4 Day PMP Boot Camp Project Management Certification - PM Higher Learning

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Project Management Certification Training Courses
If you are interested in obtain your project management certificate then you should consider our PMP Boot Camp. All of our PMP Boot Camps are taught from a project management professional who has passed the PMP exam. We offer four different ways to earn your project management certification hours which is required to take the project management professional exam.
In-Person PMP Boot Camp
Our in house-person PMP Boot Camp prepares you for the project management exam so you can pass the PMP exam on the 5th day. During the in-person class the instructor who is a certified as a PMP professional will guide you through the 10 framework areas, help you fill out the PMI application, ask you PMP questions and at the end take a PMP exam simulator. The in-house PMP Boot Camp is a 4 day intense training session that will best prepare you for the project management exam and earning your project management certificate. We have a 98% pass rate on our PMP Boot camps so you will be on your way to earning the project management certification.
 98% pass rate with our PMP class boot camp
 Over 600 Project Management questions and 400 page book to help you pass the Project Management Professional exam on the 1st try
 Material is relevant and instructors provide real life scenarios to learn the class material
 Class is a fully interactive experience that you will learn from an instructor as well from class learning discussions
 One on one help filling out the PMP® application
 35 pdu contact hours to sit for the Project Management Professional exam
 600 questions that are the closest thing to the project management exam
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