Single channel ADC interface | Temp Sensor Interface | LM35 interface | STM Interface | STM32F103Cx

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Hello friends,
In this video we see some configuration parameters of the inbuilt ADC. The STM32F103Cx controller has two 12-bit ADCs inbuilt. We see how to configure these parameters to get our first ADC program running.
The LM35 temperature sensor gives the output voltage value depending on the temperature. it gives 10mv/C. so change of 1C gives change of 10mV. this property is used to check our ADC is working properly or not.
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The code and simulation file is available on our telegram channel linked below. Do not forget to visit it for such more files and codes.
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In this video we see some configuration parameters of the inbuilt ADC. The STM32F103Cx controller has two 12-bit ADCs inbuilt. We see how to configure these parameters to get our first ADC program running.
The LM35 temperature sensor gives the output voltage value depending on the temperature. it gives 10mv/C. so change of 1C gives change of 10mV. this property is used to check our ADC is working properly or not.
Hope you like the video.
The code and simulation file is available on our telegram channel linked below. Do not forget to visit it for such more files and codes.
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