The 20 Most FRUSTRATING Video Game Levels

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These video game levels bring immense frustration more than any others. For this list, we’ll be looking at stages from games that bring an unfair level of difficulty or tedium. We won’t be including levels from bad games, since the whole experience is frustrating, or levels that only consist of a boss fight. Our countdown of the most frustrating video game levels includes Blighttown from “Dark Souls” (2011), The Great Bay Temple from “The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask” (2000), Farewell from “Celeste” (2018), The Library from “Halo: Combat Evolved” (2001), and more! Which of these levels made you want to scream in anger? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Which of these levels made you want to scream in anger? Share your thoughts in the comments.


The Crash Bandicoot bridge stages not making it is criminal


The bots come back after I report them. WHY CAN'T I REPORT THEM JUST FOR BEING A BOT?!


I love the Great Bay Temple. I found the Snowhead temple far more frustrating in Majora's Mask.


i love the ashley section in RE4. It's only a few minutes long if you know what you're doing. Dodging the armour qte's isnt great but the slide puzzle might be my favourite in the game. Solving it the first time and having the armour chase you was terrifying.


Kid Chameleon's "The Final Marathon" is one of the most frustrating levels in video game history in one of the hardest games in video game history.


The Driver tutorial comes up a lot. I had trouble with it too as a kid, but every mission has a dev replay you can watch. This shows you the best way to check off all the tasks. It was pretty easy after that.


Ashley? Really? Hardly frustrating. If anything, I found it a bit tense, at least the first part. You get so used to being able to shoot enemies and shake them off if you get grabbed. Now you don't have that and you only have so many lanterns, and if you're not strategic, you'll miss.


Fun fact: Through the Fire and Flames cheats. At least some of the riffs you play are actually keyboard parts. Even without them, though, Herman Li is a shredding machine only Asia can produce.


Watchmojo: top 20 frustrating video game levels.
Me: and yet Rusty Bucket Bay from Banjo and Kazooi is not on this list.
The water is polluted so you’ll drown even if Banjo’s head is above water, there are hidden rooms on the ship that blend well with the rest of the ship so you’ll end up attacking every window or wall, and the dreaded Engine Room.


3:28 this stage had a lot of sibling fights and broke tons of friendships.


19. I personally have a bigger bone to pick with The Gutter from Dark Souls 2. This is what happens when you combine the maze-like structure of Upper Blighttown with the pitch-black darkness of the Tomb of the Giants. It's way too easy to get lost without lighting all the torches or without a guide.
14. I only know of slaloms via Nintendogs.
1. It gets worse, in level 11, The Clinger Winger, there's a glitch where player 2 can't move at all. Meaning you have to get a game over and let player 1 continue, ALONE. Thankfully this was fixed in Rare Replay.


Dishonorable Mentions:
*Eggmanland - Sonic Unleashed
-This is not only the longest level in the series, it's also among the hardest.
*Temple of the Ocean King - The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
-Even the worst dungeons in Zelda have one mitigating factor: You only have to do them once (twice at most). The Temple of the Ocean King from Phantom Hourglass meanwhile requires you to clear it 5-6 TIMES EVERY PLAYTHROUGH! Talk about a way to overstay your welcome.
But that's just the tip of the iceberg. The place is designed to suck the life out of you, meaning you're on a time limit (which is upgradeable via the Phantom Hourglass), the puzzles reset every time you leave, there are arbitrary stealth segments with insta-kill enemies, the dungeon fuses a bunch of smaller problems into a chimera of tedium and frustration.
*The Gutter - Dark Souls 2
-While The Frigid Outskirts in the Ivory King DLC deserves a mention, I have a bigger bone to pick with The Gutter. This is what happens when you combine the maze-like structure of Upper Blighttown with the pitch-black darkness of the Tomb of the Giants. It's way too easy to get lost without lighting all the torches or without a guide.
*Cortex Castle - Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time
-While ALL the levels in the final world are hard, getting the flashback tape in this level is going to give you an aneurysm.


Many of the dungeons in Phantasy Star II are nightmares to navigate, especially on account of their labyrinthine design and the game's high random encounter rate. The most infamous example is probably Ikuto, which has a series of pits you need to drop through on each floor, and you'll only discover the correct pits to take through a ton of trial and error.


The "I just can't wait to be king" level in "The Lion King" was hard for me, too, when I was little.


To be honest here I recently played resident evil 4 for the first time and doing ashelys level wasn't that bad for me I just kept dodging them until they were far away to do those cranks and I didn't even know u could even use things to harm them that would have been helpful to know instead of running around like an idiot


Call of duty 4 modern warfare had 3 levels which made me rip my balls out while playing on veteran. One is the level where the jets bombard and u have to extract out of the farmhouse in 2 mins 30 seconds flat, the 2nd one is the follow up mission to all ghillied up where u literally take on a million enemies with a country full supply of grenades to survive 8 whole minutes and finally the epilogue plane mission. God damn did I hated the epilogue mission. It's impossible unless u input precisely down to the millisecond.


There is only one way to describe “That Damn Level!”


Some of these games are the reason i suffer with mental health, traumatized me for life!😢😅


Frustrating and challenging are not the same thing. GIT GUD
