MASSIVE Buff To Armor Coming TODAY! Tarkov Patch Notes

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incredible to see how close we got with our testing! It was a pleasure testing with you Giga!


Not a fan of this; we waited so long to bring armor to what it should be. IRL armor is there to protect vital organs; not to stop all round from impacting. Adding a vitals hitbox and changing thorax to be higher health or something like that would be better.

Now we are back to bullet soaking again.


Like, the initial armor changes wouldn't have been so bad if they changed the hit box of the PMC to go with it. What I mean by that is a shot that grazes your shoulder, shouldn't kill you immediately. So they need to change the insta thorax death hit box accordingly. Same if someone taps you from the front into your arm pit, should not be a killing shot.


Bad move. They should have added vital organ hitboxes instead.


So, we are back to a square one, but with even worse available ammo in general


I was actually okay with the armor before, it made running other weapons and ammo types viable


Rip the ammo buff. Now it’s back to the high pen meta.


Not a big fan of this solution. I think it would have made more sense to change PMC hitboxes in such a way that non-lethal-area thorax hits would have a damage multiplier to them (say, half damage or something)

It would have been more realistic but more importantly it would have created more depth in ammo choice rather than walking back to "pen is all you care about"


I hate this change, i dont have too much time to play, so i do not have access to lvl 5 plates or good ammo, only the flea market stuff.
Until now i could aim for the throat and get some thorax hits or a headshot on him.
Now i have to aim either only for the face or only for the guts.


Shame they didnt add a vitals box on the heart and lungs etc, but instead went to just make armor bigger again

On a sidenote, do you reckon CPC, TacTec etc are now a lot more useful again? The armors without soft basically, seeing as their coverage is a lot bigger now, whats ur view?


Thanks for the updates Gigabeef! Love your work.


Chads cried and we back to the shitty armor system cringe


Onde against BSG made 98% of the ammo obsolette. What a huge L for tarkov


Why didn't they fix the actual PMC hit boxes?
If the whole of the Thorax counts as a hit to the heart, why not change that?
More work?


Those new hitboxes are so ridiculously large that I'm pretty sure they will lead to a problem where bullets are being double-blocked by overlapping plates.


Its not like the old system. Its even worse.
In this wipe armor in general got a lot more durable for several reasons. Plates usually are able to tank a lot of hits before failing. We also have class 2 or 3 soft armor behind those plates. And there are a lot of armor zones with independant durability. And they pretty much made a plate box around PMC thorax, wich will most of the time be class 4+2 or 5+3. Almost without gaps. Its going to make all those stupid huge TTK moments and yet again force everyone to play with 2 ammo types that can ignore the whole thing due to high enough pen and everything else being obsolete.
This change is a huge mistake and a step in the wrong direction.


This patch gives us a band-aid fix and I hope they address the very obvious issue in the near future being the player hitbox rework. Chest or thorax should be split into inner and outer thorax instead of the armour plates magically expanding to protect areas they don't physically cover.

Patches like these really give me the impression the devs are either spread too thin or just plain lazy if they can't think of a better solution. They spread themselves too thin in the first place by working on arena before base game release; and if they are struggling financially (unheard edition screamed this at us all) they should have asked for donations instead of borderline forcing players to buy their stupid expensive new edition for PVE mode - which they should have been working on instead of arena the whole time IMO. The simple fact modders have fixed a lot of their issues in SPT (I haven't played it, only heard of their fixes) does not bode well for BSG and their abilities.


A while ago: "We're making armor more realistic, so that only the parts covered by plates are protected."
Now: "We're making armor less realistic so that the plates cover way more than the model implies. Ammo is staying worse and harder to get, though."


People are going to be absolutely crying when their M80 and 856A1 become obsolete overnight. The community flip flops on every single change.


Not happy about the new changes to armor. The more realistic plate hitboxes actually made my guns feel lethal. Back to peashooter bullet soak gameplay I guess.
