2014-06-10 IBPSA-US SF Introduction to Annex 66 and Occupant Behavior Simulation

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Tianzhen Hong, Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Berkeley, California will be presenting about Annex 66 , a global project which aims to set up a standard occupant behavior definition platform, establish a quantitative simulation methodology to model occupant behavior in buildings, and understand the influence of occupant behavior on building energy use and the indoor environment.
Tianzheng Hong is a Co-operative Agent and a subtask leader of the Annex 66 project.
About the speaker:
Tianzhen Hong is a Scientist with the Simulation Research Group. Before joining LBNL, he worked for Architectural Energy Corporation in San Francisco, Supersymmetry in Singapore, National University of Singapore, and Tsinghua University in Beijing. Dr. Hong has more than 20 years of industry and academic experience in building energy efficiency, building energy standards, building performance simulation, and HVACR research. He taught building simulation workshops in the US, mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. He received B.Eng, M.Eng, and Ph.D. in thermal engineering from Tsinghua University. He is a key member of the EnergyPlus development team, the founding developer of DeST (a building energy simulation program widely used in China), the chief developer and product manager of VisualDOE. He contributed to update California building energy efficiency standards, ASHRAE 90.1, and energy conservation building code of India. He is currently leading the Monitoring and Simulation research area of US/China Clean Energy Research Center - Building Energy Efficiency.
Tianzheng Hong is a Co-operative Agent and a subtask leader of the Annex 66 project.
About the speaker:
Tianzhen Hong is a Scientist with the Simulation Research Group. Before joining LBNL, he worked for Architectural Energy Corporation in San Francisco, Supersymmetry in Singapore, National University of Singapore, and Tsinghua University in Beijing. Dr. Hong has more than 20 years of industry and academic experience in building energy efficiency, building energy standards, building performance simulation, and HVACR research. He taught building simulation workshops in the US, mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. He received B.Eng, M.Eng, and Ph.D. in thermal engineering from Tsinghua University. He is a key member of the EnergyPlus development team, the founding developer of DeST (a building energy simulation program widely used in China), the chief developer and product manager of VisualDOE. He contributed to update California building energy efficiency standards, ASHRAE 90.1, and energy conservation building code of India. He is currently leading the Monitoring and Simulation research area of US/China Clean Energy Research Center - Building Energy Efficiency.