DIY Self-Watering Raised Planter Bed (Sub-irrigation system)

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See how I built this Modern self-watering raised garden bed with a built-in sub-irrigation system step-by-step. It is perfect for small backyards and balconies because you don't have to run a drip line through! Or if you just don't want to remember to water every day :)
I am collaborating with my friend Angela @AngelaMarieMade to bring you spring projects.

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Materials (affiliate links)
Stain in the colors of your choice. I like to use exterior-grade deck stain
Landscape fabric
Vermiculite + Peat moss mixture. I mixed them in a 2:1 ratio

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You have by far the best video showing and explaining how to do this procedure.


Great project! I might recommend covering all four drainage tubes with landscape fabric prior to filling with soil so that the drainage holes do not get clogged with soil as the water moves back and forth.


Great build and I love that you got your kids to help! At first I thought they were employees from a gardening center because their shirts almost match 😀


I’ve seen similar builds. I’d suggest sealing the liner perforation with silicone to stop the leak. Just dig out that corner to repair. You could also use silicone or hot glue to seal the inlet so it stays in place. I bet the completed planter is very heavy. I’m building a similar one using cedar fence boards.


Love the looks of the planter; what a great idea.

On the leak situation, I wonder if it would have been better if you added on the side at the lowest point from inside and then add a few holes to the liner all the around, a few inches above the reservoir. That way the excess water would seep out from the planting medium once the reservoir is full. An extra layer of the liner might be required, up to a a few inches above the holes in the inside liner, to protect the wood.


Step 1 hock a diamond ring for the lumber costs!


Just an idea, You could add casters on the bottom of this raised bed so you can roll it anywhere.


I read your step x step but I'm still not understanding why the corrugated perf-pipe has to be cut in to strips or how that helps? Why wouldn't it be one continuous pipe snaked in the bottom so the water would be in all of the pipes? As it is it would see the water out-flows the inlet pipe and then collects or runs across the bottom to the drain side and out... how do you get water into the other pipes at any rate to help? I'm interested in a follow up to see how successful this is and how long it lasted between fill ups (and how much water constituted a fill up) thanks for the video, +1 on the likes.


I like it, expressly the use o vericulite clean, and retaining water and nutrients GREAT...THANKS YOU GUYS


Beautifully done! I will use your model to build my own. Thank you so much! I'm trying to grow food, plants, etc. For those who may not be able to buy the lumber, i use palettes (good condition) for projects. It's a little difficult to disassemble, but the wood is free.


This planter is awesome! I love the self watering feature, I always forget to water my flowers! Such a great idea! Thank you for collaborating with me on these fun spring builds!!


Wow, I'm so impressed. I love the planter and would like to try making this myself without the self-watering feature (I'm pretty good at watering my plants daily).


I must be missing
something here.
The pipes aren't
interconnected at all.
Your input side will
be soaked, and the
other side dry.


Sorry if this is a dumb question. How does the water get into the other black plastic perforated pipes if the pvc pipe goes into only 1?


Awesome thanks God bless you and your family well done
..Bottom line


I like the planter being deep as i think i could grow watermelon in that thing


I am in the middle of building a planter and your terrific video has given me the motivation to make it self watering. The one thing that confuses me is how the water goes from the inlet to the other end without the pipes being connected…? Very much appreciate your time 🙏🏾


Great idea planning on doing it for my herb garden. I just thought maybe you didn’t need to cut the pipe, just fold it instead so you don’t have to deal with possible leaks and this way the water will have one continuous source and drain


love this idea!!!! cause i forget a lot!!!


Shouldn’t the drain hole be higher than the pipe diameter for it to hold water in the pipe?
