Opioids are still needed for many chronic pain patients | USA TODAY

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Garrett Greene takes opioid medication for pain management and has struggled to find effective treatment.

Drug-related deaths among people 18 to 34 soared 108% between 2007 and 2017, while alcohol deaths were up 69% and suicides increased 35%, according to an analysis of the latest federal data by the non-profit Trust for America's Health and Well Being Trust.

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It's disgusting how legitimate sufferers are made to carry the load of reducing opioid use, while the abusers still get all they need.


Denying pain relief to legit patients is a crime


Thank you for showing the living hell us incurable and intractable chronic pain sufferers like me have been persecuted and abandoned. Opioids are our last resort and keep us functioning instead of completely bedridden or committing suicide.


I am glad things worked out for you but there are MILLIONS of people who do need opiates because they have tried everything else but nothing else worked. Please explain that this is YOUR story and you do not represent all of us.


Animal Activists would be out raged if an animal was treated this way. Perhaps call PETA on these human Doctors.


I've been in pain the last 9 years of my life, due to bad surgical practices, over 14 or so. I absolutely hate people judging me, especially pharmacists with the "sure you need pain meds " look. I didn't ask for this.


The most important thing to note is that the stricter the laws against opioids became, the worse the crisis became. I know that laws restricting these drugs were enacted with good intentions, but the results speak for themselves. I'm from Ohio, one of the worst states when it comes to this issue. The amount of people that turned to drug dealers for their pills, or worse drugs, like heroin, is astounding. As much as these addicts are judged, the majority of them either have chronic pain or at least were in serious pain when they were first prescribed these drugs and became addicted.
I'm in no way discrediting the impact opioids have had on people across the country. What I am saying is that not everyone prescribed them is an addict and restrictive laws have led to an even worse crisis. That is a fact.


I wish that instead of attacking all those with Horrific pain and take Opiates they should work harder at finding solutions/alternatives. Those suffering from Agonizing Chronic pain need pain meds to feel a bit a normalcy in their lives.


I have been on pain management for many years and take Percocet just so I can get out of bed and care for my young son. It doesn’t get me “high” and I haven’t gotten an increase or asked for more medicine in over 2 years because this dosage works for me. I have done every alternative treatment and medication available and nothing has worked. I still get questioned and looked down upon for being on these meds whenever I get them refilled. Yes, many many people abuse them but some people truly need them.


Thanks for talking about the pain meds problem. Some people HAVE to take them if alternatives dont work. Doctors don't seem to care about a patients with chronic pain anymore.


I hate those who abuse pain meds why don’t they keep to their other drugs and leave the prescribed stuff to those who need it most chronic pain suffers get accused to be drug seekers etc


Anybody reading this and are in agreement with these restrictions made for “The War On Opioids”, all I can say is I pray that “the Lord doesn’t humble you” or “Karma” doesn’t come to visit you (as they say$, ..because I wouldn’t wish chronic pain on my worse enemy!!! Pain is real people and it’s suffering beyond humanity.


I am in chronic pain so bad I can't live my life. I just wish I could get a low dose of Norco couple times of day to not suffer. I live in pure misery.


This is exactly what I’m going through. God bless this man for speaking out!! We need help!!!


the CONGRESS should NOT be in the doctor bussiness ! all doctors should go on strik until congress gets their hands OFF !


Can we sue the doctors that dump us? Isn’t it a breach of their oath.


I had radiation for eye cancer and the rads melted the myelin coating of my trigeminal ganglion inside my skull. I had 18 months of painful needle nerve blocks, then nerve avulsion then nerve ablation then a wire stim implant all done external cranium and finally brain surgery showed the melted nerves. My neurologist retired and my family doctor continued my pain control. I have letters from various specialists “never discontinue this successful stable pain control”. My family doctor is now retiring and about to drop me cold turkey. Inhumane and cruel. I suffer electrocutions and tapering agony that can throw me off my feet!! That pain will be back full blast if they deny my pain control. CPSO doesn’t care. This will force me into Assisted dying as last option to end this pain it’s torture. This is murder!! When a perfectly good medication can control my pain. What the crazies are doing out on the street has nothing to do with me. I never drank, never smoke, am not the addiction or abuse “type” . What is my crime ? Getting cancer at age 42 and needing pain control for A Typical trigeminal neuralgia.


So, this video is obviously supporting the CDC not the human being that's suffering, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, etc.! My family doctor, literally told me, with hardly any warning, that he's just referring me to a, "Pain Management Clinic", but before he kindly did, he cut all my pain medicine that worked perfectly, well as well as could be in HALF


I'm really disappointed in the system . I just found out my script is being reduced because of the fda mandate. I have pain that is manageable. I'm not an addict, I'm not a dealer I'm a pain patient. The government is overstepped their boundaries. This will really get worse as people will find a way to get them and those drugs are very dangerous.


Hey just a heads up I’m a physical therapist who deals mostly with veterans… I’ve seen people file lawsuits on gross negligence and malpractice - and win- against doctors who cut patients off cold turkey after years of pain treatment. It’s despicable and soulless, irresponsible and selfish for doctors to just throw patients away all of a sudden because they are “afraid” of CDC or DEA. It’s unacceptable and you always need to stand up to doctors doing the wrong thing
