INCOTERMS 2020 | Incoterms Explained in Hindi with Chart

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Incoterms Explained in Hindi with the Incoterms 2020 diagram.
In this video, we have explained all the INCOTERMS 2020 in Hindi. Incoterms 2020 full form is International Commercial Terms that is revised in the year 2020. Global import export contracts are done on the basis of incoterms in 2022. Cost, Risk, and Insurance are the 3 main pillars of Incoterms. If you are looking for What is Incoterms in Hindi by impexperts then you must watch this entire video.
इस वीडियो में Incoterms की हिंदी में व्याख्या की गयी है। अगर आप import export business से जुड़े हुए हैं, तो आपको ये international commercial terms ज़रूर जान लेने चाहिए।
0:00 - What is Incoterms? Introduction
0:59 - Why, Where, and How Incoterms are used? with an example
2:13 - Incoterms complete explanation with diagram of incoterms
4:49 - Ex Works (EXW)
5:05 - Free Carrier (FCA)
5:18 - Free Alongside Ship (FAS)
5:34 - Free On Board (FOB)
5:53 - Cost and Freight (CFR)
6:05 - Cost, Insurance, and Freight (CIF)
6:20 - Carriage Paid To (CPT)
6:33 - Carriage and Insurance Paid (CIP)
6:43 - Delivered At Place Unloaded (DPU)
7:02 - Delivered At Place (DAP)
7:18 - Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Let us understand what is Incoterms in Hindi through the 11 incoterms chart that explains exw, fca, fas, fob, cfr, cif, cpt, cip, dat, dap, ddp Incoterms with examples through this video. ✔️👍😃
✔️ 11 INCOTERMS explained in Hindi with examples
Ex Works (EXW)
Free Carrier (FCA)
Free Alongside Ship (FAS)
Free On Board (FOB)
Cost and Freight (CAF)
Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF)
Carriage Paid To (CPT)
Carriage and Insurance Paid (CIP)
Delivered At Terminal (DAT)
Delivered At Place (DAP)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
#PareshSolanki #iiim #KdSushma #CareerguruExportExperts #TayalInstitute #AssetYogi #NehaNagar #marineinsight #Impexperts #vivekbindra #eximpedia #careerguru #exportexpertsglobal #harshdhawan
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Incoterms kya है?
Incoterms का मतलब क्या है?
Incoterms क्या होता है?
Incoterms क्या होते है?
Incoterms हिंदी में
Incoterms में विक्रेता की क्या जिम्मेदारियां हैं?
Incoterms में खरीदारों की क्या जिम्मेदारियां हैं?
#incoterms #incoterms2020 #incoterms2022 #incotermsinhindi #whatisincotermsinhindi #pareshsolankiincoterms #eximpediaincoterms #tayalsir #tayalinstitute #incotermsexplaination #howtoimport #howtoexport #importexportideas #exportshipingdocuments #startexportimport #videoonexportimport #onlinetrainingonimportexport #ExportImportonlinetraining #importexport #howtostartexportbusiness #exportmanagementcourse #importexport #exportmanagement #howtoimport #import #export #ExportImportbusiness #howtoexport #diplomainexportimportmanagement #importexportprocedure #ExportImportjobs #internationalbusiness #business #businessideas #manufacturingbusinessideas #procedureexportimportdocumentation #importexportcourses #exportexpertsmanagementinstitute #ExportImportmanagement #importexportmanagement #importdata #Internationalbuyersdata #export #import #exportimport #eximpedia #ExportImportcourses #importcourses #exportcourses #videoonexportimport #motivationalvideo #howtostartexportimport #howtostartExportImportbusiness #stepstostartexportimport #exportdocumentation #learnexportimport #videoonexportdocumentation #videoonexport #howtofindbuyers #howtofindInternationalbuyers #howtosearchInternationalbuyers
In this video, we have explained all the INCOTERMS 2020 in Hindi. Incoterms 2020 full form is International Commercial Terms that is revised in the year 2020. Global import export contracts are done on the basis of incoterms in 2022. Cost, Risk, and Insurance are the 3 main pillars of Incoterms. If you are looking for What is Incoterms in Hindi by impexperts then you must watch this entire video.
इस वीडियो में Incoterms की हिंदी में व्याख्या की गयी है। अगर आप import export business से जुड़े हुए हैं, तो आपको ये international commercial terms ज़रूर जान लेने चाहिए।
0:00 - What is Incoterms? Introduction
0:59 - Why, Where, and How Incoterms are used? with an example
2:13 - Incoterms complete explanation with diagram of incoterms
4:49 - Ex Works (EXW)
5:05 - Free Carrier (FCA)
5:18 - Free Alongside Ship (FAS)
5:34 - Free On Board (FOB)
5:53 - Cost and Freight (CFR)
6:05 - Cost, Insurance, and Freight (CIF)
6:20 - Carriage Paid To (CPT)
6:33 - Carriage and Insurance Paid (CIP)
6:43 - Delivered At Place Unloaded (DPU)
7:02 - Delivered At Place (DAP)
7:18 - Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
Let us understand what is Incoterms in Hindi through the 11 incoterms chart that explains exw, fca, fas, fob, cfr, cif, cpt, cip, dat, dap, ddp Incoterms with examples through this video. ✔️👍😃
✔️ 11 INCOTERMS explained in Hindi with examples
Ex Works (EXW)
Free Carrier (FCA)
Free Alongside Ship (FAS)
Free On Board (FOB)
Cost and Freight (CAF)
Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF)
Carriage Paid To (CPT)
Carriage and Insurance Paid (CIP)
Delivered At Terminal (DAT)
Delivered At Place (DAP)
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
#PareshSolanki #iiim #KdSushma #CareerguruExportExperts #TayalInstitute #AssetYogi #NehaNagar #marineinsight #Impexperts #vivekbindra #eximpedia #careerguru #exportexpertsglobal #harshdhawan
Please do Like, Share, Comment, and Subscribe to EXIMPEDIA 😃😃✅
Incoterms kya है?
Incoterms का मतलब क्या है?
Incoterms क्या होता है?
Incoterms क्या होते है?
Incoterms हिंदी में
Incoterms में विक्रेता की क्या जिम्मेदारियां हैं?
Incoterms में खरीदारों की क्या जिम्मेदारियां हैं?
#incoterms #incoterms2020 #incoterms2022 #incotermsinhindi #whatisincotermsinhindi #pareshsolankiincoterms #eximpediaincoterms #tayalsir #tayalinstitute #incotermsexplaination #howtoimport #howtoexport #importexportideas #exportshipingdocuments #startexportimport #videoonexportimport #onlinetrainingonimportexport #ExportImportonlinetraining #importexport #howtostartexportbusiness #exportmanagementcourse #importexport #exportmanagement #howtoimport #import #export #ExportImportbusiness #howtoexport #diplomainexportimportmanagement #importexportprocedure #ExportImportjobs #internationalbusiness #business #businessideas #manufacturingbusinessideas #procedureexportimportdocumentation #importexportcourses #exportexpertsmanagementinstitute #ExportImportmanagement #importexportmanagement #importdata #Internationalbuyersdata #export #import #exportimport #eximpedia #ExportImportcourses #importcourses #exportcourses #videoonexportimport #motivationalvideo #howtostartexportimport #howtostartExportImportbusiness #stepstostartexportimport #exportdocumentation #learnexportimport #videoonexportdocumentation #videoonexport #howtofindbuyers #howtofindInternationalbuyers #howtosearchInternationalbuyers