Y/n remembers dead Mattheo singing a song and finds him at an abandoned quidditch pitch…

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Alright I cried idk what that thought or what the heck I'm thinking but I'm crying


I cry to this song everytime and this is just too sweet and i feel like this would be mattheo's soft spot


Ok I cried I don't know why tho if it's fake 😭


I'm crying my eyes out because I have a crush on mattheo


It’s 3 a.m and this hurt my heart 🖤 and I wish my dad that I never met was like Mattheo in this situation


Congratulations u made me cry and remember how unloved I am and made me remember mattheo is a fictional character that I can never be with


M: I didn’t die I faked it
Y/n: what? *starts crying* no *hugs him*
M: listen meet me here tomorrow tell no one i’ll explain everything later!
Y/n: No don’t leave!
M: i’ll be back tell no one *runs away*
Y/n: *falls to the ground in tears* Mattheo!
H: Omg y/n i’m so sorry! I forgot he used to sing that to you, but this is the 3rd time you’ve been here I get that this is the last place you saw him, but you need to move on.
Y/n: No he-he *faints*
(Wakes up in the Hospital wing)
Hermione: Y/n your awake
Y/n: What happened
Hermione: I accidentally played his song
Y/n: He-
Hermione: He’a gone
Y/n: How long have I been gone?
Hermione: 3 weeks
Y/n: 3 WEEKS!!
Hermione: Yes and I have more news
Y/n: What?
Hermione: We fought Voldemort and the Death Eaters again
Y/n: And?
Y/n: Really!
Hermione: Yes but it came at a cost
Y/n: Did anyone d!3
Hermione: *drops her head* Fred Weasley, Professor Snape
Y/n: Fred? He- he *cries*
Hermione: Come on I want to walk you to your dorm
Y/n: But you have to walk through the Slytherin common room
Hermione: Idc
Y/n: Okay what time is it
Hermione 9:00
Y/n: They’ll be there
Hermione: Who?
Y/n: The boys -1
Hermione: I’m so sorry Y/n but you need to sleep
Y/n: Okay. I haven’t spoken to them since he was here
Hermione: Thats been 2 months for what you’ve been awake for
Y/n: Ik
Hermione: Okay. They told me you sometimes sleep in his dorm
Y/n: He doesn’t- didn’t have a roommate
Hermione: It’s okay. Do you want to go there tonight?
Y/n: *nods tears welling in her eyes*
*they walk into the Slytherin common room*
Draco: Oh Y/n
Enzo: Your awake
Y/n: Hi
Theo: oh umm hi
Hermione: I’m getting her to bed
Draco: Okay goodnight
Theo: Ya night
Y/n: Goodnight
*they walk to Mattheos dorm*
Draco: She spoke to us
Theo: Ya. She’s gonna be in his dorm though
Enzo: How do you know
Theo: She was found on the Quidditch field
Draco: Do you think she knows the plan is almost complete?
Theo: I’m sure he’ll slip into her dreams tonight i’ll ask tomorrow
(Y/n Pov)
Y/n: Good night Hermione
Hermione: Good night *walks out*
Y/n: *falls asleep*
(In dream)
Y/n: Woah why does this feel so real?
Mattheo: Y/n?
Y/n: Mattheo? Is it real? You- you weren’t a coma dream?
Mattheo: No but I am in your dream do you remember when I showed you how I can do this
Y/n: Oh thats why it felt familiar
Mattheo: I need you to talk to Theo in the morning he’ll explain everything
Y/n: Can I see you soon? I’ve been sneaking off to sleep in your dorm so often it’s starting to smell more like me than you
Mattheo: Yes Harry k!||3d Voldemort so all thats left is obliviate me from everyones memory
Y/n: But I can’t forget you!
Mattheo: Listen to me you can talk about me to Theo he’ll listen for as long as you need but don’t confide in anyone else! I have a plan but if you go to the pitch again the Nurse will obliviate me from your memory and I won’t be able to do anything to change that
Y/n: When can I hold you again?
Mattheo: If it all goes well I’ll be announced as a new student in 2 days
Y/n: I don’t want to forget you
Mattheo: Thats why we found out a plan
Y/n: But what?
Mattheo: you have to act like we’ve never met… we’ll start dating again but taking it slow like we just met
Y/n: But
Mattheo: I think it will be best if you stay in my dorm while breakfast happens
Y/n: But
Mattheo: I’ll leave right after and have draco “show me” where my dorm is
Y/n: Okay
(Real life)
Theo: Y/n wake up
Y/n: What?
Theo: Was he there?
Y/n: Ya
Theo: Okay. Did he tell you the plan
Y/n: Yes but i’m confused!
Theo: Keep your voice down *casts a silencing spell*
Y/n: Whats happening? Am I going insane
Theo: Mattheo ran away. He dodged the killing curse and ran with a disillusionment charm on
Y/n: Why?
Y/n: So he left?
Theo: Yes. But he was always planning on returning
Y/n: I don’t want to forget him!
Theo: You won’t before Dumbledore is doing the spell at night so while we’re asleep he’ll make sure we’re not affected but for that to work we all need to sleep in Mattheos dorm.
Y/n: Who’s we all?
Theo: You, me, Draco, and Enzo
Y/n: When?
Theo: Tomorrow night. Then when we wake up we’ll make sure that we’re the only ones who remember, and he’ll be introduced the next morning
Y/n: So he’s alive? I didn’t imagine meeting him on the quidditch pitch?
Theo: Listen you can not talk about him or cry about him because we overhears the nurse say “if she’s brought in here one more time because of him i’ll obliviate him from her memory”
Y/n: Okay
Theo: Want to go down to breakfast?
Y/n: Ya I just need to go back to my dorm and get ready
Theo: Want us to wait for you?
Y/n: Sure
*they both leave*
Enzo: Can we go to breakfast now?
Theo: We’re waiting for Y/n
Draco: Is she sitting with us!?
Theo: I think so. She knows about the plan
Enzo: Did you tell her she can’t risk having a freak out about him
Theo: Ya I made it clear
*Y/n walks down*
Y/n: I’m ready
Enzo: Let’s go
*they awkwardly walk to breakfast
Theo: It’s been a while
Y/n: Listen i’m sorry. I-I was grieving and talking to you or even looking at you reminded me that-
Theo: *interrupts* Ya we get it but…remember?
Y/n: Oh. Ya umm sorry
Draco: Were just glad your talking to us again. It’s hard to lose a bsf but it’s even harder to lose 2 at the same time.
Enzo: Especially when they still have an option
Y/n: Again i’m sorry
Theo: It’s fine but it’s Monday so let’s talk about this more on Thursday
Y/n: Oh ya *smiles* Thursday
(Time skip Tuesday Night)
Y/n: So let me get this straight. Dumbledore is doing the thing but you all have to sleep in here for it to work?
Theo: Yes
Y/n: So Tomorrow everyone’s gonna think I…
Theo: Possibly but I think it’s worth it!! It’s for HIM so HE doesn’t forget HIS bsf’s!!!
Y/n: *flinches* Okay i’m s-sorry
Theo: *calms down* Why did you flinch?
Y/n: I-i’m sorry
Enzo: Did Mattheo do this to you? Is he making you flinch?!
Y/n: I-I p-promise i-it’s not like that
Draco: Guys leave her alone and calm down *walks over and whispers* Can I hug you?
Y/n: *nods*
Draco: *pulls her into a tight hug* We’re not mad just curious
Y/n: It’s nothing
Draco: Can you just tell us if it was Mattheo? We won’t ask any follow ups
Y/n: It wasn’t him.
Draco: Okay
Enzo: Can we sleep in here?
Y/n: Yes
*They all lay down and go to sleep*
*Wednesday morning*
Y/n: Theo? Do you remember?
Theo: Ya you?
Draco: I do.
Y/n: Me too Enzo?
Enzo: I remember
Y/n: I’m leaving first *reaches for Mattheo’s sweatshirt*
Theo: Can’t wear that.
Y/n: Why?
Enzo: No one is supposed to know who he is until he comes here
Y/n: Right. Bye *walks out*
(Time Skip breakfast)
Theo: How do we know if it worked?
Y/n: I don’t know. Oh Dumbledore’s walking up
Dd: Attention everyone. Tomorrow there will be an arrival of a new student. Mattheo Riddle. He has already been sorted into Slytherin. This may come as a shock but he is will be entering his 7th year
*great hall fills with chatter*
Pansy: Hey Y/n? Why is he in his 7th year?
Y/n: Idk?
Pansy: And HIS son
Y/n: He’s probably not like his dad
Pansy: What do you know him?
Y/n: No but I can’t judge him before meeting him.
Pansy: Whatever *rolls eyes*
(Time Skip Wednesday night)
Theo: *knocks on Y/n’s door*
Y/n: *opens the door* Hi Theo
Theo: You’re not going to breakfast tomorrow
Y/n: I know
Theo: Okay *leaves*
Y/n: *gets into bed and falls asleep*
Mattheo: Y/n?
Mattheo: Don’t panic everything is okay I’m coming to school tomorrow
Y/n: I’ll be waiting
Mattheo: I was worried it didn’t work. Worried you forgot me.
Y/n: Never!
Mattheo: See you tomorrow.
Y/n: See you tomorrow
*Thursday Morning*
Y/n: *wakes up and checks the time* breakfast started 30 minutes ago I should go to his dorm *gets up
, puts a dissalusiment charm on, and walk to Mattheo’s dorm*
Y/n: Soon. Very soon *lays down in Mattheo’s bed*
*30 minutes later*
*far away voices*
Draco: So this will be your dorm
Mattheo: Thanks. It was Draco right?
Draco: *laughs* Yes it’s Draco
Mattheo: I have a feeling we’ll be good friends
Draco: Okay well you might want to go to your dorm
Mattheo: Yes thank you! *walks into his dorm and whispers* Love?!
Y/n: *whispers with a hint of trars* Mattheo
Mattheo: Please take off the charm and don’t cry.
Y/n: *takes the charm off, crying* Mattheo?
Mattheo: I missed you so much
Y/n: *runs towards him and hold him in a TIGHT hug*
Mattheo: Your cutting off circulation
Y/n: *let’s go* I missed you.
Mattheo: I missed you too love *kisses you*
Y/n: I-I- They- They thought I was going insane. I wouldn’t move on. Hermione kept trying to set me up with Diggory!
Mattheo: Did you go out with him?
Y/n: One date. He h!t me. A lot. And yelled
Mattheo: Why!?
Y/n: I told him I didn’t want to be there. That I was in love with you.
Mattheo: I’m so sorry
Y/n: You can’t beat him up
Mattheo: Why?
Y/n: He doesn’t know who you are so therefore has no idea I love you.
Mattheo: Right!
Y/n: How are we gonna do this.
Mattheo: What?
Y/n: Pretend we never met.
Mattheo: I don’t know. But i’m not worried about that right now. *kisses her*
Y/n: Okay. Mattheo?
Mattheo: Yes?
Y/n: I need you to promise me some stuff
Mattheo: Like what?
Y/n: First that you’ll never leave me again
Mattheo: Done.
Y/n: And second. You’ll protect me from Cedric
Mattheo: Of course.
Y/n: I love you
Mattheo: I could tell. Rumor has it you were a mess without me.
Y/n: Hah hah. Maybe I was.
Mattheo: I love you too.


Bro I just realize I’ve got the same marks on my face 💀


I don't know what I'm thinking or what I think about this but I'm crying and I just don't know what to do. I don't know if I should just cry or shut my emotions off.


Why did this put a pain through my heart 😢😢😢😢😢


I heard it before but im crying my eyes out😢


This song played at my grandad funeral


Where is theo why Matheyo she used to call him theo 🤔
Matheyo *y.n*


I cried because it reminded me of my grandma


Could you make a part 2 but the roles are reversed


Y did they have to make Mattheo die . No 🤬 HE SHALL STAY ALIVE FOREVERRRTRR


Ok can I be first pin pls😂 sorry for asking
