'Everybody Laughed At Us!' | Lucas di Grassi Talks Past, Present And Future Of Formula E

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The ABB FIA Formula E Championship has come a long way, and Lucas di Grassi has been there from the very beginning. The Season 3 champ gives us a fascinating insight into the origins of the series, his time behind the wheel and his hopes for the future of electric motorsport.

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The ABB FIA Formula E Championship is the world’s first fully-electric international single-seater street racing series...and we're coming for your streets! World-class racing in 10 cities over five continents during a seven-month Championship season including New York, Hong Kong, Paris and Rome.

ABB Formula E is not just a racing series; it also serves as a platform for global car manufacturers and mobility providers to test and develop road-relevant electric technologies. We are helping to refine the design of electric vehicles and improve the driving experience for everyday road car users all over the world.
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If they get rid of Fanboost, I'll stop laughing at them.


Absolutely love how hyped di Grassi is for this series I certainly hope the racing is as close next year without the car change in the middle of the race.


Hopefully f1 becomes unpredictable in terms of who's gonna win every Race


damn, much respect to Di Grassi for being so plugged in... I had no idea he was so involved in the development of the Formula E sport


I follow FE since the Season 2. At first I thought "hm, an electric formula car, interesting". Soon after I realized that FE is not trying to copy anything nor anyone. It's here to innovate. It has completely different approach to racing than anything else out there and that's why it's growing strong.

Usually I just set some long motorsports race to play in the background when I work on my PC. But nope, it's not possible with FE! There's always too much stuff going on - too much of great stuff! It's mad fun to watch those races! I'm a huge fan now and man... I can't wait for the next season and that beautiful Gen 2 beast 😻


Gotta admit, i was one of those people who laughed at early days of FE. During season 2 i gradually watching FE but with hatred instead of passion. But last year, since F1 becoming more mediocre, I suddenly fell in love with FE. Why?

Simply because it’s more unpredictable and more action then F1. I love it ever since

Thank you very much Formula E, sorry i doubted you before, but now I’m rooting for you.

Much love, from tiny island indonesia 🇲🇨


I dont get why you would dislike or laught at FE.
At the start, I just thought "cool! the more racing, the better"


What I most hated in Formula E is the track. Can you race in real Circuit? Not always in street track? Personally I hate street track. With so many barrier, no grass, no gravel, no trees, and very narrow. I love the technology. I love Formula E. I love Formula car. But I hate the street track. Thank you


"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win."

I'll admit I was a critic of this series in its conception. And during the first few races I didn't let up. The cars looked cheap, they behaved cheapely, and of course this was down to how cheap the series was running itself as to start. "This is the future of motorsport?" was my thought. But the guys have kept their heads down and pushing forward, and its paying off. And even after tearing it apart in the begining, its good to see it growing so rapidly while the rest of motorsport seems to be fading.


I hope we'll have electric endurance racing one day ^^ That would really push battery and regen technology


Never was into racing or anything but the formula e came out and now I cant stop watching it I even started watching f1 it amazing what these cars can do.


I was in my room when I heard Formula E playing on TV...

but it was just my sister... :)


just to clarify as the battery will last the whole race; will there be no pit stops from next year or are they gonna start having beteer tyres that can't last a full race


Never laughed at Formula E. From the very second I heard it I thought alright this is going to be something. I originally thought F1 itself would go electric one day, but nowadays I think Formula 1 should be forever gas powered and Formula E, well, electric.


Formula E reignited my passion for racing. Thank y'all


They need to:
-start racing on real circuits
-add more power to cars
-put the slick tyres on
-get rid of the fanboost, that mario kart charge zone or whatever it’s called and other shenanigans


As soon as I heard about it, I was eagerly waiting for news about when and how it would start, the drivers and teams etc. Been a massive fan from day one. Well done to Lucas for his foresight and belief in it. Not many drivers out there really got it the way he did. Well, probably no others did and even now I don’t think many others truly understand it.

And that remains the biggest bugbear I have with FE. That almost everyone involved is an out and out petrol head. And they don’t commit to the lifestyle that FE is supposed to be embracing. I want everyone to be as passionate as me and I don’t want FE to be seen as a championship of hypocrites, which will happen eventually as more people start watching.

I hope that will change as quickly as possible. I’m sure it will, because the world is changing so fast that there is no way it can’t. I’m a massive racing fan and have been for a decade, but as time goes on, I’m finding it harder and harder to get excited about petrol based motorsport.


When it started I knew it formula e is one of the best competitive series. Because every driver has a shot at the victory and there is not much distance between top and bottom teams that's makes it exiting.


Formula E is the ONLY series for which I will make the time. With other series, I'll watch them if I have time. With Formula E, I MAKE TIEM to watch them. Wheel to wheel, nose to tail, and bumping and banging, it's simply awesome racing!


I'll start watching seriously when you guys add real race tracks to the calendar. For now, I'm happy with the occasional live watch and this youtube channel.

Hope this inspires a "MotoGP-E" someday.
