MICRO EXPRESSIONS in 4K - LIE TO ME Style Analysis - Micro Expressions Training like in Lie To Me

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Lie To Me is based on the science of reading Facial Expressions.
This video is an extract from our online Micro Expressions training.
Learn how to detect facial expressions like in Lie To Me on our Micro Expressions Practitioner courses:
Micro Expressions Training Videos is the world's most advanced training program with videos to learn to detect lies, using Micro Expressions. Facial expressions are very short muscle movements, and these facial cues are one of the most reliable signs of what somebody really feels. Micro Expressions are very useful for reading Body Language, detecting lies, negotiations and building more authentic relationships.
FULL MICRO EXPRESSIONS Analysis in 4K LIE TO ME Style - Micro Expressions Training as in Lie To Me
MICRO EXPRESSIONS in 4K - LIE TO ME Style Analysis - Micro Expressions Training like in Lie To Me
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