Writing Numbers from 1-10 for Kids | How to Write Numbers | Learning the English Numbers

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Writing Numbers from 1-10 for Kids | How to Write Numbers | Learning the English Numbers

How to write down the numbers? Learning the English numbers goes through several steps, it starts with getting introduced to these numbers first and learning to count then it moves forward with learning to trace these numbers or write them with the magic finger in the air, and then the last step is writing them with a pen and a paper.

The numbers are not the easiest in writing for the kids and that's why relating every single number of them to a specific shape or thing is important. In this video, we are going to teach the kids to write down the numbers from 1 to 10 with linking every single one of them to a specific shape in the process of writing it.

The easiest is number one (1) because it is just about starting a point up and then going down in a straight line. Number two (2) is related to the shape of the duck, going round with its head and then a straight line to the side with its tail. Number three (3) is that bumpy number since it is written with a bump and then a bump. Number four (4) is also not that hard because it goes down with a straight line across, lifting the pencil and then drawing a tail. Number (5) is related to a man with a big tummy, so it goes down with a little tummy and then drawing his hat. Number six (6) is the roller coaster, it starts with going down and back again with a circle. Number seven (7) is easy, it is just about going across then down. Number eight (8) might be a little bit hard for some kids, they could write it with drawing two circles over one another, but parents should teach the child to write the numbers and not draw them, so they could also learn it as the wiggly shape and we also focus on going with it through four different wiggles. Number nine (9) is about drawing a man's head and then going down with his legs, and it is also the opposite of number six. And finally number (10) is divided into two different parts, the first is the easy straight line of number one and the second is writing the zero which is a circle.

After this part of teaching the kids to write the numbers by relating them to specific shapes in order to be able to write them down correctly, comes the part of teaching them to trace these shapes or numbers with their magic fingers in the air before they eventually come to the final part of learning to write with the pen on the paper.

There is also one important thing to mention when it comes to learning the numbers which is giving the kids the chance to trace those numbers on a piece of paper before writing them totally on their own. Cut out these numbers, place them on a piece of paper, and let the child go around them with the pencil.

The most important thing in teaching the child to write down the English numbers is to make it easy for them as much as possible by tracing the numbers in the air with their magic fingers first and then tracing the cut-out numbers they have on a piece of paper, or else trace it with the play-doh before they reach the part of writing it all on their own.

There are different methods to depend on, all what the parent need to do is get creative, move through these different methods step by step in order to make sure the child is grasping the whole thing, and eventually come to the part of teaching them to write the numbers on paper without any tracing happening.


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