Global Debt Binge May Force QE + Inflation: Dr. Michael Howell

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#canadianeconomy #debt #inflation

Ongoing government debt requirements could mean the resumption of Quantitative Easing and the monetization of government debt – this according to Dr. Michael Howell of CrossBorder Capital.


CrossBorder Capital:

CrossBorder Capital:

Global debt is fast approaching record $300 trillion – IIF:

US Debt Clock:

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U.S. Dollar Index (DXY):

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Assets: Total Assets: Total Assets (Less Eliminations from Consolidation): Wednesday Level:

Britain targets the wealthy as it hikes taxes by $52 billion:

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0:00 - Introduction
01:12 – Global Debt Renewal Wave
03:32 – Capital Markets for Debt Refinancing
04:28 – 70 Trillion Per Year
05:15 – Debt-Liquidity Ratio - Financial Crises
06:50 – Liquidity Triggering GFC
09:56 – Dollarized China
11:20 – Dollar Strength
12:56 – Return of Quantitative Easing
15:02 – QE by Another Name
15:45 – Treasury Issuance
17:26 – Debt Monetization
18:24 - Trump Admin Tackling Debt
20:30 – Global Fiscal Pressures
21:34 –Debt Monetization - Inflation
23:46 – Fed Vulnerabilities

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This is why I want to do is divest my 70k portfolio to include digital currencies with potential for high growth and profit. I've read that is how people are making a lot of profit in the market now. Can you make a video on that?


Michael Howell is head and shoulders over most analysts, using facts and not just vague predictions. Great guest.


The canadian economy is literally hanging on a thread, i honestly prefer investing in US equities. Trump's victory and the recently concluded elections has propelled the markets positively, what a time to be alive. I anticipate positive growth in the markets for 2025, and I'm considering investing $220k in stocks for my retirement plan.


Yes, of course. The debt will require more debt.


Mark, your channel gets better and better everyday. Keep up the excellent work. The economic journalism Canadians need.


Debt Repayment will suck the life out of the economy moving forward increasing and contributing to stagflation


With the Tsy funding so much of the deficit at the short end - and given projections of ever increasing debt - when will the ratings agencies pipe up and downgrade the US long term credit rating? I think they are in deriliction of their duty to investors if they don't downgrade in 2025.


Governments do it every few years. Not very insightful.


You doing good Mark and I will keep clicking !


Wave of roll over = more money must be produced


Wow. You have actually brought the King to your channel. Love Micheal Howell.


Collapse of the debt market will destroy the stock markets and real estate markets. If indeed inflation goes higher…bond yields need to rise to attract buyers…..higher rates strengthens the U.S dollar and destroys all other currencies. This is deflationary if liquidity drys up. Defaults plus Debt = Depression!


The liquidity detective Dr Howell. Great guest. It's going to be good ! Thanks gents.


Great crossover, congrats ! Been listening to Howell for a while now, he's been bang on !


So you’re saying as long as I keep running up insurmountable debt I’ll be okay. Good to hear.


Bottomline is that debt wont be as readily available in 25 and 26 as it was in 20 and 21.
People who think they can walk into the bank and get whatever they ask for might be in for a shocker.
Lenders always get more stringent at this end of the cycle, especially if there is a lot of competition for debt from other markets.
The more the world changes, the more it stays the same.


2008 was triggered by northern rock bank. Behind this, northern rock was buying debt from Lehman brothers in the USA. Lehman was insured by AIG, so they loaned to sub prime by packaging a b and c debt into these bad loans. The loans were teaser and in many cases would double or triple after several months. The debt by both banks was so good because they used math to get the risk as low as possible on each instrument. When northern rock had the bank run, it stopped them from buying the bad debt from Lehman and thus their scheme collapsed. AIG who insured Lehman lost 20 billion overnight. Other banks stopped lending, no one really knew how much of this debt was in the system and what it was backing. So that had to be sorted out and the markets who need daily capital suffered. I do like the china element in that maybe they took more from northern rock and that was what caused them to not be able to cover the loans very interesting! Excellent Interview!!


You're killing it with the guests!


I didn't understand a good bit of this. How cooked is the world and us? Lol


Great video and such an amazing guest. You deserve so much more subcribers Mark!
