Speed Estimation using Ultralytics YOLOv8 | Episode 31

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Unlock the power of speed estimation with Ultralytics YOLOv8! 🚀 In this episode, we delve into the world of computer vision to estimate the speed of vehicles using the state-of-the-art YOLOv8 model. Join us to discover how to implement this cutting-edge technology in your projects, from setting up the code to running real-time inference.

📊 Key Highlights:
0:00 - Introduction to Speed Estimation with Ultralytics YOLOv8
0:20 - Explore Ultralytics YOLOv8 Documentation
1:56 - Advantages of Speed Estimation
2:24 - Real-world Applications of Speed Estimation
2:27 - Dive into Speed Estimation Code Snippets
3:06 - Key Arguments for Speed Estimation Configuration
3:13 - Object Tracking Arguments
3:17 - Step-by-step Python Code Walkthrough for Implementation
4:20 - Video Files overview for Inference
4:56 - Witness Speed Estimation Inference in a Demo Showcase
7:08 - Comprehensive Summary of Speed Estimation using YOLOv8

In this video, you'll learn how to accurately measure the speed of objects in video frames with the help of pre-trained YOLOv8 models. We walk you through the entire process, from code setup to practical demonstrations, highlighting the precision and efficiency of YOLOv8 in real-world applications like traffic control and autonomous navigation.

Ready to harness the potential of speed estimation? Watch the demo and follow our step-by-step guide to integrate this AI technology into your projects. Don't forget to explore our comprehensive documentation and guides for additional insights and advanced configurations.

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Magicians of code! A thrilling episode! I can't help but wonder, in scenarios with low-light conditions or erratic object movements, how does YOLOv8 handle speed estimation intricacies? Is there a threshold where estimation accuracy drops ever so slightly into the realm of the whimsical?


Yo, this speed estimate gig with YOLOv8 sounds epic!! 🚀 But how does it handle objects overlapping in a live stream when calculating speed? Could that mess with accuracy or is there a slick way u guys tackle this?? 🤔 Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty!


Awesome breakdown of the speed estimation using YOLOv8! Quick question: how does it handle overlapping objects? Would it still give accurate speed readings or go bonkers like my GPS in a tunnel? Also, any tips for optimizing this in low light conditions?


I have done a program thet perform an anpr on a footage previously (along with storing all of thr car bbox, id and plate number to a file). Is there any way i can integrate my existing anpr rogram with this yolov8 speed estimation


Vocês acham que o YOLOv8 pode ser ajustado para detectar sneaky speedsters nas race tracks real-time? I'm all ears for advanced tweaks or models for extreme sports! 🎸


Nice video! i have a few questions:
1. What if i only want to detect object in certain ROI
2. What if i only want to detect a certain object class (ex: person)


Mad respect for integrating speed estimation with YOLOv8, but how does occlusion handling work in dense environments? I'm curious if you fine-tuned any particular hyperparameters for those tight-packed urban scenarios, or if a separate tracking model is required. `#MLmightyMouse` `#autobotsRollOut`


Great. How can do speed estimation with in and out counting using Ultralytics. Can you provide the code please.


I recorded a video from one of the traffic cameras that are available in the US on a freeway. For some reason the estimates are pretty off. Is this because the model in the video is trained on non US based facility or because the video has to have a specific angle? The one I have is over a straight segment 6 lane facility (3 lanes north and 3 lanes southbound). Thank you very much


when i run the code given on your page using the same demo video, the video playing speed goes down resulting in very low speed estimation like 2-3 KM/Hr


I'm trying to get the snippets of cars that cross a certain speed, how do i do that?
(I tried a few resources but all in vain, i'm getting overwhelmed and any help is appreciated)
Thank you so much for helping.


i need to add a SAM block in the neck of the yolov8 architecture, do i need to change the yolov8.yaml file containing the architecture path ? How to add the new block to the existing architecture?


It was Help full video Mr . when i run the code i get error which says No module found error for solution and track why is that happening i have already installed ultralytics


Does YOLOv8's speed estimation work well for unpredictable objects like animals or drones, or does it mainly excel with more predictable entities like cars and pedestrians?


hello, I Have done Vehicle Detection For the UAV Drone Dataset using Yolov8.I have 7 classes of Vehicles, and I want to Estimate the speed of each individual vehicle can you help me to get it .where I can contact you for discussing this


Thank you for this video. I have a question, It works good but how can I get a accurate speed estimation ?


can I know the exact formulate used to calculate the speed ?


How do I make it show both the speed and the object detection classes or names on the screen


How do i extract the detected speed annotation and id & save them to csv or text file


Please do the next video on deploying the custom model in andriod mobile. Thanks
