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I am an endgame player that owns almost everything in the game, l have been following your journey since July, seen your guides and learned a lot, now I am 3 hypers away from shift and thanks to you, I was motivated and admired your grind, thanks so much yuukl!


I agree with the Underwater Vault being the hardest. It only became stupidly hard because you can literally get the easiest bank bust just by swimming in water


Fun Fact: You Do Not Need The Flintlock To Cross The Gap In Corridor, If You Jump Into The Laser Pit You Can Jump Out With Any Size Of Avatar (I Think).


Awesome that you came back with another great video!


Damn ur good at grinding- keep up the great work and I’m gonna try ur tips to grind the hyper green better thx man



Criminal tip: Presidential vault is fairly easy to defend, just put c4 in the two edge spots that cops come from. Explode and kill as they use them. You can stack extra c4 by buying 10, dropping that stack.. buy 10 more, then pick the dropped stack back up. Having 20 c4 will almost guarantee no cop makes it to those safe spots without being ragdolled then killed after.

Cop tip: you can glide past the gap in the corridor vault. If the criminals don’t activate the middle platform, you can do this to get past.

Cop tip: how to counter the fire spam in the ‘office vault’: first, go through it ASAP while eating donut as soon as you reach 65% hp. Next, place force field so they can only shoot you with either rockets (less accurate, probably used most up on making the fire you just got past) or the plasma pistol (harder to get value from). Once you either healed the last 10% hp or they have switched their weapons off of better guns to the ones that can counter bubble, fire a tase at one and use speed soda can. The soda will catch them off guard, especially if they are holding rocket or plasma. Then all you need to do is jump over a couple lasers, you will likely survive because of the disorientation they may be under. You tased one, and made the others switch to low dps guns (if they switched to rocket, that means they have a short time where they can’t use anything else)

Criminal tip: Defend on staircase at the sky vault. You can use c4 and a wide assortments of guns to never give cops a window to ascend, and if they do you have c4 ready to essentially win.

Criminal tip: if you know a cop is getting past you and will get into the vault.. say with gas drink or glider, try to die from lasers to avoid prison.

Cop tip: Basement vault is easy to arrest, you can get past c4 by using glider at the top of the staircase and gliding all the way down. Once down, bubble if you need, donut if you need, tase for sure then use speed drink to enter vault for a bust

Criminal tip: in ‘the mint’, never go to the far sides. You need to be either close to the hallway, or close to the hallway’s path to the vault. You may think ‘if I’m far away they can’t tase and arrest me’ but the many pillars in the way will lower your TTK (time to kill) before they get into the vault because the pillars will protect them.

Cop tip: on ‘the mint’, sometimes if brute forcing with donut, bubble, speed drink, and glider isn’t enough.. travel along the outside to the vault. If there are criminals there, brute forcing should work. If not, then traveling on the far wall of the space will be a longer trip but you’ll put many pillars infront of them.. and be able to even get protected bubble spots to heal up and prepare for a charge in.

Overall criminal tip: c4 is better to use than rocket launchers when cops are actively charging in. Stunning them is often the win condition, and it can ragdoll them into lasers for instant kills often. Rockets should only be used if you want a fire, the ‘can’t use any weapons after firing a rocket’ can lead to being unable to defend yoursrlf. C4 has no such disadvantage, which I believe is why you should prioritize it over using rockets.

Overall cop tip: if you know timings, baiting out weapons, and tasing.. as well as jumping lasers while in speed boost, you should be able to bust any vault with just 5 equipment. I recommend buying an apartment every server you join, and putting atleast glider + bubble gun in the gear slots. I buy the 5k apartment in the middle of city for best results overall in gameplay, especially with bank. You have quick return time if you’re killed. You will respawn with the 5 equipment you need to bust any vault (except presidential because that one is heavily in crim favor with c4 existing. The 5 equipment is:
-Gas drink (vending machine apartment)
-Donut (vending machine apartment)
-bubble gun (apartment gun rack, set up prior)
-glider (apartment gun rack, set up prior)
-taser (always have)

As said before, there is a rhythm. Donut for additional ≈45 hp if being shot. Taser right before you charge. Bubble to prep for charge, and bait out worse weapons for countering charge. Gas drink for charge, get in vault fast. Glider as secondary for charge, get in vault fast.

Lmk if these tips help. The tips are skewed to cop team simply because realistically cops will win most of the time if they know these tricks and use them well. Until vaults are rebalanced to *all* have better crim advantage like presidential vault or staircase vault (sky), cops will have a huge advantage. Good luck out there!


I always love how this man gets right into it unlike other people that make content on jb. He is also the most chill


Hey great video but could you do one on the fastest way to beat casino?


This is how I get 5 hyper

Step 1:understand that I will never be able to get it.


for the underwater vault I suggest that you open the vault but go on the other side of the pool so that when cops come inside the bank you can shoot them from the other side with the pistol or revolver


am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 2:04. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 3:56 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece, I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul, and I don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state, I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on, gotta move on, as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational, it shares it vast wisdom with all of us, and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any piece of bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of bacon I have ever seen especially on 12:42.I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was at 3:56. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 5:47 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece, I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. Tt absolutely moved my soul, and i don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state, I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on, gotta move on, as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational, it shares it vast wisdom with all of us, and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The rat, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such of a rat do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the rat spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a bacon I have ever seen especially on 11:17 I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 2:04. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. The work put in to this is incredibly inspiring. The graphics, the animation, the music, so much thought was put into it. This has remined me that you can do anything you put your mind to. Not even mentioning the memories, this makes me feel like an infant again, just laying my eyes on this beautiful masterpiece gives me all the good feelings in life. I also understand what happiness is again from this. Not even to mention the most incredible part that is 2:10. Bacon spinning has changed my life for the better. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece, I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul, and I don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state, I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. So much great graphic design, so much suspense, so much greatness in this one video. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on, gotta move on, as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational, it shares it vast wisdom with all of us, and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any bacon I have ever watched.Thank you


c4 the wall before the ramp to the vault on underwater and hide in the ladder area, it makes it super easy


I agree with bank being the hardest robbery, i see people rob tomb more than bank


I love how nobody was surprised and and someone say peacefully that there's no cops in a jailbreak server when you get the LEVEL 5 HYPERCHROME XD


Small servers carry the bank for me, I think it’s really easy because I don’t have to spam rockets and worry about getting busted, there are almost zero cops on small servers or one that’s out to get the highest bounty that will leave after that


Idk how I’ve managed to have such bad luck. Till this very day I still didn’t get my first hyperchrome color from a robbery


Also grind in a full server. If it is a small server than chances for hyperchrome are MUCH lower. Use the defense tricks in full servers


2:15 XD!

Edit: I liked my own Comment 💀💀


if you have a good device id recommend doing underwater bc u can see thru the water


Yuukl are you gonna do a livestream/grind tomorrow?
