com uma temática datada (mas por isso mesmo histórica).

Tem a curiosidade de ser o filme menos famoso da ilustre carreira de Montgomery Clift, que no auge da beleza só aceitava projetos em que acreditava. Como neste caso, em formato de semi-documentário (utiliza jornalistas de verdade e muitos militares creditados com seu cargo).

Foi rodado em locações na Alemanha e revelou a atriz local Cornell (que passou a ter um Miss na frente, para não pensarem que era homem), que depois faria vários outros filmes em Hollywood (como "Istambul" com Flynn, "Nunca Deixei de te Amar", com Rock Hudson).

Basicamente é sobre dois sargentos da Força Americana que trabalham, em 1948, para evitar o Grande Bloqueio que sofreu a Cidade de Berlim por parte dos comunistas. Isso obrigava a cidade a ser abastecida apenas por via aérea. Um dos sargentos odeia os alemães, e outro que se apaixona por uma viúva alemã e fica conhecendo o submundo da cidade.

Alguém se lembrava de que a cidade havia estado sitiada? Por isso mesmo que deve ficar conhecendo o filme. Frase famosa: "quando você vive no esgoto, logo descobre que os ratos de esgoto estão mais bem equipados para sobreviver".


It is one of those greatest movie ever!!!


Brings back memories of a friend I was stationed with on the sixties in Taiwan.He married a local girl and when she came over to the states a month later she took off for California!! t least the airman in movie found out ahead of time that the Fraulein was a Ratten


A great film, which doesn't pull it's punches.


This is one of Monty Cliff's rare classics. It's 2 yrs. after RED RIVER (1948) starring John Wayne. It's also 3 yrs. before FROM HERE TO ETERNITY with an entire cast of America's best like Burt Lancaster, Debra Kerr, Frank Sinatra, Claude Akins, George Reeves. Donna Reed, etc, etc. I've also enjoyed THE YOUNG LIONS (1958) with the great Brando and introducing Dean Martin in his 1st dramatic role. Monty plays a G.I. in 2 out of 3 movies and excels in both roles. RIP Monty Cliff . You are one of Hollywood's unforgettable best !!!!


Good film. A high proportion of supplies where flown in by RAF Lancasters


What a great movie. Many interesting side stories.


I've watched this movie late at night (or it was early in the morning?) when I was in my 12/13 yo (mid 80s) on Brazilian TV. it's a sad film with a little touch of hope. I'm not sure, but I think it was colourized copy
