Static Code Analysis - Best Practices

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Static Code Analysis Best Practices
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As someone wanting to transition from a rapid-prototype environment where CI/CD* tools are used, to a formal DO-178C environment.. would love to see an end to end example of a project that implements all the DO-178C guidelines for a Design Assurance Level A project (or LM says SEAL Level 1 or Boeing XXX, etc).

For example, what are the typical outputs/documents required.. what are the typical software tools that are a must-have in the various stages of the software life cycle.. noting the difference between checking style and finding bugs:

Requirement Management - DOORS, Jama
Static Source Code Analysis - Parasoft, PolySpace, CodeSonar, horusec, sonar cloud, veracode PREFast
Dynamic Analysis - VectorCAST, RapiTest
Configuration Management - Git, SourceSafe
QA - Helix ALM
V&V - VectorCAST, LDRA Testbed

What is the general attitude towards open source software (ex. FreeRTOS) and code-generation tools (ST's Cube MX).

How do CPLD and FPGAs fit in to the picture.. since not exactly software, but they are programmable devices written in a HDL.

*CI - Continuous Integration / CD - Continuous Delivery/Deployment : Travis CI, Bugzilla, Jira, jenkinsio, GitLab


Hello Ranga, What do you mean by design decisions and architecture decisions? Please define


If i change the playback to 0.5 it is almost 28 minutes.
