MORE ADAPTERS! Sirui 1.25X Anamorphic Adapter Review

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Sirui is adding a 1.25X anamorphic adapter to their scope lineup. Whether you use it with spherical lenses or you use it to boost the squeeze from other anamorphics, there are lots of relevant things to consider when using this piece of gear!

00:00 - Intro
00:28 - A recap on new adapters
02:22 - Sirui's 1.25X adapter specs
03:51 - 1.25X adapter + 1.6X Full Frame lenses
04:25 - Sharpness tests
04:36 - 1.25X Adapter + Contax Zeiss
04:55 - Compromises
07:20 - Conclusion
08:11 - pew pew pew
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This audio was 1.33 squeezed inside my brain, sounded like you were kidnapped by Sirui and forced to do this video


I would love to see an example using the SIRUI adapter on a Helios 44-2 with the oval bokeh mod. I'm thinking that might be an interesting combination.


Tito is a few months away from renaming the channel “Just rent the Atlas Lenses, gang.”


1:13 - I'd actually argue it's the first time in ages that a small squeeze factor makes sense. 1.33x made a lot of sense when we wanted to convert 4:3 to 16:9, those times are over though. 1.33x on 16:9 always gave that super weird 2, 36:1 aspect ratio; and no one who made modern anamorphics (which, I guess, started with the smartphone stuff) adjusted that to anything that made remotely sense. 1.35x however lands you exactly at 2, 4:1 when shooting 16:9, which is obviously a more desired outcome.

That said, even though I'm not a fan of lens-stacking like this, it doees make the Surui line a lot more appealing. Especially compared to the Lens length and weight are an issue though; my biggest gripe still is the f/2.8 aperture, even though they are all like that.

On another note, I'll play the devils advocate: on 16:9, this little adapter grants you something like 2, 22:1; which could be considered interesting judging by the 2:1 anamorphic stuff we see on streaming platforms. The format, after all, does grant some benefits especially if all your content will go on the web. And funny enough, my Fotga monitors always had the 1.25x anamorphic setting and I always asked them why they used this instead of something useful; they could see the future back then, haha


What I love about this adapter: wonderful anamorphic character when paired with the 1.6x lenses! Constant squeeze! Achieves 2:66:1 aspect ratio without cropping when shooting in 4:3! I can now just push the "cinemascope" button in Davinci Resolve, and my footage is all de-squeezed without math! Focus ring feels good in hand!

What I really don't like about this adapter: It can produce chromatic aberration which may have no artistic merit in many projects. It's really soft. Sometimes the softness could have a tasteful vintage feel, but I'm concerned it may just come across as kinda dull, wrong, or cheap looking.


Yes. Thank you! I've been waiting for this video. I wish we could've seen more samples of the adapter on spherical lenses.


As always. Thank you for the amazing content, man. You're my go-to anamorphic guru


Idea for a video:
Image stabilization in lenses often works by having a floating element nearest to the camera sensor. That floating element is micro adjusted in the opposite direction to counteract the slight camera movements. A much more analog way is to have that floating element be suspended in a flexible corrigated rubber membrane such that it is loose enough that there's some lag time between camera body movements and lens element movement. I remember cell phone cameras used to advertise this back in the day.

My idea: what if you could take a focal reducer (speed booster) or any kind of lens element that will slightly change the focus angle, and suspend it in an adapter. So you have analog image stabilization .


Came to your video wondering why I was getting Vignette look when connecting a 24mm wide angle with the adapter. You nailed it....Was trying it on a sperical lens for the first time rather than a anamorphic


Thank you for this video! I've got one on the way.


I'm happy dealing with the weight of anamorphic adapters because I'm using the viltronix speed booster which is bolted to the case. This prevents the lever effect!


It brings me joy that this Discord mod knows so much about anamorphic and shares it with us all <3


just looking a video to see if a buy this adapter right now


Thanks for another great detailed review. I picked up the 35mm and adapter during the indigogo campaign and already have the 50mm and 75mm. I have a short shoot coming up that I plan on using them. I'm really in love with the look of these lenses with and without the adapter.

I did notice that the focus distance marks on the adapter aren't quite right, but I haven't gone into a deep dive test with them yet figure out where the discrepancy is.


Thanks for the great video, Tito, as usual. Love your relaxed delivery and your intelligent, always well-informed content. The only thing holding me back from buying one of these adapters is the 50mm and up limitation. All my lenses are spherical and in most productions, I'm going to use a 35mm or wider at one point or another. I sure would like to try out filming anamorphic in camera. I use a Canon C500 mark ii. Any recommendations for me?

Thanks again, Tito. Great work.


My friend bought this anamorphic adapter and were gonna mess around with it on a bunch of diffrent spherical lenses in New Orleans.

Gonna throw it on my
mitakon speedmaster lens
My Helios 44
And my Micro four thirds sirui lens

He's also gonna bring his sigma art zoom lens. Who knows how that's gonna look after watching this video.


I'm also really curious about the moment adapter


17:9 sensor and a 1.25x adapter gets you close 2.35:1 very similar to what 1.33x does with a 16:9 sensor


I think the hard part is the narrow DOF, you can too easily go out of focus and that will make you look like a noob if you dont prep enough. Not a run and gun lens for sure, needs a lot of set up, prob gimbal and monitor to boot. It's gonna be heavy.


Hey Tito! Love this video, it's crazy you released it just now because I was eyeing the adapter just last night. I'm trying to figure out which adapter will offer the most coverage for my 35mm full-frame lens. I don't mind cropping/correcting a little vignetting but would prefer not to crop a ton. You said this one covers 35mm but I wasn't sure if you were on full frame or not? Seems like this one can go the widest vs the great joy and the moment? Does either of those competitive adapters cover 35mm better? Doesn't necessarily have to do open gate but that would be a nice perk!
