LATISSE - Don’t Make This Mistake! (w/Before and After Pics)

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Long Lashes! My thoughts on Latisse: I am LOVING IT. My lashes are monumental. Have you tried it? I’d love to hear about your Latisse journey if you've already started! This is the updated episode of my Latisse experience and this time I added before and after photos, as requested. Still included is my big Warning! We don't need anyone repeating my mistake!
#coffeewithcarey #latisse #latissebeforeandafter
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Intimacy Essentials Supporting Women; Postpartum Through Menopause and Beyond. Elevated Science-backed products for female sexual wellness.
Use the Code: CAREY10
...for 10% off!
Create adorable video masterpieces using AI. Simply use the app to film yourself reading stories and singing songs for the young people in your life
Use this link for a 30% discount in the Apple Store!
(Meeting People with Herpes)
MPWH is the Original and #1 Dating Site to Connect Herpes-Positive Singles!
Here is an EPISODE you may have MISSED:
If you keep finding yourself in a dead end or hitting a brick wall, here is what I really have learned over the span of my matchmaking and coaching career that you should take to heart.
Matchmaker Shares How to Find Love- For Real!
Grab my FREE Guides HERE…
*The Ultimate Guide to Meeting People in the Wild (Unleash the Magic of Real World Connections)
Get Your FREE Guide HERE!
*33 Great Questions for Dating!
A fantastic list of questions you can use on your dates that will help you avoid those BOOOORING date conversations and REALLY get to know this person you are meeting!
Again, it’s totally FREE.
Need some help with your dating profile? DATING PROFILE OPTIMIZATION
Check here to see what we might try...
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Coffee with Carey
A Note From Carey (me) : As a dating coach for women and men, and a relationship expert, my mission is to have you leave here every week, better for having met me. It may take me some time so please check back (subscribe?) for future for dating tips, relationship advice, first date tips, continued updates on the dating apps and online dating platforms, and many other relevant topics of dating in 2023. If your goal this year is finding love then you are in the right place with the right dating and relationship coach. And if you are over 40, over 50, or maybe even over 60, and just now getting back out there and dating after divorce, as a woman of a certain age, who has years of experience as a matchmaker and dating expert, I think I can be very helpful as your YouTube dating coach. And if you desire or need something more private or personalized, well, you know where to find me! (see below)
Warmly, Carey
Get your very own coffee mug just like mine! Visit my SHOP here!
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Disclaimer: This video or description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on a product link I have the opportunity to receive a small commission. Thank you for your support of my channel!❤
#coffeewithcarey #latisse #latissebeforeandafter
Our Channel Partners...
Videos Sponsored by:
Intimacy Essentials Supporting Women; Postpartum Through Menopause and Beyond. Elevated Science-backed products for female sexual wellness.
Use the Code: CAREY10
...for 10% off!
Create adorable video masterpieces using AI. Simply use the app to film yourself reading stories and singing songs for the young people in your life
Use this link for a 30% discount in the Apple Store!
(Meeting People with Herpes)
MPWH is the Original and #1 Dating Site to Connect Herpes-Positive Singles!
Here is an EPISODE you may have MISSED:
If you keep finding yourself in a dead end or hitting a brick wall, here is what I really have learned over the span of my matchmaking and coaching career that you should take to heart.
Matchmaker Shares How to Find Love- For Real!
Grab my FREE Guides HERE…
*The Ultimate Guide to Meeting People in the Wild (Unleash the Magic of Real World Connections)
Get Your FREE Guide HERE!
*33 Great Questions for Dating!
A fantastic list of questions you can use on your dates that will help you avoid those BOOOORING date conversations and REALLY get to know this person you are meeting!
Again, it’s totally FREE.
Need some help with your dating profile? DATING PROFILE OPTIMIZATION
Check here to see what we might try...
Have you considered becoming a VIP CHANNEL MEMBER, to access Live Streams, Video Chats, Free Merchandise, Discounts on Private Coaching and More?!
Click here to check it out…
Coffee with Carey
A Note From Carey (me) : As a dating coach for women and men, and a relationship expert, my mission is to have you leave here every week, better for having met me. It may take me some time so please check back (subscribe?) for future for dating tips, relationship advice, first date tips, continued updates on the dating apps and online dating platforms, and many other relevant topics of dating in 2023. If your goal this year is finding love then you are in the right place with the right dating and relationship coach. And if you are over 40, over 50, or maybe even over 60, and just now getting back out there and dating after divorce, as a woman of a certain age, who has years of experience as a matchmaker and dating expert, I think I can be very helpful as your YouTube dating coach. And if you desire or need something more private or personalized, well, you know where to find me! (see below)
Warmly, Carey
Get your very own coffee mug just like mine! Visit my SHOP here!
Come say hello on other SOCIAL MEDIA!
Disclaimer: This video or description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on a product link I have the opportunity to receive a small commission. Thank you for your support of my channel!❤