Dahomey Presentation

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This is the non-subtitled video of my Dahomey Amazons Presentation at Balticon 54 in 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the presentation had to be done online.

Citations for my presentation below.

Alpern, S. B. (2012). Amazons of Black sparta: The women Warriors of Dahomey. Place of publication not identified: C. Hurst &.
Chafer. (2002). The end of Empire in French West africa: France's SUCCESSFUL DECOLONIZATION? Oxford: Berg.
Coquery-Vidrovitch, C. (1962). Le blocus De whydah (1876-1877) et La RIVALITÉ FRANCO-ANGLAISE Au dahomey. Cahiers D’études Africaines, 2(7), 373-419. doi:10.3406/cea.1962.2985
The dahomey expedition. (1892). Scientific American, 34(877supp), 14020-14020. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican10221892-14020asupp
Encyclopedia of African colonial conflicts. (2017). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC.
Law, R. (1989). Slave-Raiders and MIDDLEMEN, monopolists and FREE-TRADERS: The supply of slaves for the Atlantic trade In DAHOMEY c. 1715–1850. The Journal of African History, 30(1), 45-68. doi:10.1017/s0021853700030875
Law, R. (1989). ‘My head belongs to the king’: On the political and ritual significance of decapitation in pre-colonial dahomey. The Journal of African History, 30(3), 399-415. doi:10.1017/s0021853700024452
Law. (1977). Royal monopoly and private enterprise in the ATLANTIC trade: The case of Dahomey. The Journal of African History, 18(4), 555-577. doi:10.1017/s0021853700015711
Law. (2017). Dahomey and the slave Trade: Reflections on the historiography of the rise of Dahomey. African Military History, 145-175. doi:10.4324/9781315263212-8
Manning. (n.d.). Export revenue from Dahomey, 1640s–1950s. Slavery, Colonialism and Economic Growth in Dahomey, 1640–1960, 331-334. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511563072.015
Manning. (n.d.). Money supply of colonial Dahomey. Slavery, Colonialism and Economic Growth in Dahomey, 1640–1960, 411-414. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511563072.022
Monroe, J. C. (2014). The precolonial state in West Africa building power in Dahomey. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Morton-Williams. (1993). A Yoruba WOMAN remembers servitude in a Palace Of Dahomey, in the reigns of KINGS glele and Behanzin. Africa, 63(1), 102-117. doi:10.2307/1161300
Obichere I. (1967). Britain, France and The Dahomey-Niger hinterland, 1885-1898.
Ross, D. (1985). Mid-nineteenth century DAHOMEY: Recent views vs. contemporary evidence. History in Africa, 12, 307-323. doi:10.2307/3171725
Stapleton J. (2013). A military history of Africa. the Precolonial PERIOD: From Ancient Egypt to the Zulu Kingdom: (EARLIEST times to CA. 1870).
Stapleton, T. J. (2013). A military history of Africa. the Colonial Period: From the scramble for Africa to the ALGERIAN INDEPENDECE WAR: (CA. 1870-1963).
Stapleton, T. J. (2013). A military history of Africa. the era of INDEPENDENCE: From the CONGO crisis to africa's world WAR: (ca. 1963- ).
TOLER, P. D. (2020). Women warriors: An unexpected history. S.l.: BEACON.
‘Legitimate’ trade and gender relations IN YORUBALAND and Dahomey. (n.d.). From Slave Trade to Legitimate Commerce, 195-214. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511523861.009
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If you need the sources here they are.

Alpern, S. B. (2012). Amazons of Black sparta: The women Warriors of Dahomey. Place of publication not identified: C. Hurst &.
Chafer. (2002). The end of Empire in French West africa: France's SUCCESSFUL DECOLONIZATION? Oxford: Berg.
Coquery-Vidrovitch, C. (1962). Le blocus De whydah (1876-1877) et La RIVALITÉ FRANCO-ANGLAISE Au dahomey. Cahiers D’études Africaines, 2(7), 373-419. doi:10.3406/cea.1962.2985
The dahomey expedition. (1892). Scientific American, 34(877supp), 14020-14020.
Encyclopedia of African colonial conflicts. (2017). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC.
Law, R. (1989). Slave-Raiders and MIDDLEMEN, monopolists and FREE-TRADERS: The supply of slaves for the Atlantic trade In DAHOMEY c. 1715–1850. The Journal of African History, 30(1), 45-68. doi:10.1017/s0021853700030875
Law, R. (1989). ‘My head belongs to the king’: On the political and ritual significance of decapitation in pre-colonial dahomey. The Journal of African History, 30(3), 399-415. doi:10.1017/s0021853700024452
Law. (1977). Royal monopoly and private enterprise in the ATLANTIC trade: The case of Dahomey. The Journal of African History, 18(4), 555-577. doi:10.1017/s0021853700015711
Law. (2017). Dahomey and the slave Trade: Reflections on the historiography of the rise of Dahomey. African Military History, 145-175. doi:10.4324/9781315263212-8
Manning. (n.d.). Export revenue from Dahomey, 1640s–1950s. Slavery, Colonialism and Economic Growth in Dahomey, 1640–1960, 331-334.
Manning. (n.d.). Money supply of colonial Dahomey. Slavery, Colonialism and Economic Growth in Dahomey, 1640–1960, 411-414.
Monroe, J. C. (2014). The precolonial state in West Africa building power in Dahomey. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Morton-Williams. (1993). A Yoruba WOMAN remembers servitude in a Palace Of Dahomey, in the reigns of KINGS glele and Behanzin. Africa, 63(1), 102-117. doi:10.2307/1161300
Obichere I. (1967). Britain, France and The Dahomey-Niger hinterland, 1885-1898.
Ross, D. (1985). Mid-nineteenth century DAHOMEY: Recent views vs. contemporary evidence. History in Africa, 12, 307-323. doi:10.2307/3171725
Stapleton J. (2013). A military history of Africa. the Precolonial PERIOD: From Ancient Egypt to the Zulu Kingdom: (EARLIEST times to CA. 1870).
Stapleton, T. J. (2013). A military history of Africa. the Colonial Period: From the scramble for Africa to the ALGERIAN INDEPENDECE WAR: (CA. 1870-1963).
Stapleton, T. J. (2013). A military history of Africa. the era of INDEPENDENCE: From the CONGO crisis to africa's world WAR: (ca. 1963- ).
TOLER, P. D. (2020). Women warriors: An unexpected history. S.l.: BEACON.
‘Legitimate’ trade and gender relations IN YORUBALAND and Dahomey. (n.d.). From Slave Trade to Legitimate Commerce, 195-214.


I am from Haiti and amazed to know about the Dahomey Kingdom.


also 30 inches, is very very short for a twohanded sword. that's roughly 76 cm. european early modern longswords had a common blade length of over 90 cm. with the hilt together, would be 110 to 130cm long. and much lighter
what you describe there, sir, isn't a sword, its a slab of steel.


One battle no mentioned.
The battle of Atakpame durring the time King Tegbesu.
Where the Mino brutally defeated the Ashanti warriors.


This really helped with my history project, thanks


didn't most or at least very many pre industrial society have more women than men? bc males have a higher death rate at any age than women? that beign exeggerated by men usualy working more often in very low class occupaton than women?


the Franco Prussian war shows that strategic planning and tactics matter more than rifleranges tho.
the main thing at which european armys excelled over non european armys was usualy discipline and unit cohesion


Ok now this claim is utterly ridicolous
30 pound swords? realy? are you talking about a videogame? that would be a 13.6 kg sword
even 13 pound sword would weigh unusable 5, 9 kg
that's a damn joke, nobody even tough giant guy, could effectively use such a weapon, and it would be half the weight of an average soldiers carrying capacity during march.
man, idc bout your credentials. but this is ridicolous. 2 handed swords du usualy weigh not more than 3 kg, or about 7 punds and that would already be on the point of quextionable practibility
most 2 handed swords, weighed between 1.4 and 1.8 kg, and then the true twohanded greatswords of early modern european armys weighed, between 1.8 and 2.8 kg
your claim is without any doubt impossible. and it draws into question a lot of your other statements.
yes subsaharans have less sexual dimorphism than europeans, and their females are more capable of fighting compared to their males than european females compared to european males.
but this is outright superhuman strength. maybe you just misread and it actualy ment 3 pounds that could be seen as reasonable weight.


actualy its quite a common thing that soldiers during action fail to notice wounds, sometimes even fatal ones. idk why you do not know that, but bc of shoc and adrenaline this happens occasionaly. might be higher for dahomey but not as exceptional as you make it.


Thanks for posting! This talk was one of my favorites.


can you pls list the sources here under the video?


This was fascinating. Thank you for your posting.
