A Misconception in 'The Big Misconception About Electricity' Published at Veritasium Channel

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This video is an initial reply to "The Big Misconception About Electricity" published at
by Veritasium channel. The point is that the wave (field) propagation IS affected by the transmission line and that the propagation time depends on its length. I am sorry that yellow and blue traces on the oscilloscope are hard to distinguish, if there is interest I'll try to provide a better recording. Also, it is worth to see related articles
Finally, let me state that the idea that field carries energy, not wires, is correct. I would also like to state that I appreciate Veritasium channel a lot, and this issue does not change the fact that Veritasium is a great channel I strongly recommend. So, Derek, keep up with the good work, I enjoy it!
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Thank you - a clear demonstration of what is happening.


Although I like the fact that you are showing the experiment with shielded coaxial cables, you are are changing the design of the experiment to literally block the electromagnetic field from affecting the "light" in the circuit, so of course you are not going to see a 3.33ns pulse.
The actual problem with the Veritasium video is that he is making the claim that the light turns on in ~3.33 ns when in fact, at best it only receives a very small fractional amount of the voltage and current needed to make the light "on". Veritasium knows this and commented to ElectroBOOM channel that his light was very dim and only reached 2 volts. These effects were related to Transmission Theory.
So, of course, if you "shield" the cables, then Transmission Theory effects will be very very small.
Nevertheless, I think it is pretty cool to see how shielded cable affects the experiment.
Thanks for making the video.


Very good demonstration. Another thing which Veritasium supposed is that the light bulb would turn on instantly once a current is present, (let's assume non-shielded cables) in this case once the switch closes the source only sees the characteristic impedance of the line and would couple enough energy to turn on the lightbulb after 1/c seconds (it would see the characteristic impedance of the line in the beginning), this is an extreme oversimplification and very misleading. He also doesn't take into account that even in non-shielded cables the field is still mostly present around the wires considering how rapidly the fields decay with distance.


A more complete story, analytical approach, presentation
Maybe, I'll make a video around that presentation, with some comments, if I make some time.


Electricity and the magnetic ‘field ‘ are simply manifestations of expansion electrons crossing over from subatomic realm to atomic realm. DC produces a magnetic field: such field will never light up a bulb. As electrons expand at @c the completion of the circuit will be 2 seconds under Veritasium ideal conditions. As stated the actual wire length is probably less than 200 feet: of course the bulb lights ‘instantly ‘. Surplus electrons- high pressure ‘negative ‘- flow to deficit electrons- low pressure ‘positive ‘ terminal. DC produces an electric ‘field ‘ only near/at bulb, not along the wire. Mostly misdirection on Veritasium’s part. “The Final Theory: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy “, Mark McCutcheon for the physics.
