10 Signs Your Cat is Sick And Needs Help (A Vet's Advice)

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0:00 Introduction
1:13 Hiding
1:48 Visible Third Eyelid
2:43 Not Jumping or Climbing
3:37 Sudden Pickiness
4:49 Suddenly Eating More
5:37 Unintended Weight Loss
7:01 Increased Drinking and Urination
7:40 Inappropriate Elimination
8:35 Greasy, Matted Hair Coat
9:44 Strange Behavior While Eating

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My cat died today I love her to bits protect them at all costs ❤❤


1) hiding
2) third eyelid
3) not being active (jump/stairs)
4) picky appetite
5) sudden increase in eating
6) weight loss
7) increased water intake and urination
8) poop/pee outside of box
9) matted coat
10) strange behavior while eating


If only all vets could communicate cat 's health problems so clearly. Sometimes, I feel ignored and stupid at the vet.


I can agree that cats do not show their pain no matter how severe. About a year ago my cat suddenly stopped eating started vomiting and hiding. I wasted no time bringing her to the vet. There she got the full package - blood test and an ultrasonic (mostly because my vet had a hunch). The ultrasonic revealed a severe infection of the pancreas (even I could spot that). She must have been in major pain for quite some time at this point. My vet told me a regular human would have jumped off a roof for being in such pain yet my little Mrs. tough-lady here didn't bat an eye. No crying, nothing. Luckily we could treat the infection completely and my cat is in very good condition ever since.


Problem is the vet charges $400 for senior panel and kidney test and then calls me 2 weeks later and says there's nothing wrong yet my cat is still using the litter Box 5 or 6 times an hour


This is extremely informative. As a life long cat person, I’m saddened by how much I didn’t know. Thank you!


The cost of going to a vet has gone through the roof. Who can afford to take their pet to a vet? It's heartless what vets are doing.


My cat is dying and i paid $600 at one visit. If I want further things done like biopsy or blood work that’s extra 800-1000k and to have her in patient care and get all help they quoted 4K to 8k . They said that he has lung tissue cancer or fungal infection in her lungs. Her breathing and behavior only changed few days ago and I got hit by this news. They told me to put her to sleep but this decision is so shocking I can’t make my decision. She is eating, walking and drinking water but she seems so sad and tired and she’s under 1 years old. My heart is broken. I have been crying non stop


I am still trying to cope with the loss of my baby... She got so so so sick... out of absolutely nowhere... She was so lethargic her whole life, right around her first birthday... Is when she got REALLY lethargic and I took her to the hospital immediately... Her body temperature was super low come to find out.. They had to give her a blood transfusion, but couldnt tell me what was going on with her!! I thought we were out of the woods, for a few days she was back to her quirky self! I thanked God and went on life as normal... 4 days after she came home... I went to feed her, she heard her food bag and jumped out of bed and came running as she always did... Until about half way to me... She stopped and laid down fast, and meowed this heart wrenching meow... I knew immediately something really, really bad was about to happen, I could feel it in my soul... I rushed her back to the doctor, and as we were waiting to be seen... I was holding her like a baby... she looked up at me... And this I will never forget... It haunts me still.. One of her pupils.... Like... Liquified...? For 2 or 3 seconds it look like her black pupil was like a runny egg floating around inside her eyeball... I lost my cool and started crying profusely... (I am an Army Vet btw... Male.. if this tells yall anything about how bad this was) I asked the vet what the HELL was that and she told me I must have been seeing things and not wo worry about it... She decided to keep her over night for "observation".... I pleadded with the vet to PLEASE PLEASE PLKEASE do everything they could.. I CAN NOT have kids so she was my everything... I loved and kissed her for an hour before we left.... as soon as we got in the car I had the worst break down Ive ever had I lost total control of myself... Because I was powerless to save my baby girl.. I got a call that next morning... She died in the middle of the night... Probably laying in a fucking cold ass kennel lonely and scared and I hate myself so much for leaving her...
Doc... What the hell happened to my baby??? :((


I know this video is old, but someone may need to know this. My cat was eating normally, but was losing weight rapidly. After every test imaginable and three different vet consulations I had no answer. My cat was slowly starving to death in front of my eyes.. After researching on the web, I discovered Exocrine Pancreatic Insuffiency. I asked my vet to test my cat for this (blood test) and she hesitated saying that it was rare in cats and most were ravenously hungry. I forced her to test my cat anyway. Guess what, my cat was not making any digestive enzymes at all! Now I put digestive enzymes in her food and she has gained all her weight back. So to everyone out there - EPI is not that rare in cats. Veterinarians just don't test enough for it. Cats are not always ravenous and may just eat normally when they have it. I hope this can save someone's cat.


Sad to say just lost a beloved furry friend to kidneys shutting down. My 1st sign was the waist loss. I feel I let him down by not picking up on it sooner. But as my Vet told me, “by the time U see a problem, it’s to late.” Cats hide pain so so well.
Many Blessings 🙏🇺🇸


Thank you for all the great info. I love my cat so much but the vet bill has almost bankrupted my family, now my cat is sick and I can only hope for the best.


Listen to her she’s very well informed my cat had cancer and he was eating like no tomarrow and drinking the water so bad and lost a load of weight I took him to the vet and he had a lump in his stomach I took him because he had a flu and coughing until they told me he had cancer I was heartbroken I love him so much treated him like a child not a cat so I am so sad at the moment please take ur cat if you see anything wrong with ur cat get him there my Devon was beautiful and now I am lost with him


I’m so glad I knew all of these and my cat was losing weight and eliminating outside the box so I took her to the vet and diagnosed her with kidney issues treated with renal food and with an overactive thyroid gland now managed with medication. She’s happy and loving but I watch her closely and keep her checked every three months.


Thank you. This is very helpful. I failed to get my Mokie to the vet during the pandemic and he developed large cell lymphoma. I lost him on New Years Eve. I will never forgive myself for not acting sooner. May he rest in peace.


Very helpful!! Thank you and it didn’t cost me money. I had my cats blood work done a few months ago and everything came back good. Great to know my 12 year old is in good health.


My kitten was suddenly picky - completely out of the blue. I took him to the vet and was told I was being too over-protective because his weight was fine… He is a long and lanky boy and looked like a hide stretched over a skeleton :( We moved and while we still don’t know the full story on all his health issues he has been diagnosed with asthma, allergies, and anxiety.
Don’t give up if you know something is off!!!


Even as a long time cat parent, it is very difficult at times to recognize the signs.


Thanks SO much for sharing this vlog, it's SO helpful!


Very helpful video. Thanks for taking the time to help us help our kitties!
