LATISSE - Don’t Make This Mistake! (w/Before and After Pics)

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Long Lashes! My thoughts on Latisse: I am LOVING IT. My lashes are monumental. Have you tried it? I’d love to hear about your Latisse journey if you've already started! This is the updated episode of my Latisse experience and this time I added before and after photos, as requested. Still included is my big Warning! We don't need anyone repeating my mistake!
#coffeewithcarey #latisse #latissebeforeandafter

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Рекомендации по теме

I just got my Rx for Latisse today, so naturally I came to YT to learn what to (not) do! 😂. I love the tip to put the drop in the cap! And the fine eyeliner brush is great! Did my first dose tonight, top lashes and brows… 🙌


Gotta love her!! This is my first time seeing this YouTuber... she's the type you just want to run into her home, grab her arm and got out & have a great night with... ending with a great glass of 🍷 and a few laughs!!!


Love the honesty and the sass ❤️😂 Thanks for the review and tips!


Well you just answered my questions within the first few minutes!!


I laughed loud! That sounds like something I would have done! Thank you for the warning and great advice overall. I am starting my Latisse journey and am so excited for what's to come!


Thank you so much for your reply. I’m subscribing You are so sweet. And I am so glad I found you. I just put Latisse in the search and so glad you popped up!!!
I am from Chicago. I lived there growing up and after I married too
And my husband died 10 years ago. I’m living in Southern IL. now A real trial I’m going through but Yeshua be praised for giving me the strength. Thank you again Carey. Your a doll!!! Loved your video.


This video was very helpful, can’t wait to get my bottle tomorrow.


I just ordered from an online service and ordered dispose eyeliner brushes from amazon. thanks for this review.


Thank you so much! I just bought my first kit and used it for the fist time last night. The applicators really suck up the product


Thank you for mentioning Apostrophe ❤️ just ordered


Omg thank you for letting me know this lol twice already I’ve put latisse on my bottom lashes 😮


Your SASS reminds me of Jane Russell. Absolutely love it! 😍 thank you for the great advice.


I’ve been using the other (plastic) end of my brushes and just gently dab my lash line.
That way you use up the brushes and only need to use tiny bit on a drop.
I’ll try the mini eyelash brush when I finish those up.
I don’t know if I am paranoid but I think my dark circles are worse!


Very grateful for the advice - I was thinking about bottom lashes too :(


You look amazing! Thank you for your tutorial on Latisse. Do you have any recommendations for inexpensive eye wrinkle cream?


Yup 1st application was a total waste with those really black brushes. Just found a micro brush I can sanitize for my new lashes, thank you and Aloha


Thank you for the video! This is ENORMOUSLY HELPFUL!

This is off topic but I have to ask....your you achieve your curls with a curling iron or with products?


Hi there, just wondering if you need to was the eye brush everytime you do it or do you use new brushes?


But do you use tretinoin where you have to apply Vaseline to your eyelids? I know this was highly recommended to do to protect the eyelids and I’m worried about it coming into contact with the eyelashes if they’re already dry from the Latisse, they should be OK but I don’t know if the Vaseline will affect the product. I don’t really know anyone who would have this answer either. I’m shocked because I know that there are tons of people who use both products but I have not seen a video that mentions anything about using them together or Vaseline on the eyelids coming into contact with Latisse


Omg so glad I watched this! Thank you!!
