Audiophile on a budget? Grado X Review

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For those asking about my comments on staging.
Grado staging is unique in the sense that it's very "enveloping" and "diffused" sounding. Not what I would describe as wide or narrow, but instead just the opposite of "point source".


I used to lend my friends the SR60's and their minds were blown. Though the sound may have technical problems, they are so fun to listen to that they can open many people up to high-end sound.


I'm a retired symphony musician and I have a pair of the SR325e headphones. I made 4 small EQ adjustments, and they went from bright to lively. I find the "staging" is very reminiscent of sitting onstage. Love them.


On a whim I decided to grab a pair of the 80X, and honestly, owning and having tried much nicer headphones, I like them! They’re fun, and as you said, the imaging is curious and kind of unusual in a cool way. My only gripe with them is that I like taking them out with me (because they’re much more affordable and I feel comfortable doing so), but I get worried taking them out in the rain or even when it’s just too humid. To me, they feel super delicate, though in reality they do seem to be able to take a couple hits no problem.

Also, tip: the trick to getting the cable untwisted is to grab the plastic part where the cable splits and twisting/pulling lightly there, letting the two cups spin back to their regular places.


Been buying multiple Grados SR80s for nearly a decade now. I only use them with Sennheiser Pads for the H414 (the yellow ones), totally transforms them in my opinion. Love these things to death.


I bought my SR60 headphones 19 years ago for 73 dollars after tax from brick and mortar hi-fi store when I was in graduate school. That was a lot to pay at the time. They stay on my desk and get used almost daily at low to moderate volume for music while working at the computer. Several years ago I broke one of the horseshoe shaped brackets that hold the headphone cup and Grado quickly sent me a replacement bracket at no charge. I've replaced the earpads twice (soon to be three times). A USA company, assembled in the USA, and still available for 100 dollars. What's not to like? By the way, the difference between the 60 and the 80 when I bought mine was greater bass response. Apparently that's not the case now. No clue other than perhaps stricter quality control. Personally, I've never found the bass response to be a problem in the 60, even at low/moderate levels.


I've owned every Grado up to the SR325 and I've learned that you can't listen to them at high or even medium-high volume levels. At bedroom listening levels they sound fantastic. Anything beyond that causes the high frequencies to squish together and become the dominant sound.
Grado's are not good all-around headphones, but they are very good at what they are designed to do.


I've tried many headphones over the years, but after having bought my first Grado's about 10 years ago, I am sold ! Started out with the 60, then the 80 and right now I'm having the SR225x. Listening a lot to progressive rock and I just love the sound.


AFAIK the difference between 60X and 80X is that the 80's have better matched drivers than the 60's. Otherwise they are exactly the same. If I remember correctly the build/internals change from the 225 onwards


Lovely review, I’ve always wanted a Grado to add a bit of sparkle to acoustic or classical stuff, the SR60X will be on my list.


Great review, Thanks! I had no plans to buy these but after learning more about ‘em, I absolutely have no plans to buy than.


The one thing missing from all the clinical talk in the reviews I"ve watched and read on Grado headphones is how unbelievably enjoyable they are to listen to for long periods. Music has LIFE put through a Grado. I may want to punch their customer service people every time I have to deal with them, but I keep buying their headphones. The SR125X is worth every penny extra in the bump up in price from the 80x.


I love the Grado' em. It's not because they're the best it's because their sound profile (IMO) is so unique. I have no problem listening to my Sundara's then putting on the Grado like taking a ride in two very different cars but you enjoy the ride in both. If you are buying just one pair of headphones, I'd say no. But if you are adding to your collection because you love sound & music than absolutely yes.


The SR60x is so much of an entry headphone, while also being a very unique one that always stands out to me and one I always go back to. They're super fun to use and yeah of course I prefer my HD600's as they are better in every way minus weight, but I always find myself grabbing these. It's almost like The Room of headphones, except these don't actually suck like The Room does. Honestly these are just headphones I recommend to everyone, odds are you'll still enjoy these no matter who you are.


I haven't tried the x series but I've had sr80e's for a long time. I have pretty sensitive hearing and tend to notice small differences in eq more than most people. I remember thinking they were insanely bright when I first got them, but weather its burn in period or just getting used to the sound, I absolutely love the grado sound and have bought many pairs as gifts for friends and family

The bass is fast and punchy. I mean FAST. If you want your head to rattle look elsewhere but for accuracy this is about as good as it gets when you factor in diminishing returns. The mid range is neutral and, to me, sounds amazing. The way I can describe it is they sparkle. Overdriven guitars never sounded so good on anything else I've heard.

No they aren't acoustically flat in any way, but they are FUN to listen to. You can hear the rasp in a saxaphone like you're on stage with the band. THATS the soundstage. It sounds like you're in the middle of the band. It's just a very unique hi-fi experience that no other headphone delivers. On top of that, they are so sensitive a potato could drive them to loud volumes. For me they are a win!


Well, I guess I had the fortune, or missfortune of having Grados as my first headphones that didn't come free in the box with a player or phone, so they were mind-blowing for me. They kind of set my standard for what sound stage should be. And I haven't been impressed by anything I havr heard since.


Two things:
1) He keeps saying unique staging, unique staging.
Did I miss where explained what that staging was other than the 3 blobs analogy?
2) I see the graphs but I never see the legend for those graphs telling which color line represents what.
Is there someplace I need to go to find it?
Thanks for an overview of build and sound traits other than an undefined "unique staging" that never got explained and graphs that mean nothing without a legend.
Not meaning this in a harsh way at all or knock you in anyway, I'd just like to know...


My old skool guess on the difference between 80 and 60 was boiled down to matched driver tendencies. Much like Grado's phono carts, where the top ~10% of one model get a different color designation to the rest of the batch.


Man I have the hd650, the background music you have used for this video is so good, like the sound quality.


These are the most infamous & loved headphones in America
