Michael Behe: A Mousetrap for Darwin

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Biochemist Michael Behe, author of Darwin's Black Box, Darwin Devolves, and other books, discusses his new book A Mousetrap for Darwin: Michael J. Behe Answers His Critics with John West, Associate Director of the Center for Science and Culture, and fields questions from an international audience.

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Just recently, someone found a stainless steel monolith in the middle of nowhere in the Utah desert. No one thinks it is a natural outcropping. It is a perfect example of identifying design.


It's funny that I look in nature and I can see design everywhere and then on the other hand I have friends who looking nature and just see nature I don't understand that


I was born in 1948. Despite Darwinism, I have never believed that evolution is true. It has always seemed absurd to me. As I consider the world and the universe, my common sense yields to the Creator.


IMO, the interview is not the best vehicle for Dr. Behe to respond to critics, though he does a good job of it here. He seems much more comfortable and compelling when making a presentation such as seen on "The Complexity of Life (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Ep. 2)." In any case, thank you for your work Dr. Behe!


A great comment from Dr Behe, Darwinism is sociology not science.


The greatest example of irreducible complexity is DNA/RNA replication of sequential information.


We Love You Mical Behe and your Efforts .


I enjoyed reading Darwin's Black Box. I heard Behe in person years ago at George Mason University. I recall him saying his move to ID was not based on what he didn't know but what he knew. Excellent.


This topic is so compeling, thank you for your work, courage and honesty! If only more of our colleagues would dare to see the arguments in front of them...


This is an excellent book! Well worth reading, even for seasoned participants in the debate who may think we've already read everything on the topic. Thanks for taking time to put together this webinar to share more about this book and the important topics Dr. Behe covers in his responses to critics.


I hope that Mr. Behe is continually blessed, can spread his knowledge and gifts to whomever can hold onto it, and will own his crown of salvation forever. <3


Good science shows truth! Thank you Michael Behe for searching for the truth which will last forvever. Hopefully this will be the begining of a new paradigm.


I'm just a guy who had been curious on subjects such as Evolution, Creation science, to support my belief or to challenge it. The implication of the intelligent design is something greater than these awesome studies that there is a designer who is capable of creating the irreducible complex from a blank page, that the designer has a purpose of every details of our being, that we have a irreducible purpose, if I may.


“Reality cannot be circumscribed by rules invented by people.” Exactly!


I like Micheal Behe! No joke. I really do! Apart from the obvious fact that he is smarter than the average bear. He has other good qualities like the courage to rock the boat of neo- Darwinian. Another thing I like is that he smiles a lot and he has a happy disposition. He is courteous even to his opponents. I like Mike and I present him as an prime example of the kind of person that a Christian should be. Finally, Micheal Behe knows what it means to have faith.


I finished reading the Darwin black box by Dr. Behe. The book details Darwin’s contradictions in his theory of evolution which is a materialist view of the world. Great book.


With the last question, if we saw cells producing modular parts that could be and are used in multiple applications, that would be an indicator of design. When we do something like repurposing a tool, for example using a screwdriver as a lever similar to a crow bar, that's not independent design, thigh it does show a type of intelligence. As a side note, I'd like to add that it's easier to take something apart and repurpose the parts you get from ding do than it is to take parts not intentionally ment to go together and build them into some sort of functional thing. When you take a part from something and repurpose it, it's functionality is almost always several orders more crude than what it was originally part of, and when you actually manage to make something functional from stuff that wasn't intentionally designed to go together, that thing is almost always very crude and very inefficient. Often inventors do such things when coming up with an idea, but once they have a working prototype they then put some serious design effort in, and try to come up with ways of designing and creating a much more useful version by getting custom parts crafted for it to work as best it can. That's not something Darwinian evolution can manage.


Keep up the good work! I think ID will be much more appreciated over the next 20 years.


It seems that in today’s world if you want to go against the grain in most subjects you almost have to be financially independent. Not just Evolution but the virus as well and man made global warming and well, many subjects including modern day justice warriorship .. To go against most things in this world may mean the sack from your job... Tough times for people who try to actually think....


As a Christian I met many Profs in college that essentially called me a “heretic” because I asked questions about Darwin and other philosophical/religions positions we were supposed to accept. For example, there is a lot of research indicating that prayer, even at a distance, actually has a positive impact on the sick person. One of my psychology profs said, “You Christians talk about prayers and the supernatural but it is just ‘Mind over matter’”. However, we were studying all the psychological theories promoting their attempts to change the minds of depressed and anxious people. I replied to one of my teachers; “If Psychologists could take what we believe and sell it they would do it in a millisecond.”
