A Brief History Of The Christmas Tree (Where Did The Come From?)

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Well it's that time of the year again, At least for me when I'm recording this And as we all know you can't have Christmas without a Christmas tree. Buttt Is that exactly true? I mean the Christmas tree is a symbol of Christmas itself so of course It's been around forever right?
Not exactly, The first recorded instance of a Christmas tree dates back to around the 15th and 16th century in Germany, but Evergreen Plants were used well before The year 0 on the calendar. In fact much like the holiday itself the Christmas tree has its roots with paganism.
You see the Bible never actually specifies when Jesus was born so people Just did the best they could To pick a day and say this is the day we will celebrate his birth. Eastern countries decided to start celebrating his birth on January 6th which worked fine until The idea of Christmas started spreading West. Western churches came up with a clever idea To convert pagans by adding a Christian undertone to the winter solstice Watch priest thought would help Attract pigeons Since they already celebrated it. the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year and marks the transition of days getting shorter to when days begin getting longer. One of the many traditions of the winter solstice was to decorate your home with Evergreen plants. The Romans did this as a symbol of the green fields that will come with Summer other groups did it Because they believed Evergreen plants Possessed a magic quality and would help fend off ghosts or other evil spirits.


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I know a family who refuses to get a Christmas tree because of exactly what you mentioned in the video…I always thought they were just taking things too far (cuz it’s not like I worship my Christmas tree) but after hearing this video myself, I totally understand their decision and even respect them for it. Today I spent way too much money on a nice tree I always wanted but for what? I don’t need it and it does nothing towards committing my life and decisions each day to God who has done so much for me 🥺 I hope someday I will find out exactly what God thinks is okay for me to do and what is not. I get confused in today’s society and the ppl around me along with what they do or say. I hope my tree doesn’t ruin my Christmas lol cuz all I want is to celebrate the ONE person whose life and teachings brought me out of darkness. I love you, Lord and I hope my tree in my living does not bother You! ♥️

Ps thank you for the upload! 4 years later and it’s still getting likes n views :) nice!


Hi, I came here from r/newtubers. :)
I got almost to the end of your video, then my kids came through and wanted to watch it all, so we started from the beginning and watched it again! Really great, thank you for uploading this! Honestly had no idea about how Christmas Trees came to be, and now I feel all informed :)


I always wondered about the Christmas tree tradition. Very interesting video :)


Interesting, but the true origins of the Christmas tree is much much older than pagan traditions that it is believed to have originated from. The true meaning of the christmas tree represents the TREE OF LIFE. It is an evergreen tree because evergreen trees never shed their old foliage, they retain it right through the winter season, when all other trees loose their leaves and pretty much die. The evergreen symbolizes NEW HOPE and REBIRTH and therefore originates with the tree of life. Even the origins and meaning of the original gold and red colors of the christmas tree decoration is explained in an ancient esoteric book, called the Secrets of the book of Enoch. Here is the passage.
Enoch was taken to the third heaven where he saw paradise between corruptible and incorruptibility and the tree of LIFE. "And in the midst of the trees that of life, in that place whereon the Lord rests, when he goes up into paradise; and this tree is of ineffable goodness and fragrance, and adorned more than every existing thing; and on all sides it is in form GOLD-LOOKING AND CRIMSON and fire-like and covers all, and it has produce from all fruits.

The true origins of the cristmas tree, goes back to the tree of Life, and it is associated with Jesus, because He is the one that will give of the tree of life to the righteous to eat in the first resurrection, Jesus is also the One that offers rebirth, new life, and a renewal to that which is old sick and dying. As all things wither and die in winter, He symbolizes the evergreen tree, which is reborn when he arose from the dead.


Wasn't Queen Charlotte, born in Germany, the one who brought that tradition to Great Britain?


This is very well done, I enjoy the style.


First christmas tree in the world - Riga, Latvia


The problem with history is that the way its perceived is entirely relative to the way its presented. I love how he left out the Jewish practice of Decorating trees during reenactment of the creation story and symbolic of the kaballa


Many consider this a corruption of Christianity, however, I have to disagree, because this is what Christianity is about. The Jesus taught us that what God cares about is no longer about what we eat, how we dress, or what traditions we follow, but our faith in Jesus and our last ve towards our neighbors, so Christianity doesn't look to destroy old traditions and impose our own, but to adapt them and give them a new religious meaning.


Christmas tree is from Latvia (Riga) 1440... 🇱🇻


It actually came from Egypt not Germany they took over after thousands of years


Wasn't. First christmas tree in tallinnas 1441 year


It is Pagan, period. And where is the proof on Martin Luther?


Only one problem with your video. It explicitly states in the Bible that pagan gods and customs are unacceptable. how could they carry over there Pagan Traditions if there was a new religion does not allow it? How would the broad Christian Church be okay with this and accept it into its mainstream culture? Wouldn't all religious leaders from the pope to pastor Jim condemn it?


The Christmas tree has it's roots with Martin Luther not, Paganism. Saying that the Christmas tree rose from just green branches is a stretch used by anti-Christians.


The first inscription of xmas tree was in Alsace in 1521 (that is in France) ...not germany !


If it makes sense that the church merged celebrations, isn't it feasible that the Cannanite god El was just merged with Isrealites beliefs to form their god? It's seems like it would be very likely that in that time people might do such things. This would be a world of trouble for the church. It would bring so many of their judgements into serious question.


The pagan association is extremely dubious.


I thought they originated in either Estonia or Latvia, I guess not.


The Germans got it from the PERSIANS you mist the fist part
