Statoil tv reklame 2002, fra VHS bånd.

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Statoil tv reklame 2002, fra VHS bånd.
Statoil TV commercial Denmark 2002 from VHS tape.
Digitaliseret fra VHS videobånd, stabiliseret ( Time Base Correction ), deinterlaced, filtreret for støj, overscan område fjernet (for at undgå flimmer i bunden), opskaleret til 720p HD og "square" pixels. Square pixels (kvadratiske pixels) betyder at billedet vises i det rigtige højde/bredde forhold på alle platforme.
Digitized from VHS tape, TBC ( Time Base Correction ), deinterlaced, noise-filtered, overscan area removed, upscaled to 720p HD and "square" pixels. Square pixels means that the image is displayed in the correct aspect ratio on all platforms.
Panasonic Video NV-HV55 + Panasonic DMR-EX77 pass through.
Statoil TV commercial Denmark 2002 from VHS tape.
Digitaliseret fra VHS videobånd, stabiliseret ( Time Base Correction ), deinterlaced, filtreret for støj, overscan område fjernet (for at undgå flimmer i bunden), opskaleret til 720p HD og "square" pixels. Square pixels (kvadratiske pixels) betyder at billedet vises i det rigtige højde/bredde forhold på alle platforme.
Digitized from VHS tape, TBC ( Time Base Correction ), deinterlaced, noise-filtered, overscan area removed, upscaled to 720p HD and "square" pixels. Square pixels means that the image is displayed in the correct aspect ratio on all platforms.
Panasonic Video NV-HV55 + Panasonic DMR-EX77 pass through.
Statoil tv reklame 2002, fra VHS bånd.
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