Heartland Season 15 Trailer

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Heartland Season 15 will premiere on Sunday, October 17th at 7/7:30NT on CBC Television and streaming on CBC Gem!

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i started watching heartland when i was 13 or 14 and it's the kind of show you will get funny moments, heartbreaking moments, nostalgic moments, happy moments. Tomorrow i'm turning 22, thank you for all these years filled with great stories Heartland cast and crew!


This series has literally been my childhood, adolescence and adulthood. I've been with heartland since I was like 9 years old and now in 2 weeks I will be 21 y.o I've cried and laughed like never before... But Ty's death hurt me a lot cause I practically grew up with the characters and I really felt that loss. I cried in every episode of season 14, but I'm still very excited about season 15. I love heartland ❤️


I just finished season 14 and I had the hardest time watching after Ty died. It was so sad and I was heartbroken watching everybody mourn him. I'm excited to see what's in store for seasons to come.


When lindy said "No that's dada that's where he said he'd be it broke my heart ☹


WHY AM I CRYING AT A 2 MIN TRAILER?! UGH this season will make me cry as much as the rest of em!


I already know I'm going to cry. I started watching Heartland when l was 10 and l fell in love with it. I love how Amy and Ty made something so incredible and made us feel like we wanted to be there with them.


I started watching this show at the age of 12 or 13 here on YouTube after reading the books by Lauren Brooke. When the episodes weren't available in german anymore I continued watching them in english - understanding not even half of the dialogues. I have no doubt that this show is the reason why I never really struggled with the language.


Amazing! I can't believe we're at season 15. I remember getting excited with my mom for the very first season to start back in 2007, it was our favourite show. She passed away just before season 4 aired but I know she still watches it with me every season :-) Congratulations to everyone involved for creating this incredible and special series. Thanks for all the laughs and joy you brought to my mom and I over the years. Much love.


As much as I hate that TY dies. The show is still great. I cannot wait for the new season. Crying already.


So excited but sad at the sane time, i wish Ty was still in the show i am gonna cry in this season like Season 14 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Who agrees Heartland isn't the same without Ty. We Ty back


I never imagined this series without Ty. I mean I honestly thought that at the end of it, Jack some how dies and leaves Heartland behind to Amy and Ty and they continue on the Heartland legacy. I wish Ty didn't die but however this series ends I know it'll be beautiful and so incredible!!!!


Still crying over season 14. My heart is broken


this series makes me sob my heart out, i’ve never loved a show more. when Ty died in season 14 it broke my heart because that’s who i grew up with, i grew up with these characters. i’m so happy they have carried it on and proud of the cast and of his great they are. i cant wait <3


We binge-watched seasons 1-13 during lockdown. Love, love, love it!! I feel like the characters are part of our family! We can't wait for season 15!!


I grew up watching this show. I could barely understand English when I began watching the first season. It's one of my all time favorites 💖


Esta fue para mi una serie muy hermosa. Me ayudo a sobrellevar unos meses de mi vida muy dolorosos. El poquísimo tiempo que tenia libre lo usaba para ver la serie. El amor desde adolescente de amy y ty era lo mas relajante para mi. Me olvidaba de la situacion que yo estaba atravesando por eso me da tanta lastima que la serie termine sin el personaje de ty para mi el mejor. Todos los actores son muy buenos y trasmiten mucho. Hacen que uno se transporte y se meta a vivir la serie. Pero para mi ty era el mas dulce. Un amor que cualquier persona quisiera tener.


Without Ty, the hearthand collection loses all its charm. The producers had multiple options for restoring Ty's character, and they knew it. Ty, Amy and Jack are Hearthand's hearts. I have never seen such a pure and unforgettable story. The scenes are wonderful, and adults and children can watch it with peace of mind.
Ty and Amy, two young people who gradually conquered each other, faced countless obstacles and became a beautiful family. Hopefully this story continues and Ty, Amy & Lindy can build their dream home. That's why we want Ty to come back to follow their dreams, cherish and fulfill them, so that we can see this family happy and harmonious forever.


I feel like this season is gonna go back to having some big thrilling moments as the show used to during the first 5 seasons or so! I'm super excited about season 15!


I’m so upset losing Ty. What a beautiful love story. If Jack or Tim die I don’t think I can handle it. Yes I know they are actors but gosh I feel like their my family and friends.


This tv program is so special to me it's got me through so much emotionally taught me so much helped me. Looks like we're going to get some scary and emotional and happy moments all in one in this season.
