The messages you heard when you were young (explicitly or implicitly) become your internal beliefs

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The messages you heard when you were young (explicitly or implicitly) become your internal beliefs. Things like "we don't have money for that", "rich people are a*sholes", "she slept her way to the top", "you have to work hard to make money", "money is hard to come by", create beliefs that shape what you think is possible for you in this world. If these beliefs prevent you from thriving financially, they could be referred to as "limiting beliefs", because they LIMIT you in some way. For example, believing that all rich people are a*sholes could make you repel money, because you don't want to "be a bad person". Or believing you always have to work hard to make money could make you ignore opportunities to build wealth easily (like investing) because "it's too good to be true" - because it goes against your core belief you developed as a child. The results (what we want) come from our actions (what we do), and those come from our BELIEFS. So to get a different outcome, you first need to change the way you think about money - otherwise no tactic in the world will get you where you need to go because you won't take the proper action. This is why I teach you guys both the million dollar tactic AND the mindset behind getting rich. Start your journey now by checking out our website. Let's get you wealthy and paid ✨️
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