Ultimate LLD and HLD Roadmap | System Design RoadMap | LLD & HLD Topics to be covered for Interview

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We have come a long way and still lot more to cover.......
As many members asked me this, so please find the topics for #LLD and #HLD which i have in my bucket-list and planning to cover those.

As you know, i can not commit timeline bcoz teaching stuff i am doing only in weekends . So please bear with me, i will complete all these topics ASAP.

Also team, i have one more news: I have started working on making the topics for SpringBoot and planned to Launch the new SpringBoot Playlist by Mid Feb or Max Feb End.

And as usual, i will not charge a single Penny for any topic which i will cover.

Hope this will help you in your interview preparation.........


00:00 - LLD Roadmap
05:54 - HLD Roadmap

Please find the LLD and HLD topics below and Happy Christmas and New Year..

LLD Topics 🔥 🔥 :

S.O.L.I.D Principles
Strategy Pattern
Observer Pattern
Design Notify-Me Button Functionality
Decorator Pattern
Design Pizza Billing System
Factory Pattern
Design Parking Lot
Abstract Factory Pattern
Design Snake n Ladder game
Chain of Responsibility Pattern
Design Elevator System
Proxy Pattern
Design Car Rental System
Null Object Pattern
Design Logging System
State Pattern
Design Tic-Tac-Toe game
Composite Pattern
Design BookMyShow & Concurrency handling
Adapter Pattern
Design Vending Machine
Singleton Pattern
Design ATM
Builder Pattern
Design Chess game
Prototype Pattern
Design File System
Bridge Pattern
Design Splitwise
Façade Pattern
Splitwise Simplify Algorithm / Optimal Accounting Balancing
Flyweight Pattern
Design CricBuzz / CricketInfo
Command Pattern
Design True Caller
Interpreter Pattern
Design Car Booking Service like Ola, Uber
Iterator Pattern
Design Online Hotel Booking System
Mediator Pattern
Design Library Management System
Memento Pattern
Design Traffic Light System
Template Method Pattern
Design Meeting Scheduler
Visitor Pattern
Design Online Voting System
Design Inventory Management System
Design Cache Mechanism
Design LinkedIn
Design Amazon
Design Airline Management System
Design Stock Exchange System
Design Learning Management System
Design a Calendar Application
Design (LLD) Payment System
Design (LLD) Chat based system
Design Food delivery app like Swiggy and Zomato
Design Community Discussion Platform
Design Restaurant Management System
Design Bowling Alley Machine
Design (LLD) Rate Limiter

HLD topics 🔥 🔥 :
Learn About Network Protocols (TCP, Websocket, HTTP etc.)
Client-Server Vs Peer 2 Peer Architecture
C.A.P Theorem
Microservices Imp. Design Patterns (SAGA pattern, Strangler Pattern)
Scale from 0 to Million Users
Design Consistent Hashing
Design URL Shortening
Back of the Envelope Estimation
Design Key-Value Store
SQL vs NoSQL, When to Use Which DB
Design WhatsApp
Design Rate Limiter
Design Search Autocomplete System / Typeahead System
Understand Message Queue , Kafka etc.
What is Proxy Servers
What is CDN
Storage types:
(Block Storage, File Storage, Object Storage (S3) , RAID)
File System
(Google File System, HDFS)
Bloom Filter
Merkle Tree , Gossiping Protocol
(Cache Invalidation, Cache eviction)
How to Scale Database
- Sharding (Horizontal and Vertical)
- Partitioning
- Replication, Mirroring
- Leader Election
- Indexing etc.
Design Notification System
Design Pastebin
Design Twitter
Design Dropbox
Design Instagram
Design YouTube
Design Google Drive
Design Web Crawler
Design Facebook News Feed / Newsfeed System
Design Ticket Master
Design NearByFriends or Yelp

Gadget used, showed in below video 🔥:

You can also connect with me 1:1 on Topmate:

Join this channel to get access to perks:

#hld #lld #lowleveldesign #systemdesign
Рекомендации по теме

An ABSOLUTE legend! such a selfless act to publish these videos for no charge. We students truly express our gratitude for your channel <3


One more thing to keep in mind before starting this playlist which Shrayansh told me in a 1:1 call.
Do not just binge watch the videos. Pause the video and solve the question on your own, assault your understanding. Design pattern cannot have definitive answers but if your solution matches 50% then you are on right track.
Analysis where your thinking diverted and use it as a feedback to improve your ability.

Starting the playlist today.


I am really surprised to see such a wonderful playlist that too free of cost. I started interview preparation keeping all this is mind and luckily i came across your playlist . Hope this will help me get higher position this year. Will stick to your channel now instead of wasting time anywhere else..


An awesome initiative taken, so much is available on the internet, yet they are not put together so well. Moreover, since this is coming from an experienced developer, all the trust and hope is also very genuine. Thankyou!


Really very thankful to you. For the efforts you have put on.


I will say please upload HlD and LLD as soon possible. The way u are teaching HLD and LLD, nowhere on YouTube or paid resources teaching like this. And this thing make this channel unique from others True Gold🔥


Starting the tutorials. Looks like an amazing list of LLD though cannot see HLD.


I recently started watching your videos and would highly recommend this channel.

Amazing content, please keep this going.


Hey..Your videos are so amazing and easy to learn.
Thank you so much for giving this valuable content for free.


A popular coder named Love Babbar was talking about Revolution in tech education...this is it. Knowledge truly available for free...such great content...this is truly charity work for new as well as aspiring Developers.


Very well framed videos. Will recommend every SE to watch it. Waiting for your SpringBoot videos?


Woo shreyansh, Thanks for the exciting news too.. ForThe spring boot Playlist


If this content get delivered... Then system design is going to be walk in the park.. Thanks shrayansh.
1) share the one drive link as it helps in revision


awesome Man ...Long Live...Learn More ..Achieve More..


Bhai legend ho... Great videos. jitni tarif kro utni kam haii


Thank you for such a nice content. Your content is better than most of the paid course on internet. Thank you.


Please complete the LLD playlist first. Thanks for doing this. Great job :)


Hey There,
First of all, you are doing a very good job. This is the first video i have landed on (though youtube recommendation), and i must say, you've set the bar so high.
I will expect you will cross the bar in your coming videos.

Now, going straight to your HLD and LLD playlist. and also subscribe +1

Keep doing the good work !


Thanks for this playlist. It's very useful


Thank you so much sir. It means a lot ❤
