Hornby's Worst Product | Giant Cola Bottle Wagon | Unboxing & Review

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That's right, it's an 11ft Cola bottle plonked onto a 1970s Airfix Lowmac and it costs a fortune too!

Thanks for watching!

0:00 Intro
3:32 Unboxing
5:08 Detail
8:51 Performance
14:14 Ratings
15:30 Conclusion
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Aw, dude, you should do a series on terrible products over the years, you could call the show: "Mind The Crap" 😂


This has to be the worst insult that Hornby could ever pay its customers. A truly shambolic, cheap and nasty heap of rubbish being sold at an extortionate price. Utterly disgusting. Thanks for the warning Sam and thank you for actually buying this so that we know exactly what to avoid. Dapol wins every time! Best, Pete.


My expectations for this wagon were zero, and I'm STILL disappointed.


Looking at this I'm glad I boycotted Hornby. It's just so shady, and it's clear they're not changing, and I doubt they will. Sad to see a once beloved company stoop so low.


This reminds me of one of those HiT Entertainment Thomas episodes where they'd have to use a flatbed wagon or open wagon to take one tiny thing on it's own
Edit. I also remember getting this flatbed as a piece of rolling stock in a £59 train set with a siding, saddle tank engine and 3 other wagons, including a few background details like hight indicators and track signs


I think the reason it advertised to adult collectors, is that you can get into a lot of trouble for screwing children.

In all seriousness Sam, stuff the fire, pop it back into the box and return it for a refund due to the lack of metal wheels as advertised. Otherwise Hornby will keep doing it. You can pick yourself up another Turbot with the cash instead.


From the sublime, Accurascale Deltic, to the absolutely ridiculous Hornby Coke wagon. I just cannot believe this I really can't. Totally speechless.


When Sam mentioned that the Coke bottle should have been a glass (or atleast hard clear plastic) bottle filled a colored liquid, my thoughts instantly went to the classic metal Thomas toys that did just that with some of the tankers (ones i can remember is the Snowglobe car and the Aquarium shark tanker. An early 2000s toy managed to be alot better than what a 2022 Hornby "collector's" car did in that area


2:28 :
"Not meant for adult collectors" - Sam


I remember laughing my head off when I first saw this announced back in January. I really can’t believe how low Hornby have sunk and I honestly question the motive of releasing this rubbish. Great review all the same, keep up the good work! 👍


15:39 - "If you've bought one of these, I recommend you destroy it, and then destroy yourself to teach yourself a lesson."



This reminds of a TTTE episode called Thomas and the Lighthouse.

Where was Thomas literally just carrying a single light bulb in a flatbed.


I am 72 years old, got into model trains for my grand son, have bought eight locomotives all Hornby in the last ten years, very disappointed in most of them stopped buying Hornby rolling stock, just not worth the money so we have bought over thirty old mainline wagons and upgraded the wheels and couplings, I am certain I will never buy Hornby again and my grandson certainly will not have the affection for Hornby I grew up with, we love watching your videos here in Australia keep sticking it to Hornby they deserve it


You know what would have been more creative? If they made it into a tanker and the tanker itself was in the shape of a giant Coke bottle, latters, valves, details and all. Now THAT would have been infinitely more interesting to look at.

...Oh yeah, metal wheels and standard couplings would be nice too.


Now THIS is an accurate review of Hornby products. No sliding scale on quality, operation, etc. I like this.
Hornby, on the other hand, is going in one of two directions.
1. The current owners are milking the company for as long as they can before it folds, at the expense of the public.
2. They are working to make the company look valuable on paper as much as they can before selling it off using licensing like coke a cola or others and increasing the pricing of their product line to add a perceived value to the company.
I say this coming from a heavy corporate background and being part of companies that were sold off to other companies.
Investing in new product, R&D, new tooling, etc. would not be done in either of the above scenarios.
Which is what Hornby seem to have been doing now for awhile.
Any "new" product would have been designed and approved of years ago and would be introduced slowly to make it look like the company is still viable in these area's to a new buyer for the company or just to milk it like i said until the end.
Sad really, with the history of Hornby going back so far. It could've been


These "Sam gets angry and rants about overpriced crap" episodes are genuinely the best model railroad content on Youtube. Balanced reviews and being respectful have their limit. And when one of the premier companies is doing shit like this, the price gouging, the Rapido-Thunderbolt thing, and horrible models from the 70's still being sold at high-end prices, we've passed that point long ago.


What you get for £22:
Dapol: A high-quality bogie wagon which performs well, & has a lot of detail.
Hornby: An 11ft Coca-Cola bottle on a Lowmac that has terrible detail, terrible performance, & lack of quality.


my god, there's not an ounce of metal on that model. not even a single screw. honestly that's almost impressive on hornby's part. the pure ingenuity to create something so cheap confounds me to no end!


Fun fact about that wagon: It's that old that one features in the original Thunderbirds series as part of the overly elaborate boarding mechanism for Thunderbird 3.


"...brown water, I am sure there is lots of that at the factory..."
