Liberty Dies with Thunderous Applause [4K HDR] - Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

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The Clone War Ends, The Empire is Born, and Liberty Dies as Darth Vader wipes out the Separatist leaders, and Palpatine gives his famed Empire Day speech, as seen here in a 4K HDR sample I've cut down from the timeline of my 4.5 Hour Revenge of the Sith Supercut.

The Following Footage is included in this Fan Edit:

- All of Revenge of the Sith film, save a very small number of shots.
- A Brand new Rewritten Opening Crawl for the Supercut
- 21 Minutes of the 2k3 Clone Wars Battle of Coruscant, recut to fit within the timeline and enhanced in with a new 4K HDR transfer.
- All 4 Episodes of the Siege of Mandalore Clone Wars Season 7 finale arc, recut seamlessly into the events of Revenge of the Sith in roughly chronological order.
- 5 Restored Deleted Scenes (and one new partially restored scene) - Newly AI Upscaled and Improved over the previous releases, just like the Episode I and II Extended Cuts
- The Restored 20th Century Fox Opening, matching the versions used in my other cuts.

The Total Runtime for the Cut is 4 Hours, 19 Minutes and 10 seconds.

Transitions have been tweaked and updated, both audio and video. At this point there are not any more refinements/tweaks I wish to do. I want this to remain the final version for the forseeable future unless a better quality (8K, for example) source for ROTS/Clone Wars is ever made available, or unless some element of the Kenobi/Ahsoka series truly belongs in this cut, but I find that to be unlikely. Frankly, I want this to be the best damned Star Wars film you've seen.

I will not be doing a version without the 2K3 series, or a version of ROTS Extended with only Deleted Scenes. There are other editors who have tackled those projects over the years. I have good reasons to include the footage I have chosen, as has been described in the previous ROTS release videos.

Footage from Bad Batch and Jedi Fallen Order are not included. I stand by my statements that they work much better in their respective original titles, especially since the Bad Batch Order 66 events are meant to be seen from their rather unique POV. I have also decided to keep the TCW final scene in its current placement. No Post Credits Scene in a Skywalker Saga film.

Use the following Google Doc to see the supercut for yourself, then follow the instructions there.

#RevengeofTheSith #CloneWars #TheSiegeofMandalore #EpisodeIII #SWTCW #4HourROTS #clonewarsfinale #clonewarsseason7
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Use the following Google Doc to see the supercut for yourself, then follow the instructions there.


"History doesn't repeat itself; it rhymes"



This is the last time R2-D2 ever saw Anakin Skywalker.


It’s sad to see Anakin Skywalker turn to become the most iconic villain in the franchise.


Most charismatic speech. I love it.
I was reading the novelization of ROTS and this speech was much longer. Both the film and novel speech are amazing.


Now we have the 2024 America edition. Even had "the attack on my life" part.
The country being in fake danger, , , could soon become true peril.
Its tough witnessing it as a Veteran. Not a good November outcome.


“Killed not by clones, this Padawan” made the hairs in my arm stand up


Their cheers would soon turn into cries for freedom once more


Please go on and make all the movies, good job!


palpatine/darth sidious did it. he orchestrated the clone wars to:
1.turn the jedi into war mongers, killing instead of keeping the peace
2.making people lose faith in the jedi
3.using the separatist and count dooku/darth tyrannus as puppets in his plot
4.turning the clones against the jedi using their inhibitor chips
5.overthrowing the senate to become emperor of the galaxy
6.creating the galactic empire
7.but worst of all turning chosen one jedi knight anakin skywalker into darth vader


At 1:33 I see Jar Jar Binks and Captain Typho....


Please do Luke talking to Vader in ROTJ


Thank you. Idk why this has so little views. The only other videos of this clip were 360p and a recording of someone’s laptop screen


Meanwhile the bad batch are chilling on Kamino like tf is this bullshit?


How can padame and senatw believe that the jedi are traitors?


Tambor: are u still mad at me for what i did to that Clone
Anakin: Thats for Echo

I can tell this was personal for Anakin he hated The Sepratist leaders throughout the whole war Gunray was responsible for the numerous attempts in Padme and Tambor commited numerous war crimes like Starving The Twileks during The Ryloth occupation
