CMRU Design Thinking Day - 'CAUSE 2023' - 17 MARCH 2023 - LIVE

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17-03-2023 - Welcome to India's first-of-its-kind International Design Thinking Day event - CAUSE 2023!

90 Institutions | 10 Countries | 60 Shortlisted Innovators

From India, Israel, USA, Finland, Canada, Turkey, China, Burundi, Nigeria, and Pakistan the brightest young minds have gathered here at CMR University to showcase their innovations at CAUSE 2023, the much awaited global open innovation challenge by the University.

Stay tuned for the Solution Showcase "Ground Zero" to witness some of the most fascinating takes on the solutions to the challenges listed under United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

#CMRUniversity #cmruniversity #cmru #DesignThinking #designthinkingday2023 #cmrudesignthinking #CMRUniversity #InnovationNation #ProblemSolvers #ChangeMakers #Cause2023 #carecollaboratecreate #InnovationChallenge #CreativeProblemSolving
#DesignForChange #DesignForImpact #DesignForGood #designthinkingmindset #InnovatorsMindset #empathy #designresearch #socialInnovation #PrototypeTesting
#empathize #UNSDGs #dtday #DCCC #CommonCoreCurriculum #CCC #WDO #GDTA
Рекомендации по теме

A great initiative. Thanks for inviting
