How Hypnotherapy Can Help Your Business

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In this video I explain how I use hypnotherapy to help businesses with stress management, time management, preparing for change and confidence building.

As a hypnotherapist, I work with individuals of all ages and I also work with businesses from sole traders to larger corporates.
I can help with stress management; a stressed worker is unlikely to perform their best and may also take time off costing you money and also causing you inconvenience. I can help with time management; managing time and improving focus. I can help a business prepare for and manage change. I can also help with confidence building; building an individual’s confidence to do cold call, sales calls or give a big presentation.

I recently worked with a company who wanted to promote one of their staff. She was the perfect person for the job, but in her new role she would have to fly and she was terrified of flying so she had refused the promotion. Her employers asked me to help her overcome her fear and now, after her hypnotherapy sessions, she really enjoys travelling around Europe by plane and is doing a fantastic job for her company. Her employers got the person they wanted in the role and they saved time and money by not having to recruit and train a new employee.

Hypnotherapy may not be the first thing you think of when considering the development of your business and the development of your staff, but it really can be incredibly beneficial.

Lindsay Shepherd - Expert Hypnotherapist in Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch

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