YETINMEYI BILIR MISIN - Sezen Aksu (English translations)

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Yetinmeyi Bilir Misin?
(Do you know how to settle?)
Vocalist: Sezen Aksu
Music: Serkan İzzet Özdoğan
Album: Demo 2 (2020)
Songwriter: Sezen Aksu
Records Label: Image Music
Genre: Acoustic, Ballad

Lyrics and Translations:
Yetinmeyi bilir misin
(Do you know how to settle)
Sana verdiði kadarýyla hayatýn?
(With things that life has given you?)
Hoş bilsen de bilmesen de
(Well, whether you know it or not)
Yara bere içinde bu yollardan geçeceksin
(You'll go through these roads with bruises)

Kazanmayı isterdim, kaybetmeyi değil ama
Olmadı yâr
(My wish was to win, not to lose, but it didn't happen this way darling)
Kendini kayırıyor her insan önce
Bu yüzden aşka kıyar
(Every person loves himself before anything else, that is why they sacrifice love first...)

Giderim alışığım gitmelere
(I will have to leave, I got used to this)
Direndi bu can ne bitmelere
(This life has survived through so many endings)

(I am going, I got used to this, there is no need to fight back...)
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Precioso! Has tocado mi corazón con las aves. 😘😘🌸🌸