'Little do you know' Soulful Piano Guitar Rap Beat Hip Hop Instrumental with Hook 2019 (FishBeats)

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I love hearing instrumentals that open my mind and yeah this one was old as soon as i heard the beat with hook,


Twitch MLB - Little do you know
Best rap over this beat.


Thanks brother 👍 I have subscribed your channel


Wrote a dope ass rap because of this beat


Moments of silence for the ones who couldn’t find the song


Little do you know
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep
Little do you know
I'm still haunted by the memories
Little do you know
I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece
Little do you know
I need a little more time
Underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside
I've been holding back
For the fear that you might change your mind
I'm ready to forgive you, but forgetting is a harder fight
Little do you know
I need a little more time
I'll wait, I'll wait
I love you like you've never felt the pain, I'll wait
I promise, you don't have to be afraid, I'll wait
Love is here, and here to stay
So lay your head on me
Little do you know
I know you’re hurt while I'm sound asleep
Little do you know
All my mistakes are slowly drowning me
Little do you know
I'm trying to make it better piece by piece
Little do you know
I, I love you 'til the sun dies
I'll wait, just wait
I love you like I've never felt the pain, just wait
I love you like I’ve never been afraid, just wait
Our love is here, and here to stay
So lay your head on me
I'll wait (I'll wait), I'll wait (I'll wait)
I love you like you've never felt the pain, I'll wait (I'll wait)
I promise you don’t have to be afraid, I'll wait
Love is here, and here to stay
So lay your head on me
Lay your head on me
So lay your head on me
'Cause little do you know
I love you 'til the sun dies


Very good mucis your mucis cover song pleacse brother ❤


Pleas can i use this beat for non profit, i got fire, man this beat is so deep . :) :o


Little do u know I’m hurting and there’s no way out
Little do you know I can’t move all I can do is shout
But no one seems to hear me
All they seem to do is fear me
There afraid of the man I’ve become I can’t help it
Save me from myself, the bruises are not swell
I need help and I can’t even do this
I need God to save me
It’s like no one seems to care; nobody seems to miss me
No ones got my back no ones here to kiss me
And tell me it’ll be all right
I’m tired of this fight
God save me from my pain
but I hate myself in such vain


Little do you know how I'm just losing myself
I pray to God you look to him and just stop losing to hell
I wake up everyday and listen for the chances of bells
You lost a friend I say he had a better story to tell
You see your friend just do you wrong it's just another lesson
I might be sad but I'm alive so it's another blessing
You want a friend I wanna know if Ima be in heaven
Just hope you know that God's the only cure for all depression
You say that God has always left you all just through the night
He said it's not the time he's working all just through your life
Just give it all to God I promise he will show his might
And maybe one day you'll just give up all the simple fright
I know that your just holding tight
Just holding tight
Just lookin for some sort of light
To help you fight
Just put your trust in all his sight
He paid the price
Cause he will love and treat you right
So come invite
Lately I've been all alone and feeling like there's no one on my back
And the lord he's always with me even though I'm unattached
And how they hating on my God and want respect for acting wack
So I'm Just praying to the lord to help them people get the facts
And I've been on the run
I've been on the run to greatness
And they wanna see me fail cause they just think my flow is basic
They don't care about the message they just wanna get to pacing
I don't make the feel good music I want you to be debating
I'm so grateful for my God cause he will never do me wrong
And I just mess up everyday so I just pour it on a song
So I just listen for his voice to help me breath and sing along
And I'm so tired of the patience I just wait to see how long
Wait to see how long
Wait to see how long
There's no better chance of making it unless you keep on strong
There's no way of doing that if you just keep on doing wrong
I'm just praying for his blessing and to tell where I belong
Little do you know how I'm just losing myself
I pray to God you look to him and just stop losing to hell
I wake up everyday and listen for the chances of bells
You lost a friend I say he had a better story to tell
You see your friend just do you wrong it's just another lesson
I might be sad but I'm alive so it's another blessing
You want a friend I wanna know if Ima be in heaven
Just hope you know that God's the only cure for all depression
You say that God has always left you all just through the night
He said it's not the time he's working all just through your life
Just give it all to God I promise he will show his might
And maybe one day you'll just give up all the simple fright
I know that your just holding tight
Just holding tight
Just lookin for some sort of light
To help you fight
Just put your trust in all his sight
He paid the price
Cause he will love and treat you right
So come invite
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Written by: Jay Livora

Lyrics © DistroKid

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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Bro can i use this please for non profit use


Little do you know it's hard
But what can't kill you only makes you strong


Ți-am dat tot și mi-am lăsat în urmă viața,
Doar ca să mă pot trezii în pat cu tine dimineața,
Și nu regret, regret doar că tu n-ai simțit,
Că te-am iubit de la început și-am vrut să fiu ce ți-ai dorit,
Am vrut să fiu ce n-au fost alții, să te fac mai fericită,
Ai ales să minți, să ascunzi, de parcă am fost doar o partidă,
Nu, draga mea, eu când aleg ceva sunt sigur,
Și nu am venit la tine atunci pentru că mă simțeam eu singur,
Eu am vrut să-ți dau iubire, să te îmbrac în poezii,
Și să-ți arăt că sunt al tău din adâncul inimii,
Am venit la tine fato, îmbrăcat în arta mea,
Iar tu cu timpul ai putut să mă dezbraci ușor de ea,
Să mă faci să nu mai fiu artistul ce scrie din suflet,
Și să plâng atât de tare, pe gură să scot un urlet,
Ia-mi ce vrei, ia toată dragostea din mine,
Dar lasă-mi muzica în suflet și darul de a face rime,
Știi că n-am vrut să fie așa, tu știi prea bine draga mea,
Știi că odată ajuns aici ți-am dat cu drag inima mea,
Tu ai călcat-o în picioare, mai mințit de atâtea ori,
Cum zice fratele F.Charm, tu mai trezit ca să mă omori,
Dar n-am să uit, n-am să uit cum te-am iubit,
Că pentru tine aș fii distrus chiar și cel mai puternic zid,
Și-aș fi fost al tău mereu, așa ca și-n povești,
Dar ce rost are să-ți dau tot dacă tu pe altu îl iubești,
Mai folosit, mai amagit, dar măcar  tu să fii ok,
Ca să nu plângi așa cum plâng în noapte ochii mei,
Sper să găsești drumul spre tine și să uiți de noi cândva, eu am să plec cum am venit îmbrăcat  în arta mea, ia tot ce vrei, apoi lasă-mă gol, dar lasă muzica în mine căci altfel eu am să mor,
Tu, suflet clandestin, ai trecut prin viata mea din plin
Si tot ce mi-ai lasat, sunt doar urme de dureri si chin
N-am vrut sa plec, dar uite-ma acum
La capat de drum cu inima facuta scrum
Am sufletul plin de cicatrici, pe care le tin minte
Facute de tine cand aruncai cu gloante in cuvinte
Cand ma loveai in inima frontal de parca
Roata era patrata si nici gand sa se mai intoarca
Stii ca te-am iubit, da nu ti-a pasat
Tu ai aruncat, fiecare sentiment pe care ti-l-am dat
Ai amanetat, dragostea ca pe un obiect
Crezand ca asta iti va aduce sufletul perfect
Acum stau nemiscat, ca o stanca in fata ta
In timp ce cuvintele tale, imi perforeaza inima
Am amintiri, ce ma umplu intr-una de venin
Cuvinte, care lafel, ma lovesc in plin
Imi pare rau s-o spun, da` tre` sa plec acum
As vrea sa dau timpul inapoi, dar nu am cum
Ma doare, da tre` sa intelegi ca tu
Mi-ai ranit inima si sufletu` .
Verse 2:
O ultimă lacrimă curge acum. Voi încerca să aleg doar drumul cel bun; voi încerca să uit tot ce o dată a fost, amintirile acum rămân fără rost!
Si uite cum intru dintr-una intr-alta, iar pe jos se aduna balta,
balta de lacrimi varsate pentru tine, ca pentru mine erai una la o mie
Si cum sa fac sa dreg ca nu stiu ce sa fac, niciodata nu stiam cum sa fac sa te impac.Mereu credeam ca este vina mea dar uite ca am obosit sa cred minciuna asta.Credeai ca te poti juca cum vrei cu mine, credeai ca te poti imparte la o multime.Te credeam un diamant pretios, dar erai decat un sarpe veninos.Astăzi stau pe banca in parc, mâine poate am să mor. Toate aceste rânduri, vor rămâne-n viitor.Când iubirea te orbește, când e să nu ai noroc, suferă cel ce iubește; cel iubit își bate joc!
Am înțeles că în viață nu mereu ce se întâmplă, eu aleg,
Uneori tâmpita asta mai face și ce vrea ea,
Și își bate joc de vise dimineața la cafea.
Nu depinde doar de mine, ce va fii a doua zii
Iar povești ca a mea, sunt atâtea mii și mii,
Poți face orice să știi dar destinul nu-l oprești,
Poate nu mă crezi, dar cum ți-e scris așa trăiești,
Uite cum într-o secundă totul se poate schimba, viața asta e fragilă, ai grijă ce faci în ea.


Is there anyway to purchase an exclusive of this song?


can I use this beat for my official rap song??


I want the track outs for this beat how much would it be?


Tryna talk an explain the way i take the blame
Id love you thru thick n thin even night n day
I just dont understand how it got this way
Tho my heart ache my feelings are same
If we can talk about it take at look at this
This was not how we pictured it
The way we drew and imaged it
Maybe if we stook ti plan then itd be different
Lately its like the love is not existent
I just wanna talk it over
Go ahead cry on my shoulder
Are families the reason i stay sobar
You an your daughter really toucbex my heart
Dont let a kink in our relatuonship rip us all apart
Ima never quit and give up
I dont want us to split up
We talked about to space
Maybe separate go to a another place
I'm just saying I don't want to
I know the arguments still haunt you

I'm sorry ima monster an I never show emotion
I'm just letting you know i got yuh it don't matter what the motion
Our lives are blowing up with all this unwanted commotion
Hard times with no promotion
Seems like we lost it thru devotion
Or maybe swept into the ocean
All I know is I want us to be together
Sun rain or snow it don't matter what the weather
Always have your back like an ugly sweater
Ima fight thru the storm until our bond gets even better
I just kick it thru a song the only way I write a letter
I'm just tryna say I really care
A love like ours is rare
That's right the word love is cancerous
We follow by broken promises and what the standard is
Just tell me how your standing this
I could barely stand with it
But with you alone or broken ima be a man with it
Keep on doing me tho your not a fan of it
I can only pick up the phone til I decide not to answer it


Is it free to use? I will name the production and copy paste adress
