VDH Responds to Daryl Cooper on Tucker Carlson Show - WW2

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This video is Victor Davis Hanson's response to Darryl Cooper's claims about WW2 on the Tucker Carlson show. VDH responded twice on his weekend podcast with Sami Winc. The first 24 minutes of this video contains part 1 of his response and the remaining minutes of this video contains part 2 of his response.
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I have appreciated some of Darryl Cooper's 'Martyrmade' podcasts, especially his exposition on My Lai... but I cannot fathom his misinterpretation of WWII. It's sad. I thank Dr. Hanson for clarifying the true history of the era. His book 'The Second World Wars' is HIGHLY recommended.


Let’s see if Victor’s friend Tucker Carlson invites him on to rebut Cooper. If Carlson doesn’t do this then he is ideologically opposed to Western values, history and stories and he is no longer your friend. Then RFK needs to reexamine his relationship with Carlson. And if Carlson is as smart as Mr Hanson says then he will make the invitation quickly but if he doesn’t Mr Hanson should ask Carlson for the chance rebut and if Carlson says no them we will know him by his actions..
