Should I Rent or Own A Home At This Point?

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Should I Rent or Own A Home At This Point?

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Similar happened to me, I thought about selling my home and buying a smaller home and I thought... what if I get married in the next few years...what if I have to sell bc my husband has his own house....2 yrs later I'm still not married. Think about yourself girl!


Shes sounds like a minimalist. Dont buy a house. Live on nothing. Watch the cash grow then if your ready then buy house. No one needs to have a house all the time


Dont buy a house/condo whatever if you aren't sure you'll be in the area a while. It takes a while for a house to increase in value to make up for closing costs and realtor fees.


I would tell her to rent. Never a good idea to buy a house because you think it might be a good idea, or because someone told you its a good idea. Also, unless you are putting quite a bit down, it's usually not a good idea to buy if you think you might be selling within a few years sue to closing costs, etc. Nothing wrong with renting, you are NOT throwing money away. Rent cheap, take extra money and invest


When rach starts talking and music immediately starts fading in xD


My friend has a son on the spectrum. Very complex issues, lots of special services, a pricey special-needs trained sitter for rare date nites.
She rents. Landlord lives next door. A kind man, immediately addresses maintenance issues. Replaced the HVAC and also the roof in an 8-yr period. Fresh kitchen sink, new deadbolts, etc.
He even mows the lawn!
My friend & family need every cent for kid's needs. A reasonable rent in safe area, with a modest but well-kept home, works for them. They don't want to make a down payment out of savings, and like having zero upkeep cost or demand on their time.
To each their own - renting sometimes works.


I have owned before. I prefer renting. It's so much easier. You can leave whenever you want. You don't have to worry about the taxes and any kind of maintenance that you might have to do every year. You don't have to worry about trees on your property knocking over onto other people's properties. Yes that seems to be a thing. It's just easier. And for me it's been a lot cheaper. The house I bought was $1, 250 a month in mortgage, including the taxes. The apartment I rent is only $900. And includes my utilities. And it's been the same rent for 3 years. Without a lease I can get up and go at any point, and have no responsibility to anyone else. I love it that way.


I feel like they needed more information from the caller to determine whether or not she should buy a house


Long term. Rent is increasing yearly. Earnings are NOT keeping up with cost of living. A mortgage is a fixed payment each month. You can rent it out and buy your dream home if u want to.


DAVE you are an INSPIRATION!!! I recently lost my job due to the pandemic. Since then, I've started a YouTube Channel on Personal Development and Investing...and it is GROWING!! Keep up the great work, and to everyone else...NEVER GIVE UP!!!


I think housing should be about what fits your needs and your lifestyle. For example, if you are single, and planning on moving a lot, renting an apartment is probably best. If you have a family, and plan on staying put for several years, then buying a house is usually best. Location near where you work is also an important consideration. What fits in your budget is also a factor.


Dave: Are you even in a relationship where you might actually get married in the next few years or are you just making up scenerios in your head that are NOT likely to happen?
Caller: No im not in a relationship
Dave : OK, im hanging up now, CLICK !


The only time a mortgage is a trap is if you buy too much house.


i’m married and 30 and debt free and we just got our first house.. if i was single and 30 i would STILL buy a house lol just smaller of course.. real estate is one of the ways of building wealth and my income isn’t super high so i’m just really focusing on investing what i got so when i’m old and ready to retire i’ll have a nice lil portfolio😎


Save enough to invest to then be able to buy a house. Once buying it, start renting another room out so you can make some money on the side. Then move out of the house, rent the whole property. Save that money you receive and buy another property. That's how you can scale up in real estate.


The difference between buying and renting:

At the end of the day, I have a house. I bought my second house Veteran's Day 2018 and have been living in it since January 2019.
When my parents die, I'll inherit their properties and probably rent them out to people who can't afford thir own house or don't have credit strong enough.


I compare todays financial system as a game of musical chairs. As long as the music keeps playing everyone keeps circling. Then the music stops and someone isn't going to get a chair. Everyone fights over the chairs, and someone is kicked out of the game. The remaining people continue playing musical chairs. The problem is, how many times can the FED keep starting up the music again? And also, the people who lose the game of musical chairs, well, they are out. When you convert your money into assets, something physical, like property, gold, or a business, you don't have to play the stupid musical chairs any more. You take your chair, pull it away from the circle, put a note on it that says "reserved" then you can walk away and you don't have to play the stupid game any more. When the music stops your chair is still over there in the corner with your name taped to it.


I was single and bought a house when I was 28. BEST DECISION EVER. I flipped it and now I’m in my dream home. Selling this house when I’m ready to downsize and buying a house outright because I CAN. I raised my son and he’s gone. I’m still single. Don’t wait for a man to define you financially.


Or rent it .... why do people always forget this option ?


She’s not at a stable point in her life to buy anything yet. When you ready to buy, you know it. Rent until you figure out the direction you want to go in.
