Global Debt Binge May Force QE + Inflation: Dr. Michael Howell

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#canadianeconomy #debt #inflation
Ongoing government debt requirements could mean the resumption of Quantitative Easing and the monetization of government debt – this according to Dr. Michael Howell of CrossBorder Capital.
CrossBorder Capital:
CrossBorder Capital:
Global debt is fast approaching record $300 trillion – IIF:
US Debt Clock:
Faking Their Way to a Perfect Olympics:
Beijing cleans up but air pollution remains:
U.S. Dollar Index (DXY):
The US Treasury’s Backdoor Stimulus Is Hampering the Fed:
Reserves of Depository Institutions: Total:
Assets: Total Assets: Total Assets (Less Eliminations from Consolidation): Wednesday Level:
Britain targets the wealthy as it hikes taxes by $52 billion:
Europe’s Defense Spending May Need to Nearly Double:
0:00 - Introduction
01:12 – Global Debt Renewal Wave
03:32 – Capital Markets for Debt Refinancing
04:28 – 70 Trillion Per Year
05:15 – Debt-Liquidity Ratio - Financial Crises
06:50 – Liquidity Triggering GFC
09:56 – Dollarized China
11:20 – Dollar Strength
12:56 – Return of Quantitative Easing
15:02 – QE by Another Name
15:45 – Treasury Issuance
17:26 – Debt Monetization
18:24 - Trump Admin Tackling Debt
20:30 – Global Fiscal Pressures
21:34 –Debt Monetization - Inflation
23:46 – Fed Vulnerabilities
Mark Mitchell – Mortgage Broker London Ontario
920 Commissioners road east
London, Ontario N5Z 3J1
Phone: (519)860-2102 (Call or Text)
Brokerage Lic: 10464
Broker Lic: M16001479
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Commentary on this Channel should not be considered financial advice.
Ongoing government debt requirements could mean the resumption of Quantitative Easing and the monetization of government debt – this according to Dr. Michael Howell of CrossBorder Capital.
CrossBorder Capital:
CrossBorder Capital:
Global debt is fast approaching record $300 trillion – IIF:
US Debt Clock:
Faking Their Way to a Perfect Olympics:
Beijing cleans up but air pollution remains:
U.S. Dollar Index (DXY):
The US Treasury’s Backdoor Stimulus Is Hampering the Fed:
Reserves of Depository Institutions: Total:
Assets: Total Assets: Total Assets (Less Eliminations from Consolidation): Wednesday Level:
Britain targets the wealthy as it hikes taxes by $52 billion:
Europe’s Defense Spending May Need to Nearly Double:
0:00 - Introduction
01:12 – Global Debt Renewal Wave
03:32 – Capital Markets for Debt Refinancing
04:28 – 70 Trillion Per Year
05:15 – Debt-Liquidity Ratio - Financial Crises
06:50 – Liquidity Triggering GFC
09:56 – Dollarized China
11:20 – Dollar Strength
12:56 – Return of Quantitative Easing
15:02 – QE by Another Name
15:45 – Treasury Issuance
17:26 – Debt Monetization
18:24 - Trump Admin Tackling Debt
20:30 – Global Fiscal Pressures
21:34 –Debt Monetization - Inflation
23:46 – Fed Vulnerabilities
Mark Mitchell – Mortgage Broker London Ontario
920 Commissioners road east
London, Ontario N5Z 3J1
Phone: (519)860-2102 (Call or Text)
Brokerage Lic: 10464
Broker Lic: M16001479
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Commentary on this Channel should not be considered financial advice.