Will Artificial Intelligence Create Mass Unemployment (And Why the Answer is No)

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Back in 1965, Hubert Dreyfus — professor of philosophy and a constant critic of artificial intelligence (AI) — said that a machine could never surpass human intelligence when it comes to a game of chess. Little did he know that he’d get checkmated by an MIT-built computer in only two years of his bold statement? And by 1997, scientists built machines smart enough to defeat Garry Kasparov — one of the greatest and finest chess minds of his time.

With the rapid technological advancements, computers are reaching new heights that were once deemed reachable only by humans. The immense growth and progress in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, automation, 3D printing, IoT, and genetics have made it possible for computers to perform the tasks of music computers, surgeons, architects, and even a painter.

To put simply, AI and robotics are taking every industry by storm. In addition, the concern of AI and automation increasing unemployment is gaining traction with the latest AI innovations. As much as they are playing a crucial role in improving the accuracy of tasks and processes, their consequences on jobs that require human intervention have become a major debate.

With the ever-growing progress of AI and automation, some individuals believe that it will slowly but certainly conquer large sectors and will introduce large-scale unemployment and social turbulence. At present, the tasks executed by people are getting automated one by one.

However, this is only one side of the story. Just like people are concerned that AI will take over some jobs, it will create several new opportunities in all fields. Autonomous vehicles may need drivers for emergency drives. Companies will need more robotics and AI developers to build robots and chatbots to make people’s lives easier. More importantly, every industry will need AI trainers to train chatbots and robots to give them a human touch.

Similar to websites, all systems and models would need regular maintenance and updates. Regardless of how advanced or superior an AI system is, some jobs will always be better accomplished by humans. For example, human surgeons, health practitioners, therapists, hairdressers, and personal trainers are likely to always perform better than their robot counterparts.

On one hand, there are researchers and scientists who boldly claim that AI and robots are ready to take over the world, and on the other hand, there are historians and economists who claim that any technology, including AI and robotics, will create more jobs than they’ll destroy.
The majority of news on AI disruption these days fails to cover the new innovations and developments that the technology will bring forth. Truth be told, there are endless possibilities in terms of career options that will exist in the long run because of AI disruption.

A report by OECD highlights that “history has shown that when technological progress accelerates, so do growth, living standards, and employment.” In order to prove this statement, let’s take a look at the past innovations and learn from them.

Artificial Intelligence: Promoter of Unemployment or Creator of New Opportunities? - 3:30

In the coming years, if AI and automation bring the price of a product or item down far enough to expand the market, more and more people will be able to work in that said industry.
We saw that even if AI will eliminate a specific set of jobs in the short term, it will not cause mass unemployment. Researchers who constantly predict large-scale unemployment see only the outdated, pre-existing jobs that are lost. Their shortage of knowledge or lack of visualization or both makes it impossible for them to see the jobs AI can create.


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Рекомендации по теме

A software developer makes a video about technological unemployment caused by AI and concludes that there is no problem and that AI is purely positive and will create jobs. I'm completely shocked. I just graduated with a degree in CS but I'm not blinded to human suffering by that. Automation IS eliminating many jobs and unlike the industrial revolution those jobs are not being replaced with service jobs or any other jobs. We need real societal solutions to these issues to ensure a viable future for all people but we can't get there if people ignore the problem out of convenience or personal interest. Just my opinion.


What about the fact that this isn't destroying only manual labors but posing a real risk to high level jobs? What kind of jobs will get created? Maintainance of AI systems? Please, it won't even come close to employ those people again.


Government should make programs for some who are unemployed by AI
