Boris Dinkevich - Redux-ing like a Pro
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We all heard about Redux and the amazing stories React developers tell, but what about the rest? Come and learn the guiding principles around Redux and how can (and is) used in Angular 2.0 and other (non React) frameworks to drive the data modeling layer. Discover why this tiny 6K library is setting the frontend world a buzz.
Boris Dinkevich - Redux-ing like a Pro
Boris Dinkevich - Pro Redux
Boris Dinkevich: Practical Advanced Redux — ReactNext 2017
Boris Dinkevich - Bringing ReactJS into Angular (Hebrew) - ngconf-il 2015
Boris Dinkevich: ReactJS: Under The Hood — ReactNext 2016
AngularNYC - How Angular 1 Works - Boris Dinkevich - 04/11/2017
ngAir 88 - AngularUP Conference with Adam Klein and Boris Dinkevich
React render to DOM - Boris Dinkevich - Codemotion Milan 2016
ReactiveConf 2018 - Boris Dinkevich: Talking with Ethereum smart contracts from the browser
Why I Chose to Modularize the Ducks in My React App // Lauren Lee // CascadiaJS 2018
'Redux: Architecting and scaling a new web app at The NY Times' by Juan Carlos Montemayor ...
TorontoJS Tech Talk January 2016 - Yuri Takhteyev - Better Functional Architecture with Redux
Promises in AngularJS (Uri Shaked)
Thinking in Redux - Part 1
Redux saga tutorial
React Tools and Libraries - JS Monthly London
Modeling Redux State | Rocky Mountain Angular
5 Patterns to make your React Components more useful
Redux et Angular2
React.js Internals with Nick Niemeir
Divid Dojo 2: React, Redux, Redux-Saga (side effects)
[Srijan Wednesday Webinar] React State Management with Redux
Shay Keinan: WebVR and React — ReactNext 2017
Please Don't Do This with Aaron Bruce - Phoenix ReactJS