LEAKED CABLES: How the Iraq War empowered Iran

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Journalist Murtaza Hussain breaks down his reporting on the secret documents showing the influence of Iran in the affairs of Iraq.

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I'm so old I remember this was predicted in the run-up to the Iraq war. Like everything else, it was ignored by the MIC.


But they have American oil underneath their land...


I read all five sections that Intercept published and it's very interesting. It actually doesn't paint Iran as a horrible villain.


Giving such ppl and reports any credibility only helps the empire...pierre omidyar is funding intercept and has close ties to state department..Glenn Greenwald hasn't endorsed or even made a comment on this story..infact has distanced himself from this story...this helps ppl who want regime change in Iran


Seriously, Iraq is Iran's client state??
You don't know what you're talking about Krystal, and saagar.
It does have influence, but client state is a gross misrepresentation.


didn't add one cent to my Social Security.


I was a kid in Morocco when the Iraq war started, everyone was saying that Shiaa Iraqis would seek vengeance on Sunni arabs who supported the Bahth dictatorship. And to reconnect with Iran. The same goes for Eastern Saudi Arabia where the oil is located and the population follows the Shiaa faith and speak Persian as a second language.


I used to love reading the Intervention...I mean the Intercept


The US supported a Shia majority government to the benefit of Shia Iran. How the US couldn’t know this would happen is beyond me.


you guys gotta turn the audio up on your videos. unless i'm listening to this channel through ear buds i have to turn the volume all the way up and if I'm in anything other than a completely silent room, i still can't hear you lol this is the quietest channel in my sub list yet you guys speak the loudest to me...when i can hear you.


War & Petroleum Profiteering. Imagine the world without it


International Relations 101: Realism. Balance of power. You take a regional power out, another power would flourish.

Sorry, liberalists and constructivists.


By the way, Saddam was a darling of USA when he was fighting Iran after the revolution.


I as Iranian really don't think Iran is controlling Iraq in any shape or form. These two countries have natural ties. They depict any country who is not a blood enemy of Iran as a client country just to foment animosity and hatred between their people and Iranians. They want every country in the region to treat Iran like Israel or Saudi Arabia.


Was going to comment but you did it for me. Remember the first thing Bush did post invasion was to allow the (quds force supported) Shiite based SCIRI to re-enter Iraq and take up positions in the new Iraqi government, most notably the Interior Ministry.


The results of America's abortive attempt to occupy Iraq and turn it into a permanent US base to dominate the region were entirely predictable. What commentators in the west completely fail to understand is the social, cultural, personal and political interconnection of Iraq's Shia and Iran. At the political level alone most of the Iraqi Shia politicians who opposed Saddam were given home in Iran or were supported, funded and aided in various ways by Iran. Obviously with 60% of the population of Iraq being Shia the introduction of democracy was going to guarantee an Iraq with close and friendly ties to Iran. At the social and personal level there are brotherly relations and intermarriages between Iraqi Shia and Iranians. These two peoples have brotherly and warm relations. It is less like Iran is subverting Iraq and more like the US & UK have a special relationship. The collapse of America's dominating military position in Iraq then created a Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus axis. This completely shifted the Sunni/Shia power balance in the region against the Sunnis. It was for this region the wealthy and powerful Sunni Gulf monarchies Qatar first, then Saudi, built up radical Sunni extremist groups like AQI and IS to destabilise Shia dominated Iraq and bring down the Assad regime. As Qaddafi was too friendly with Iran the Qataris also played a central role in overthrowing the Libyan regime. All this was aimed at isolating Iran and weakening Shia Iraq. These extremists thus found themselves with a common enemy shared by US/UK and Israel, hence the strange alignments of today.


You see how they equal the U.S. invasion of Iraq which caused so much death and destruction to Iran's basically cooperation and influence which did not cause any life directly at least. And also the fact that Iran and Iraq are neighbors and have a lot in common.. I guess feeding in establishment understanding of foreign policy is everywhere..
Also, protests in Iraq were not against Iran's influence particularly.. it started as protests against corruption and it was lead to this.. a lot of propaganda is going around.


And this is surprising? Details are new but the overarching news is known


USA interventions abroad now have a clear pattern: they specifically target oil-rich countries (Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Venezuela, Iran) that are beginning to trade their resources with other currencies than the petro-dollar.  It’s about controlling the world’s resources for the benefit of the 1% super wealthy.  Those USA interventions have only left chaos, misery, and destruction.  In the meantime, the USA military industrial complex is aiding the Saudi’s genocide against Yemen. Should be more than obvious by now that USA does not care one bit about human rights.


You folks should run that by Noam Chomsky, if only to check congruence.
