Air Safety Institute VFR Into IMC With Rod Machado

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Here's a video I did back in 2012 regarding VFR flight into IMC conditions. This was published by the AOPA Air Safety Institute in 2018. One of the very big failures of aviation education is that pilots are often given good advice but are not provided with the behavioral tools to implement it. For instance, we ask pilots to avoid flying into IMC (clouds) but don't provide them with strategies for doing this. Here are a few strategies to help you avoid flying VFR into IMC.
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Hey Rod! You are a legend in the GA flight training community. Thank you for your continued support in aviation safety and awareness. Your content keeps us safe and happy in the skies. Thank you!


After 42 years in Flight Service. I could talk for days about the tragedies I have seen for pilots who knowingly went into conditions they had no business attempting. This topic is serious and well put in this presentation.


I like the way you go deeper to help us understand why we do dumb things, and provide us techniques to do better. Every sane pilot will say that they will never run out of fuel or fly VFR into IMC, but we keep doing it. You are helping us realize that yes, it can happen to us, and giving us ways to avoid falling into the traps that have killed far too many of us. Extremely valuable.


The Sage has spoken! Rod “saving lives” Machado.


Great to gain support ☺️ in the decisions that need to be made.
It's good to make wise escape routes


I live in northeast Michigan, so weather is always an issue here. I always fly with friends or family. None of them are pilots. No matter the situation or the destination, it’s MY aircraft. I am the pilot in command and I refuse to be a statistic. If anyone EVER had a problem with my decision to delay or divert, then that’s the last time that person flies with me.


Good insight. Updating my preflight briefing now.


This is excellent stuff. Thanks for sharing!


Well, I think that the real message here is do NOT fly your plane into dirt and rocks. It's surprising how many people try to do that. I've spent many hours flying CAP-SAR missions trying to find people who didn't put that on the top line of their bold face check lists. of course, when the weather allowed us to do that.


My solution is I no longer take friends with me, only pilots(which I suppose are friends). Even when I tell them I'm not flying into unsafe conditions, they still have get-there-itis to race back to their lives of watching worthless Netflix movies.
