Kemetic original meaning of baptism explained
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Have you ever been afraid that you might go to hell? No need to fear hell any longer! #Truth!
In this video I researched the origins of the meaning of the lake of fire and found out that Christianity purposefully mistranslated the words Sheol and hades into meaning hell. Those words do not mean hell. The idea they constructed over the centuries is a completer lie to keep us afraid and in a low vibrational state of being. If you have ever feared hell, or the end of days you might be interested in the full video. I want to free humanity from these monstrous doctrines.
Learn ancient esoteric knowledge of the bible so you will no longer be confused and afraid of going to hell or feel guilty for questioning your beliefs. Click below to sign up to learn esoteric symbolism and knowledge.
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Learn to live life boldly, authentically, unapologetically, and on your terms when you become a member of Kemetic Centered Living. Join TODAY!
My Class for beginners in metaphysics and creating an empowering mindset
This free video training will answer the question, who do I pray to now that I don't believe. It will be impactful, positive and powerful. Click on the link below to get access to the free training.
Jesus was said to have performed seven miracles. But the truth is the miracles are actaully written in a ay that allows some with esoteric knowledge extract the hidden meaning. Learn the esoteric meaning of KRST by clicking the link below
Voche's page for Birth Chart readings and other services
#exchristian #religioustrauma #freedomfromreligion #nohell #notyourfault
In this video I researched the origins of the meaning of the lake of fire and found out that Christianity purposefully mistranslated the words Sheol and hades into meaning hell. Those words do not mean hell. The idea they constructed over the centuries is a completer lie to keep us afraid and in a low vibrational state of being. If you have ever feared hell, or the end of days you might be interested in the full video. I want to free humanity from these monstrous doctrines.
Learn ancient esoteric knowledge of the bible so you will no longer be confused and afraid of going to hell or feel guilty for questioning your beliefs. Click below to sign up to learn esoteric symbolism and knowledge.
My website
Learn to live life boldly, authentically, unapologetically, and on your terms when you become a member of Kemetic Centered Living. Join TODAY!
My Class for beginners in metaphysics and creating an empowering mindset
This free video training will answer the question, who do I pray to now that I don't believe. It will be impactful, positive and powerful. Click on the link below to get access to the free training.
Jesus was said to have performed seven miracles. But the truth is the miracles are actaully written in a ay that allows some with esoteric knowledge extract the hidden meaning. Learn the esoteric meaning of KRST by clicking the link below
Voche's page for Birth Chart readings and other services
#exchristian #religioustrauma #freedomfromreligion #nohell #notyourfault